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Everything posted by FleshJeb

  1. @Kerbal101 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cold_Equations
  2. Considering I'm 20/500 without the glasses and 20/15 with them on...YES.
  3. I bought my 48SX in 1994 as well. You're right, they are VERY durable. Of course we had calculator superiority wars--Each person bragging about this feature and that feature. However, the TI-85s had problems with the memory sometimes clearing from a hard jolt. So, I used to zip my 48 into its slippery soft-case and kick it 20 meters down the hall. The looks on their faces...
  4. Vision plays a big role in how we orient ourselves. In my personal experience, it's more critical than the inner ear. I failed a field sobriety test when they wouldn't let me wear my glasses. I blew 0.00% on the breathalyzer afterward.
  5. Hey man, you just made my day better. Thank you.
  6. Require all thread-starters in the Challenges subforum to have a minimum post count of 50. (Number negotiable)
  7. I'd rather have them eating antidepressants than not. It means they're trying to deal with an issue constructively, and want to live.
  8. Marooned - Pink Floyd. Fantastic ISS video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7YMI39sObY
  9. I love it. That's the kind of thing I'd park on Laythe and send postcards from.
  10. R.I.C., I love you, but I don't think that line of argument is particularly classy, regardless of its merit. RE: Curse vs. Kerbalstuff: I think Curse's interface is MUCH better organized. KS looks like it was designed to be browsed on a smartphone, which is a trend in website design that I absolutely detest. Of course, I use the forums+CKAN almost exclusively, so I'm really hosting agnostic.
  11. The proper answer is NONE. You're best off making an RCS jetpack if you want to buzz around. Minmus is very hard to drive on, because the minimal gravity provides minimal friction. However, it really depends on what you want to do. For trips of more than a couple kilometers, I'd pick either of the two midsize ones. Overall, the Ruggedized wheel is the best for all rovering. I've driven the same rover design several thousand kilometers on those--Including a circumnavigation of Minmus. If you want to build a rocket-powered drag racer for the flats, use the small landing gear.
  12. Neat idea, but this is one of those things that would probably be better handled by a third-party program: Examples from quick googling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Speech_Recognition#Macros http://www.voiceattack.com/ BTW: They don't really need to understand the language, just the sound of the word. You could use random syllables.
  13. The same thing just happened on DailyKos. The other users recommended the Font Changer extension for Chrome. I just tried Verdana at 12pt for here, and it's not quite so hideous.
  14. I'm not going to answer the questions, but you might enjoy: [url]http://www.amazon.com/The-Transmigration-Souls-William-Barton/dp/0446601675[/url] A few of the chapters are set in a reimagining of Riverworld. The Ringworld series (Larry Niven) also deals with some of the questions you're looking at.
  15. [quote name='NovaSilisko']It's actually a lot easier than I thought it would be (I have damned myself with these words). Youtube's littered with video tutorials on how to do it in various ways. It's just a matter of some clean, careful cutting, and lots of glue. I enjoy it quite a bit.[/QUOTE] My ex-wife used to volunteer at the library. She said repairing books was the most fun she had there. :)
  16. [quote name='Jeice']On the one hand you can try to estimate its speed against a meter ruler at the bottom or some such. Otherwise I suggest you use V=2d/t (d is distance along ramp, t is time from release to distance d, V is velocity at bottom). This works since the acceleration of the ball down the slope is constant - you should prove this.[/QUOTE] If he puts the low end of the ramp at the edge of a table, he can measure where it hits on the ground (use flour/sand?) and figure out V0 using trajectory equations. All he needs is the angle of the ramp, and the height of the table.
  17. [quote name='daniel l.']I actually found some of those great scifi books at the library today, but my mother took them away. I hate how she hates everything i like ;.;[/QUOTE] [url]https://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Science_Fiction_(Bookshelf)[/url] :D
  18. I have most of those books. :) Your collection needs more Roger Zelazny, Ursula K. LeGuin, Cordwainer Smith, Alan Dean Foster, David Brin, and Alfred Bester.
  19. Well, this one time I was doing an ion capture burn on the dark side of Tylo... I...I can't talk about it any more...
  20. Just wait for the new PEBKAC-brand chutes we're getting in 1.1.
  21. [quote name='Capt.Joseph Kerbertson']This guy[URL]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD6FjBpIeO8&ab_channel=1010ZZZ1010[/URL] Has amazing vids[/QUOTE] That was astounding.
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