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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. Fortunately, pedantry has no known maximum bitrate. How about them photos, guys? I’ve been trying not to think about waiting for them all day. And this is from someone who purposely avoided looking at the night sky for all of 1986, because I thought Halley’s Comet was overhyped.
  2. @Nivee~ Still looking for an ESA builder? I have about 5000 hours of experience, specializing in spaceplanes and indestructible rovers. I can also do subs, boats, and plain-old spacecraft. Do you have an idea of what you’d like ESA’s design philosophy to be? Brute force, or finesse? I can do either, and I guarantee it will work reliably and have an operations manual attached to it. Great story, BTW.
  3. The stream worked great for me. That was really fun. I don’t know if I’ve ever watched any space stuff live before.
  4. I’m excited even though I missed the flyby. Tomorrow morning is going to be awesome
  5. @Mars-Bound Hokie It depends on when you go. Moho is the one planet that it's cheapest to go to when you arrive at the AN/DN, rather than the optimal Hohmann transfer. Otherwise, the plane change is super expensive. The capture burn can also be very expensive if you do it at a low TWR--I did it on Ions once, and I was burning from the time I hit the SOI. I think it doubled the delta-V required. You'll probably have a pretty good TWR after you do your transfer burn, so you should be OK. Side-note, KSP can only display as many lights as you have set in Pixel Light Count, so all those extra spotlights aren't doing anything for you. If you're willing to use drop tanks, I've used Bamboo and Breadcrumb Staging to get to Moho:
  6. “There’s a mod for that:” Although, I prefer this one:
  7. While I think your proposal has some merits, I have to disagree. I think one of the absolutely key portions of KSP gameplay is learning to design elegantly and well given the limited number of parts. Yes, it’s challenging, but it can be done. Having restrictions increases gameplay depth, and makes the good solutions that much more satisfying. I’m reminded of what my high school English teacher said about Shakespeare writing in iambic pentameter, “He accepted the restrictions because it was hard; he’s considered great because he did it beautifully.” Back to your spaceplane complaint: Real life airplanes pump fuel for balance. The Concorde was notorious for it. However, KSP is a lot easier than real life, and if someone has to pump fuel for balance, I think they just haven’t yet learned how to design without needing to. In any case, thank you for presenting the idea. It’s very creative and pretty well thought out—I just don’t think it fits within the scope of KSP. ADDENDUM: I also think it would enforce bad design habits by giving players an easy out. Most of the “awkward” craft that I’ve seen (and created) are a result of a poor understanding of physics and mechanics, not a flaw of KSP.
  8. I play sandbox, because career is a joke. In 5000 hours, I have maybe 20 hours into career and science modes. I only upgrade when I’m sure it’s acceptably stable and patched. In fact, I went straight from 0.25 to 1.3.1. I tested out the other versions but they weren’t very good. Currently on 1.5.1, but that’s because I wanted to share craft with a buddy. My gameplay has devolved into spending 10-40 hours engineering and testing for a mission, and then not actually doing it. I don’t even quicksave any more, because I revert everything to the editor. I have several saves that are perpetually stuck on Day 1.
  9. @putnamto I noticed you're not using MechJeb's Maneuver Node Editor. You'll never pull on a maneuver node again.
  10. In addition to the other solutions here, there's middle-click and drag.
  11. I should be upset about having Led Zeppelin stuck in my head now, but I'm not
  12. Just having caught up from early December, I’d like to state that it should have been, “Dawn Au Gratin,” because this story is cheesy. No, I’m not flarping sorry.
  13. Proof of how little I know. I thought OBS could edit as well. Thanks for the heads up
  14. Ha! Sounds like fun. I know a bunch of people using OBS. I’m looking forward to your impressions of KDEnlive, since @Dark Lion and I have a shared save planned, and I’d like to do some recording. I'm a surveyor, not a space jockey!
  15. I appreciate your journeys through the tech tree—I always learn a few things, and it’s a mode I’m not willing to play. Will you be bringing the lander back to Kerbin? Will the Overkill get left in Kerbin orbit, or discarded?
  16. TWR rule of thumb: Divide (ASL) thrust by 10, and that’s the number of tons you can lift at a TWR of 1. For Mun, multiply that by 6. For Minmus, multiply by 20. For Duna, multiply by 5/2. All easy to do in your head.
  17. Both of those numbers are MUCH higher in KSP. Also, the ocean density varies substantially per planet.
  18. Airplane Plus parts have some issues with absolutely huge hitpoints values (they're trying to fix it). For now, @Rocketing Racerand I worked on correcting the values for all the parts in AP+. Below is a CFG file for use with Module Manager (comes with BDA) that makes the numbers at least somewhat rational: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gvasv4ywtu2jjha/000000_HitpointModule_PartFixes-AirplanePlus.cfg?dl=0 This will fix existing craft files to the new values: https://github.com/java12man/BDA-CraftHitPointFix
  19. Limited the amount of undo/redo steps in the editors to prevent excessive use of memory while building large, complex vehicles. The amount of steps can be adjusted via GameSettings.EDITOR_UNDO_REDO_LIMIT I figured out that was problem the other day, when I had to do a LOT of undos on a large craft. If this setting is defaulted to less than 30, it's going to be a problem. Is the editor currently retaining a complete copy of craft per change, or is it transactional?
  20. Nicely done, dude. It's been fun working with you, and I'm grateful for the advice and the collaboration. Please include my source files on your github, as I don't have an account at the moment, and they're good for an example. There's no license on them other than "IDGAF". Here's an example craft that generates two corrections: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dqdh1p7gaiaglf7/Zippy 5 Gun.craft?dl=0, or you can use one of yours. Also the fixes for the three stock wings, which should go in a different example folder than AP+: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jfxtipik3z6v723/!stock.csv?dl=0
  21. A well-engineered simple plane can be very, very satisfying.
  22. I'm reserving a post for reviewing the Kranker. I should have time to do it this weekend. I have fairly ambitious plans for a 100% recoverable long range tourist vehicle, but I may start with something simpler.
  23. https://www.dropbox.com/s/mcl1dk2by4yb429/AP-BDA HP fixes.zip?dl=0 @HojozI don't know Rocketing Racer's forum name to give him credit for the assistance, and I haven't included his craft-file fixer. I pulled a lot of these numbers out of my butt, but thy're at least semi-rational, and based on stock parts
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