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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. Still as viable as it was when I first posted mention of it over 2 years ago ..... http://www.bandshed.net/avlinux/
  2. He's one of the healthiest guys I know; Watches his diet, exercises daily, no junk food, eats seaweed and kelp for snacks, doesn't smoke or drink, his entire life has been an example ..... and yesterday the doctors put two stents into his heart. Now that my friends, is irony.
  3. Well now we know why he's running out of money... it's all going up in smoke.
  4. Work... home... life is pressure. Deal with it.
  5. The Navy will increase your potential for travel and seeing more of the world. The USCG is known for receiving Navy hand-me-downs... they do more with less, and that's a fact. They used to be governed by the Department of Transportation (except during times of war, which they then were controlled by the Navy); The creation of 'Homeland Security', I think, changed all of that. Thanks to Google - Personally, I think the Navy has more to offer (in so many different ways) than any other branch of service. Good luck to you! Semper Paratus
  6. Dropping things from helicopters never seems to go well. WKRP in Cincinnati, Turkeys Away
  7. @Earthlinger Vertical farming is not new. It does exist. As a matter of fact, it exists right here in New Jersey, and it's expanding. http://boweryfarming.com/
  8. I wasn't Army or Rangers, but I seem to recall we had to do 10. Also, something like 25 pushups, tread water for an hour, and a bunch of other grueling stuff. USCG S&R, Nam era. Luciano Pavarotti couldn't read music either, and many who sang and rehearsed with him often complained. Still, he was considered one of the greatest ever. Set your own bar. "Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." - Abraham Lincoln
  9. When all else fails and you're in a rush, you can call up vi on just about every Linux / Unix / ix-whatever installation anywhere. We play old video games with joy and enthusiasm, so why not vi? Agreed, sane default.
  10. I beg to differ. You just haven't cooked it long enough.
  11. I see an island, sort of, with a bit of a land bridge... which I would be trying to land on with my plane, just because.
  12. Well my other suggestion is, to laugh. Laugh at everything. From birth to death and everything in-between, appropriate or inappropriate, laugh at everything. Because life is funny. So get out and play, have fun, and laugh a lot... and you'll live a long, long good life.
  13. Yes, it's called real life... put the phone down, turn the computer off, and get out there and play.
  14. Other mention elsewhere has been made of his use of other "recreational drugs" as well as the Ambien... so, like, what's he been smokin? Might explain these visions of colonizing space that he's been having, eh?
  15. Yes, perceived. Problem with that is such perceptions are misleading (and in this case, totally wrong) and potentially harmful in so many ways. And now, in the news, he comments about losing it ... he's having a breakdown. I've got news for you, Elon, that's not going to fly with the SEC.
  16. He is in trouble. Been saying this for a while... he's running out of money. And now, he's got the SEC on his tail. Go back and look at what he did with the Tesla car though... to reduce costs and speed up production; 50 less welds on the frame, AND, skipping the final brake test before rolling the car out the door. There's something wrong with this guy. I wouldn't sink a dime into any of his ventures.
  17. Weird. When I clicked on that picture link, your entire post disappeared (see here). Something is wonky with Twitter embeds in these forums... been saying that for a while now, but nobody listens - which is ok, because I'm done giving a No video game nor tv movie will ever prepare you for the real thing. Small world. My nephew is stationed at Oak Harbor, lives near the southern end of what you've got hilighted.
  18. Yes. Yes. That's how it starts. And then...
  19. Would you please explain this to Microsoft? I'd be eternally grateful.
  20. 'de-breed-ing' I heard someone use it once in a past tense as 'de-bread'. I'd have to look that one up though to see if it's correct.
  21. If you're really that curious, you can Google 'stage 4 pressure ulcer' and read about it and view some image samples. I'll warn you however, the images are very graphic (open deep tissue wounds) and disturbing to some people. A pressure ulcer (also known as a pressure sore or bed sore) occurs when an area of skin sustains constant pressure for an extended period of time; The pressure robs the skin of needed blood circulation, which in time causes the skin and underlying tissues to die - to become necrotic. For example, a patient laying in bed for days or weeks at a time in the same relative position, like on their back or just one side; This could create pressure ulcers (typically) on the skin covering bony areas, like the hips, sacrum, heels, or even elbows. Post-op = post-operative = after being operated on. A post-op pressure ulcer is where the dead necrotic tissue has been surgically removed, cut away to expose healthy tissue, in a process known as debriding... just like what is done with 3rd-degree burn victims. The necrotic (dead) tissue must be removed before healing can begin, as leaving it in place can cause serious infection (bone and blood infections) and contribute additional damage to surrounding tissues due to the action of infection toxins contributing to necrotic tunneling (separation of tissue layers)... which can be difficult to get a handle on and resolve. This is probably TMI... but there you have it.
  22. მე არ ვიცი რას ლაპარაკობ.
  23. Now you're talking my language! Duct tape can work in a pinch also (butterfly). Because you never know what you're going to run into out in the field. I'm a bit of a wound care specialist also, out of circumstance and necessity, although not certified. I deal a lot with pressure sores, especially with post-op stage 3 & 4. Not pretty stuff. Kudos.
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