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Everything posted by livefree75

  1. No, the History Channel is good enough for me. Push the button for a reliable cubesat launch kit.
  2. Didja hear the one about the guy who hit his head on the night sky? He saw stars.
  3. Outside Cities Skylines, you must summon a sauce-worthy craft, capable of vacuuming its crew out into space, without eating them. At your disposal is a collection of plushies, which must be assembled to create a functional nuke. Each fish has its own consciousness and will affect the way a cow flies (or doesn't). So strap yourself in, and get ready to try some Troll Science! The game has different game modes, you can play the Career Mode if you want to expand and manage your own Space Center, taking on missions and researching new snacks. Or you can play Sandbox castle if you're only interested in flying and discovering the Grox universe without restrictions. There is even a mid point between these two, Bacon mode.
  4. Today, I saw Venus in daylight for the first time. It was very hard to notice, and I couldn't believe it when I stumbled across it while randomly scanning the sky. It was so dim compared to the blue sky that it took about 30 seconds to re-locate it after I looked away. I grabbed my camera and took this picture: https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipP2oWGDEC_4F7lNRsL1I-dDY6r9YOkDXu7gDYHu I thought it was very interesting to see a bright point in the sky in broad daylight, and Minmus actually flashed through my mind! (I may be playing too much KSP...) Have you ever seen Venus during the daytime, or even Jupiter or Saturn?
  5. I haven't seen this on the forums yet, so I thought I'd mention it. On 6/30, Jupiter and Venus will be very close to each other in the sky: EDIT: Here's the pic, not sure why it didn't work earlier:
  6. Here are some Kerbal-style jokes I made up. Tell me what you think! *** 1st Kerbal: Hey, where'd you put the oxygen containers? 2nd Kerbal: Uhhhhhhhhh...I maybe might have left them back in the astronaut complex? *** 1st Kerbal: Did we put solar panels and batteries on that probe? 2nd Kerbal: Uhhhhhhhhh...oops. Just take the new rocket & probe out of my allowance. *** 1st Kerbal: Are you sure you know how to fly this thing? 2nd Kerbal: Uhhhhhhhhh...yeah, I launched a model rocket as a kid. Why?
  7. [watches SRBs separate from Space Shuttle] "OMG, it shoots MISSILES?!?!" Another reaction I have heard: "Uh, is it supposed to to do that? Is it exploding? Are the astronauts okay?" Although the latter would probably have been my reaction if I had never seen SRB separation before.
  8. ...on a suborbital trajectory. Watching stand-up comedies
  9. Granted. It's a great-white shark that eats you. I wish I had a better, non-sentient, internet-accessible computer.
  10. It deorbits itself over your city. You see the explosion and go blind for life. I point engine toward space. WCPGW?
  11. No. "it" has two characters, while "a breadbox" has 10. Is it a chair?
  12. Something I was going to edit for the "I Spy with my Kerbal Eye" thread. I never got around to it.
  13. suuuuuuuuuure. Fun Fact: You wouldn't be able to play conventional sports in a rotating-artificial-gravity space station. The ball would just do loops whenever you threw it.
  14. He uses it to design a model rocket that goes to 200,000 feet. He later starts his own space program that quickly overtakes NASA and ESA. Wanting a piece of the action, you decide to apply for a job. Without even looking up, the friend says, "Oh, you can be our janitor." I eat a blade of grass. WCPGW?
  15. I wonder what would happen if someone touched THAT.
  16. Granted. Between now and June 13, everyone wonders where you went, and eventually declares you dead. When you finally reappear, everyone thinks you are a zombie and kills you. I wish I had a private tour of the ISS.
  17. I cannot seem to build a working spaceplane. I follow all that "CoM in front of CoL" stuff, but the plane either swerves off the runway in a huge fireball, reaches the end of the runway then crashes, or doesn't have enough fuel to get to LKO. Even when I fly the stock spaceplanes, I'll be lucky to even get to LKO. If I do, I can't land (I explode during reentry).
  18. Granted, but you die before you get the news of the good thing...after you get news of an equally bad thing. I wish everything would install correctly the first time.
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