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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. I had to do some data collecting and some figuring. It took a while. Since EVA fuel is massless, the calcs are pretty easy. Compare to the usual subway map and figure out where you can go. EDIT: The answer is that you might be able to get a Jool flyby. If you add another Kerbal or two, you could grav assist in the Jool system and pretty much get anywhere. Alternate staging for 17 kerbals shown to the right.
  2. More data, version 1.3.1. I tried normalizing it to your results, but the ratios didn't match up. I suggest we make sure we're close to zero AoA. I tried setting that up a few times, but I kept smacking it into the ocean. It was within a degree or two when I took the data. Still, the data shows that the blue dot cone is best. Aerodynamic Nose Cone = 1.72 Shock Cone = 1.87 FL-A10 Adapter + Small Nose Cone = 2.14 NCS Adapter + Small Nose Cone = 3.40
  3. @NewtSoup I think @cratercracker might be willing to help you with your flag. Also, I'm glad the physics equation helped. Looks like you found a great use for it.
  4. @AeroGav Would you kindly start a "Aerodynamics Per Part" entry on the wiki? Barring that, maybe we need to add columns to all the part listings, showing the drag cubes.
  5. @fourfa Great work! It might be worth trying that with the A10 Adapter + Small Nose Cone, and the NCS Adapter + Small Nose Cone. I will test values for 1.3.1, because I'm probably going to skip 1.4.x entirely. Fourfa, @AeroGav I'm sure you''re both as tired as I am of having to play the click-pin game to see part drag. I want to have a per-part drag output similar to this: https://krpc.github.io/krpc/python/api/space-center/parts.html#trees-of-parts I just looked into it and KRPC is not currently able to access those part attributes. However, I've left a comment on the mod thread, and I'm hoping he's able to do it. I can get that done for the thermal info tonight. I'll do Temp/Max, and Skin Temp/Skin Max. I'll add the % of max as well. I'll edit this comment when I get it done. reference: https://krpc.github.io/krpc/python/api/space-center/parts.html#SpaceCenter.Part.temperature EDIT: Alpha code here. Steal at will: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wg0050ur5ab2d01/part_tree_temp.py?dl=0
  6. Is it possible to get KRPC to expose the per-part drag values, like it's able to do with the thermals? ex. https://krpc.github.io/krpc/python/api/space-center/parts.html#SpaceCenter.Part.thermal_conduction_flux
  7. Have you tried this? Also, I find reducing spring and damper settings helps.
  8. Better Late Than Never should be the name of the next DLC.
  9. The Emperor Protects, but the Guard does the killing.
  10. For sure. I'm just letting him know what he can get away with. Hey, what's your favorite rear-node cone for Rapiers? I've been using the 0.625 pointy cone, even though I know it's not ideal.
  11. This might help. I just started using it in 1.3.1 and it helped with some of the bouncing. Back up your savegame first!
  12. The Precoolers are also intakes. The general rule of thumb is one Shock Cone per four Rapiers. Each Precooler should be able to feed about three Rapiers. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Air_intakes If you're into mods, Kerbal Engineer Redux has a display option for Intake Air (Demand/Supply). EDIT: My personal rule is always listen to Gav, he knows what he's doing.
  13. Mind you I know nothing about the subject, but I was interested to see how this all fits together. Could it be related to cell size? https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/603610 That's the only thing I can find that shows a 2/3 exponent. That was the result of weeding through about 40 browser tabs.
  14. Even us "math" players should be looking for good ways to empirically test our results, and that's a good one. I just happen to prefer less trial, and less error.
  15. @Snark As per your usual, educational as heck.
  16. This was my solution for a refueling tanker that needs to aerobrake. I wanted to experiment with the "slippery" form rather than the blunt one. It consists of a "dumb" (no probe core) fuel tank that mates to my mothership drive section. It's even capable of doing minor plane changes in atmo by spinning longitudinally. That's probably the Vall TWR with a full load (although it would typically have less oxidizer). Note that the side docking ports are cheated on by allowing them to surface attach with Editor Extensions.
  17. There are several exceptions to this, and they occur any time you want your throttle inputs to be more granular: Executing small maneuver nodes more precisely. Setting VTOL engines to have TWR slightly >1. Final landing burns when your TWR is >3.
  18. You're quite welcome. Sorry I didn't respond that way in the first place. I've added a bit more info. Welcome to the forums, I hope you have a great time!
  19. Oops, sorry, didn't realize the subforum this was in. Thought this was "advice". Yes you're right, it would make MUCH more sense if they were surface-attachable. Thank you for making the effort to make the game better for everyone. The common response that I've seen is that you should raise an issue on the bugtracker: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/login?back_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com%2F It's much more likely to be acted upon if it's there. If you should come across a less easily-described bug, here are the guidelines for reporting (bug reporting has since moved to the bugtracker from the forums, but the guidelines still apply):
  20. If you have the Editor Extensions mod, you can surface attach anything by grabbing it and hitting "T" Or you can edit / use Module Manager on the config files.
  21. There goes Dman, poor old soul. He's snapped a cog, he's on a roll. Quite mad they say. He'll soon be gone His words do wander, hither and yon. What'll be the cause of his final obliteration? Isn't it obvious, old chap? Death by alliteration!
  22. This is some unholy agglomeration of Alfred Bester, Algys Budris, Gene Wolfe, Ursula LeGuin, and CJ Cherryh, and I LOVE it! EDIT: Of course I would forget Cordwainer Smith, Roger Zelazny, and Samuel R. Delaney--All of whom do "haunting" rather well.
  23. @Cunjo Carl I don't know if you're aware of the fantastic work that @tavert and @Meithan did on optimal engine charts, but here is the end result: https://meithan.net/KSP/engines/ It looks like they're both AWOL, but perhaps you'd like to take over development? https://github.com/meithan/engine_charts I happen to love the style of chart they use, BTW.
  24. I categorically deny that I got up and did some dancing after this.
  25. Oh man, that's rough. Yes, cheating the orbits in that situation is perfectly justified. If you ever get stuck in that situation again, Orbital Period using Ap and Pe from map view: a = [ (radius + ap) + (radius + pe) ] / 2 mu and radius for Minmus is on the wiki. (Probably in KSPedia as well, but I always forget it exists.) I rarely forget parts, but that's one of the reasons I use the MechjebAndEngineerForAll patch to add their functionality to all probes and command pods. I figure if it's a command unit, it should have software installed in it! I believe the patch respects the tech tree as well. I need to get off my butt and actually complete a project. I usually end up designing the mission, building the craft, testing to make sure they're fit for the intended purpose, and then coming up with a new project before completing the original--I had one save with 1200 craft files...
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