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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. It's currently 9F here tonight, and falling. Wind chill is just that... damn chilly. I have to chuckle because the news made some statement earlier this evening about people needing to stay indoors, because these "dangerous" cold temperatures could freeze your lungs. True, I suppose, to a degree, although skiing in such temperatures (low teens and single digits) all day long never froze me any (save hands and feet and nose).
  2. Try hard not to laugh, true story..... Female relative; Driving south from NJ to Gulf Shores Alabama, makes two (2) complete laps around Washington DC on I495, and then followed that feat with two (2) complete laps around Atlanta Georgia on I285.
  3. Considering today's young people, that is a phenomenal feat and worthy of a medal.
  4. You're just realizing this now??? Who's fooling who? Silly birds, eh?! See those white spots on the guy's hood?... that's not snow.
  5. That works, although we didn't have Sergeants... we had Chiefs. And if Lieutenants weren't bad enough, we had LTJG's (Lieutenant Junior Grade)... the profanity rules here prevent me from describing their purpose and function and usefulness in life, use your imagination.
  6. Having served, I can relate. Also, "If it doesn't move, paint it. It it does move, salute it."
  7. And that's the only time we are or ever will be.
  8. No... it wasn't a space rock hitting the moon..... the Chinese probe technician found the switch to turn those plant lights and heaters on.
  9. Go back and re-read the thread and my original comment. I stand by my statement. I too am done here.
  10. Likewise, family. Same group went to Haiti after the earthquake (two different times), and PR after the hurricane. I must say, volunteers are very special people.
  11. I'll say it again... " The explanation of why is 'Rayleigh scattering', not 'passing through polluted atmosphere' " From the Wiki link you've posted I don't see anything about pollution in there. The answer to the question is 'Rayleigh', not 'pollution'.
  12. EXIF is good, but I use EXIV2 ... it's especially handy for bulk image file renaming when one wants all the files in a directory named as 'date.time' when taken. My digital camera was a real pain in that all the images were 'image01 image02 image03 etc', and the option was to reset the counter after each upload or let the numbering run up. Pain in the butt. This makes far more sense, and makes for easier handling (for me anyway).
  13. The amount of effect pollution plays here is nearly of no consequence, and really isn't even a factor in the explanation of 'why'. The explanation of why is 'Rayleigh scattering', not 'passing through polluted atmosphere' ... unless of course you've got an agenda, which of course .......... Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.
  14. Two words my friend: College Football I'd look to that cat.
  15. I can't believe!, that I just now heard on the news an announcer (out in CA) explaining how the moon was red because of the Sun's light passing through the Earth's "polluted atmosphere". Nevermind clueless; Hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.
  16. Nice pictures @XB-70A, that's exactly what I saw... nice red moon. Damned cold though.
  17. I thought the best medical show was a good few years back when the Ebola outbreak occurred in the US (which, interestingly, a year prior to, the CDC announced they'd be 'testing' an Ebola vaccine in the coming year ... coincidence? yea, sure), and national tv news was showing one of the doctors / technicians doffing their gloves after handling Ebola contaminated equipment and patients - all the wrong way, effectively contaminating their hands. I actually spit my coffee up on that one. Scrubs was funny, for a little while anyway, and then it got stupid. Eventually, the janitor stole the show.
  18. Tis a wise thing to do (getting rid of them), as the more they push the more problems elsewhere they cause... especially if they're causing other teeth to move.
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