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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. You, apparently, are one of the minority... the majority tell a different story. Count me in the majority.
  2. How about a picture of what you're talking about? Seems people aren't understanding you - that does happen around here. As Pecan above stated, I too start with probes ... so I guess that means I have a 'series of probes', if that's what you're talking about.
  3. EDIT: NEVER MIND, THE LINK DECIDED TO WORK. (go figure) Your link isn't working here.
  4. I've used OpenOffice / LibreOffice for years. I don't believe you can do that, at least not literally. However, there are useful functions which you could use in Calc in your spreadsheet, to define your own functions to deal with it. https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Functions_by_Category
  5. Sun spot cycle studies have been peer-reviewed since there has been peer review. What is it you're referring to? Speaking of peer-reviewed studies: Incontrovertible. Galileo is laughing at you.
  6. Unless "climate change" equals "global warming", we're discussing two different things. The climate ALWAYS changes, and ALWAYS will continue to change... it's driven by the Sun. Man-made 'global warming' is another story... and for each Nobel Laureate espousing man-made 'global warming', there is another who denies it. Sun spot cycle 24.
  7. About ice melt and ocean rise: http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/05/worried-about-floods-due-to-rising-sea-level-forget-it-not-happening.php Of all greenhouse gasses, water vapor is the most important... it is the Sun which drives our climate. Period. 3% of all greehouse gasses is CO2, 97% is 'other' gasses, mostly water vapor. Now, of the CO2 in the atmosphere, 3% of that 3% is man-made... which is to say, 97% of CO2 in the atmosphere is natural. So to believe CO2 is the cause of 'global warming', if there really is global warming, 0.009% of CO2 being caused by man - so negligible as to be a fart in a wind storm.
  8. Umm... should be obvious.
  9. This post might be a bit premature, but I'm putting it up anyway. I've had a number of hard crashes lately, intermittent, various situations. I've examined the output_lot file on a few of them, but not in great detail. Tonight I put a bit more effort into it, because I keep seeing a recurring error message. First: I'm running Win8.1, 64-bit, with the 64-bit version of KSP v1.1.2; I'm playing a Science game and I've the following mods installed... Chatterer-0.9.8 FreeEVA-0.6.1 HullCameraVDS.V0.52 KerbalAlarmClock_3.6.1.0 SCANsat-v16.1 x-science-v4.17 There are 2 errors in particular which I am getting consistently. Both are a 'TypeLoadException', one of type 'ConfigNode', the other of 'Vector3d'. The first appears after a call to the AddonLoader involving what I believe is HullCameraVDS, and is the first 'TypeLoadException' to appear: The others appear so often it's hard to associate it with something, although I think it's related to KSP/Unity itself despite being generated by calls dealing with HullCameraVDS, SCANsat, and KerbalAlarmClock. Mind you, in my output_log file there are literally thousands of these lines generated, over and over and over again; The output_log file is 132,995kb. The point at which the message is generated endlessly is shown below. If you view the output_log file you'll see what I mean. output_log file persistent file
  10. Why should you need to dig and reprocess rocks? I thought NASA announced/verified with the Messenger probe that water ice was in craters at the poles, as in: on the ground and readily available (and abundant at that).
  11. Shouldn't the UN be suing Canada for this fire? All the damage to the environment, the wildlife, the CO2 and ash released, being ill prepared to stave off such a climate impacting event? Don't laugh... it's a legitimate question being asked by some.
  12. One of the things I noticed when my crashes occurred in the VAB (at least 3 or 4 I clearly recall), was that the mouse click noise (clicking on a part) was 'different' ... like, shortened. Dropping the part to discard it then resulted in a crash.
  13. http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/mysterious-4000-year-old-cd-rom-code-cracked-141023.htm
  14. I'm not saying there's to be similarities to the proposed hyperloop, just that there's been (again) talk of a 'high speed train'. The discussion I've heard was with regard to some manner of maglev system. As for more details, I'm afraid there aren't any publicly at the moment. Atlantic City has in the past been promised (more than once) and even given a train route of its own, but it failed (quite miserably)... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_City_Express_Service If I can find a resource for the actual current 'official' discussion (about the Philly - A/C link), I'll post it.
  15. There has been a good deal of talk here in New Jersey about a high-speed rail between Atlantic City (NJ) and Philadelphia (PA)... among other runs as well. I don't see how they'll fund it however, as things are already in a financial black hole here, especially Atlantic City... not to mention that Amtrak's Acela (which I've ridden numerous times) hits only a max of 90mph (over a very very short stretch of track) and they've many problems keeping them on the tracks.
  16. Larry* will be very happy. * Seriously dating myself here: Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards
  17. I don't know if you've any interest in this, but (I believe it was) @GoSlash27 created a table of solar panel effectiveness at various distances a while back. It might still be valid. I tried searching for the original post/link, but could not find it. However, I did save the table created ... I've relied on it for some time now.
  18. For sure it's cool stuff, but I have to tell you - the idea of this has been alive and cooking long before Musk was even born.
  19. Bah... it's about vi (vim), of course. Get with it already.
  20. They're all interesting. My pick however is the Late Pleistocene, because of the Dmanisi skull 5. Kinda blows the 'out of Africa' theory out of the water.
  21. Thanks! I will check it out right now. Edit: Almost forgot to report back... works fine now... spiffy!
  22. My reading glasses... when I put them down.
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