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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. Going on hiatus, because 1.5 is crap, and I need to calm the heck down.

  2. I just installed 1.4.5 last week, so I could swap craft with a buddy. I was really looking forward to a solid QA job on this release, and was planning on finally purchasing MH to show support for the new and improved development process that's been showing in the weeklies. This morning, I'm sorely tempted to delete 1.4.5 and go back to my multiple 1.3.1 installs. In addition, I'm wondering how much money I have to bribe all the major modders with before I can get them to refuse to update mods beyond Last Known Good Version. If I quit smoking, that's $200/month. I'm taking a break from the forums, because that's irrational thinking.
  3. Hype train derailed by bugs on the tracks.
  4. I’m pretty sure CorrectCOL only considers lift, drag, and angle of attack. RCS Build Aid is the one that shows Full/Half/Empty COMs. I’d link it but I’m on my phone.
  5. Hey, thanks for allowing it. I tried to make the deck areas as identical as I could, including the superstructures. I realized afterward that I have the rear "bumper" sticking out about 2m longer than yours, but I don't think it makes a heck of a lot of difference. I bent the spirit of the rules and used a VTOL, but to make up for it, I made it a helicopter (okay, okay, it's a fake helicopter). I also did it while the carrier was moving, but landing a VTOL on a target moving 25m/s isn't any harder than landing on a stationary one. Proof in album: https://imgur.com/a/fG8FO8Z Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ao8nw73tajpdjgs/Thwop Thwop.craft?dl=0 (v1.4.5, stock) I decided to try landing on a stationary target without the VTOL, so I took off and went around again. Due to punching the wrong action group, I smacked into the water. It landed intact, so I took off from the water, punched the wrong group again, and had an RUD. So, I reverted, and tried it as intended: @Alchemist Your images are broken for me.
  6. @Lucast0909 I hope you don't mind, I've never built a ship in that style, and I really liked it. So, I rebuilt your ship 60% lighter and a bit more seaworthy. It no longer needs unbreakable joints, thanks to autostruts. I built the "columns" with Grandparent, and set the endcaps to Heaviest. There's a bit of ore in the leftmost cargo bays to balance the mass of the superstructure. She pulls to the right a bit, due to the uneven aero from the superstructure, but the SAS fixes that. Stage - Changes the control point to forward. AG1 - Engine toggle AG2 - Afterburners https://www.dropbox.com/s/iypbj34yejub57o/Aircraft Carrier.craft?dl=0 (Stock KSP ver 1.4.5, approximately the same part count) @AeroGav That should be fast enough.
  7. I'm going to do this in amphibious mining submarine mode, but I'm going to make KRPC drive the route.
  8. @Triop Hey, I know you already have your 12, but I wanted to try out the mod. I noticed none of the 12 used the launchpad area, so I gave it a shot. It's not Isle Of Man, but there are some dirty obstacles and gate placement in there for rovers doing 30+. If you have time to drive and critique it, I'd much appreciate it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kyuz6t1hyoq4713/Barbell.krt?dl=0
  9. No one who flies planes should be without TAC Fuel Balancer.
  10. Only if they fix the spelling errors like "coupon". So, 6 months?
  11. Those are great. You should definitely post the images individually, since the forum software hates albums now.
  12. "Arr the captain sure do know how do get the treasure deep, don't he mateys?" "Arr, that he does, but it be takin' him half a keg o' rum to be findin' the right spot!""
  13. The craft-type thing is just storing what the editor guesses the craft classification is. You can change it by renaming. It SHOULDN'T be causing the current problem. It might cause problems in the Tracking station, or cause the debris auto-delete to catch your craft later. See the image in the spoiler below. The original elevon problem might be caused by an left/right asymmetry in the mass, but I can't check that in the editor. OR maybe you attached the elevons individually and the have different settings? (stupid, I know, but I'm just eliminating possibilities). EDIT INSPIRED BY @bewing: Try turning off the pitch for your ailerons and seeing if they exhibit the same behavior. I wouldn't have expected them to behave asymmetrically in the roll with no pitch inputs, but there may just be a control conflict caused by making them dual-purpose. The shaking itself to death in the second video looks like one of those cases where you got unlucky and it just happens to resonate destructively. Change up how the auto struts are patterned, add some near the mid-points of the tentacles, etc. (Editor Extensions is really helpful for visualizing autotsruts), You could also lower the spring setting on the landing gear, and raise the damping, but that will only help on the ground.
  14. Sometime when I re-root a craft, the parts will convert to being radially attached, instead of mirrored. That can cause some strange behavior. However, I reviewed the file and that's not the problem. There are no instances of the word "Radial" in the file, and the relevant elevons say "Mirror". Of note, the craft type is set to "Debris". I couldn't open it in the editor in bone-stock 1.4.5, it said there were incompatible parts. Making History?
  15. I think it's an interesting idea, but be aware of Guideline 2.2j - No roleplaying on THIS forum https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/guidelines/ Rationale: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132441-whats-the-story-behind-the-roleplay-guideline/ Note: I am NOT a moderator, just seeking to inform.
  16. I THINK it's [Area * (craft speed + intake base speed) ] * (Mach Curve) = (Volume / second). The second number is stored volume, which is probably just a buffer to smooth things out. Jet engines burn a certain ratio of air to fuel, and the amount of fuel they're able to burn per second varies with speed. So, once they pass their peak performance speed, they burn less fuel and require less air. This is why it's really easy to flame out the Wheesley on the runway. It has a huge intake air ratio, and is at peak fuel usage at zero speed.
  17. Are you going to post some rules, or am I making the biggest nastiest rocket I can, that still just happens to maintain contact with the ground?
  18. Speaking of electromagnetic motors in space: http://www.davidbrin.com/tankfarm.htm
  19. I'm remembering that the small converter is energy-negative when used with fuel cells. I could be wrong. You might be in for a nasty surprise when you get out to where the solar panels don't function.
  20. Good god, man. I'm definitely going to try that after I finish my revised spaceplane ascent script. I still owe you an answer on the Tylo thread from July. I had about three pages typed up, and then I burnt out.
  21. It's at least partially my fault. Fantastically impressive project, and covers a lot of KSP engineering disciplines. Everybody get off your butts and submit TOTMs per the OP!
  22. Did you then pull on to the freeway and say, "Oh my God, it's full of cars!"
  23. No one EVER has esoteric applications in stock KSP. /s The NERVA is largely conceptual (despite some test firings) and abandoned. The SABRE/RAPIER is conceptual. The helicopter scout is scheduled to go to Mars in 2020. That's a long way from conceptual. The logic of your argument doesn't even hold up based on the conditions YOU set. Also, you forgot to add the words the words "precious bodily fluids" to your last sentence.
  24. @Ildon KRPC offers a pretty flexible autopilot system. You could read that list from a file, translate between reference frames, and output the desired heading/rotation. It wouldn't be a "perfect" recreation, but enough to visualize the motion, if you build the craft properly, and tune the autopilot. https://krpc.github.io/krpc/python/api/space-center/auto-pilot.html (Other languages than Python available) https://krpc.github.io/krpc/tutorials/reference-frames.html
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