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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Normally I would be thinking dust or static discharges, but in your case maybe not. Still, check it out... is the fan(s) running? Do you see a dust issue? Have you looked at any of the logs yet? Open a root terminal... Start with: 'cat /var/log/messages' (you might need to use 'cat /var/log/syslog' because Ubuntu/Debian) If whatever caused the freeze generated a trappable error, it should show as the last line there. You can also look at the boot log, but your system successfully booted (look anyway): 'cat /var/log/boot.log' You can also look at kernel-related potentials here: 'cat /var/log/kern.log' and 'cat /var/log/dmesg' Does anything obvious stand out in the logs? Error messages or 'warnings'?
  2. I'm not here to persuade your beliefs. If you object, so be it. What I see and read of art, science, and math, tells me different. As for the paintings @tater has posted... what can I say? There's no accounting for taste..... or for some people's math.
  3. Yes, one of them would do just fine. There are others as well around this world. As for flat-Earthers?... to convince just one of them would turn the rest of the lot against him... the only solution is to send all of them.......... and leave them out there.
  4. I have a smart phone, but I've dumbed it down to a blithering idiot.
  5. This smells to me of outdated or incorrect drivers. Linux is usually all-inclusive, to an extent, but sometimes you need to give it direction to the proper (older) driver. I've had to do this in the past, it's kind of required for older machines. If you decide to try the upgrade again, first make note of the driver being used in this current working version - and then check again after the upgrade. See if the same driver is used. Use the "lshw" command to show this stuff.
  6. ...which is just as bad as, if not worse than, Facebook.
  7. And as far as picking people to go on this ride, how about choosing six people from around the world from the most non-advanced, uncivilized, remotest populations that exist?
  8. This has been discussed everywhere, for ages, and is pretty much common knowledge at this point - or so I would think. http://www.ams.org/publicoutreach/feature-column/fcarc-art1 And from that article, "April is Mathematics Awareness Month, and this year's theme is Mathematics and Art.", KSP being what it is, someone could take that and run with it. https://www.theguardian.com/science/alexs-adventures-in-numberland/2015/dec/02/why-the-history-of-maths-is-also-the-history-of-art And of course (last on the list), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics_and_art Let's throw this in as well... https://www.ted.com/topics/science+and+art
  9. There's plenty of discussion and drawn conclusion on that across the web and throughout history... so we'll leave it at that. I'll definitely agree with this however...
  10. I'm compelled to throw this in here real quick; Years ago I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in NYC with a friend... the one with the spiral walkway - or maybe that's the Guggenheim? Anyway... We walked through the entire facility, it took all day. There wasn't one single piece of art I saw that I would consider 'art', save one; A painting (huge wall mural) entitled "Peekaboo"... if I recall correctly. It was up on the top floor (would have saved me a lot of walking had it been on the first), and I first saw it from down the end of a long hallway. It was a tree, at first; But as you walked up to it, you began to see faces, and faces within faces. Every last little bit of the tree, bark, leaves, twigs, etc, were all images of tiny curled up fetuses. Art, period, is subjective to the viewer, and likewise creator ... although the creator will likely argue it objective. There would be no art without math and science. The idea of mankind living and working out in space is nothing new. Neither Bezos or Musk are great visionaries in that respect; If anything, they're the children, or grandchildren of those visionaries.
  11. Yes, synaptic can be used. If you run into problems installing it (which you shouldn't), there is plenty of help online (latest release of synaptic and ubuntu). Synaptic will clearly define any dependency issues, and show exactly what packages you've got installed... making uninstalls/deletion a breeze. Thinking about it, I'm pretty sure you've already got synaptic installed, and gdebi as well. Two things you should look to become familiar with.
  12. BFR sounds a lot like a BFH. I'll wait, I've got too much to do yet right here.
  13. http://hitchhikers.wikia.com/wiki/Golgafrincham I think in this case, the artists would all be loaded onto Ship B.
  14. This immediately brought to mind a tale told in The Hitchhikers Guide. Ring a bell??? There's a lot to be said in that. Why 'artists'? This whole venture stinks of marketing. Do we really need more?
  15. A friend of mine, he and his band played it one night at a gig... nearly the entire place was singing along.
  16. Humanity doesn't need to be inspired by 'artists'. Forget looking to anyone who has 'fame', for none of them are beyond reproach.
  17. I think you're going to want to boot from a live disc and run GParted from it. I think the changes to be made require the volume to be unmounted. Don't quote me though, it's been a while.
  18. USB drives can be formatted ext4, but you need to be wary of the fact that USB drives aren't often of the capacity they claim... which can cause unexpected issues/results.
  19. I'm going to venture to say that the free space issue might be that Linux could be looking at free (empty) blocks, or something along those lines, and you're too close to meet that requirement. Just a guess mind you. As for upgrades, if they're in Stable then yes. If not, then you can safely wait a bit. How to get around... I've seen a few suggestions online... like moving usr & var elsewhere. Maybe this will help?... https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92160/need-more-disk-space-for-root
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