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    Enterprise and TARDIS fan
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  1. Hey Man,

    I just checked out your amazing work on lunching a rocket and returning it back to the Launchpad autonomously. first off, I wanted to say good job on that.
    secondly, I looked at the codes to learn more about the physics behind it and the implementation, however it seems complicated to understand everything since there is no comment on each line.

    so I was wondering if you could introduce some sources that would cover what you did on that to get more in depth information about the each sequence.



    1. Kamik423


      Thanks, I am very glad you like it!

      Actually, this is exactly what I am trying in my current series, Project Athena! I try to explain the process of reaching the conclusions and the math. I am currently working on the third episode, that will have lots of math in it. It will be the most complicated part.

      See you then,


    2. Shayanscience


      looking forward to seeing more videos from you.

      good luck!

  2. Episode 2: Improved suicide burn with better touchdown visit the video on YouTube to like and subscribe. Code as always on GitHub. Got the audio much better this time. Criticism and feedback as always greatly appreciated!
  3. Hosted it here, for those having the same issue, hope it works.
  4. just copy all the files in the github repo into you script folder. Then put a KOS CPU on each booster/core/stage. Select the CPUs and set their boot scripts to 2mF-b1, 2mF-b2 (boosters), 2mF-c (core) and 2mF-s2 (second stage). then just launch
  5. Thanks, glad you like it Well, you could theoretically adapt it to do most of that. Select the 2mF-c/b1/b2/s2 as the scripts for the core, booster 1, 2 and the second stage respectiveley. You would have to change the values plugged into the returnTo function, the fist one is the landingpad, the second one the 'coefficient of friction' (not really, but kinda) if it falls to short adjust it up, and the other way around, and the second one is the height offset. If it touches down too hard adjust that up as well (and the other way around). Also in the core script adjust the two fuelcutoff points. It stages once the fuel in the respective parts falls under this limit. (B=booster, C=core). Part naming scheme (name those parts, otherwise the script will not work as intended): CSE: core stage engine RTB: reserve tank booster (reserve tank of the booster, can partially be emptied. This is the one checked for the remaining fuel. Can only be one tank per booster) RTC: reserve tank core BE: booster engine (radial boosters, not core) CSE: core stage engine also put nothing on actiongroup 5 and 6 (they get called to signal activation to the other scripts, not sage the parts. 5: booster separation, 6: second stage separation) action group one is called after fairing deploy, two for satellite deploy. also you might need some RCS I intend for project Athena to handle more of this by itself.
  6. I recently had another series, 2mF, developing a KOS script to automatically fly, return and land boosters in KSP. I decided to try that again, this time with less "empirically determined values" and with explaining my code. This should make the script fit to multiple different missions, not just this one specific rocket. I hope to be able to demonstrate New Shepard, Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy like missions. This also is an editing-learning-experience for me. So I hope the audio quality on the next video will be better, I am trying! I want this to be a community-thing, so I am looking forward to your feedback, improvement suggestions and criticism! Links YouTube channel Forum Thread GitHub Repo Modlist CameraTools for recording DistantObjectEnhancement little dots for planets and ships PlanetShine planet illuminating the vessel Scatterer better atmosphere and water kOS programming rockets Other Info Text Editor Atom Syntax Theme Solarized Dark KSP Version 1.2.2 Video Editing Software Adobe Premiere Pro Microphone Blue Snowball Hans Episode #1: Automated Booster landing development tutorial using a KOS Autopilot script. Inaugural episode: Dumb suicide burn with a simple hop. I promise the audio will be better next time! Also go to the YouTube video, to like and subscribe!
  7. Feature request: can you make a target relative mode (from a docking port), so I can see how the port moves relative to a space station and so I can move the trajectory 'into' the target docking port and just float?
  8. I am not quite sure, whether this is the right subform for this, but: I am studying a special aerospace computer science class at University in Germany (I am German) for half a year now. I have noticed that multiple people did something similar, the latest I know of is the topic of this tweet by Scott Manley: So my question is: Who else has beed guided and inspired by KSP to study/work in something space/science related? For me it really opened up a whole world of fun and interesting stuff. After starting to play the game I started reading loads of Wikipedia, watching a lot of science YouTube and finally decided to devote my study to this. I am incredibly grateful to the creators of this game for making something so magnificent and interesting it can influence people's whole life on this level. Thank you! Kamik423
  9. Finally, I finished it! Here is a complete mission completely autonomously controlled and 90 percent reusable! Thanks for sticking with me for this long!
  10. I AM A MORON I was so proud of my iterative numerical trajectory integration, but it was just not working out. I found the mistake: SET ps TO V(0,0,0). SET vs TO SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE. SET as TO V(0,0,0). SET t TO 0. UNTIL ps:Z < -SHIP:ALTITUDE { SET t TO t + 1. SET as TO (- as:NORMALIZED * (as:MAG ^ 2 * k * (0.99997 ^ ALT:RADAR)) / (SHIP:MASS * 1000)) - SHIP:UP:FOREVECTOR:NORMALIZED * 9.81. SET vs TO vs + as. SET ps TO ps + vs. } can you spot it? I am using a newtonian drag approximation (I think KSP is using this one too). The equation for this is F = 0.5 * v^2 * k * p can you spot it now? the acceleration is proportional to v^2 not a^2. that explains so much. Everything is working so well now!!!! SET ps TO V(0,0,0). SET vs TO SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE. SET as TO V(0,0,0). SET t TO 0. UNTIL ps:Z < -SHIP:ALTITUDE { SET t TO t + 1. SET as TO (- vs:NORMALIZED * (vs:MAG ^ 2 * k * (0.99997 ^ ALT:RADAR)) / (SHIP:MASS * 1000)) - SHIP:UP:FOREVECTOR:NORMALIZED * 9.81. SET vs TO vs + as. SET ps TO ps + vs. } EDIT: Is there a petition I can sign to get KOS syntax highlighting on the forum?
  11. I have thought about that, but it just seems un-SpaceX-y. I have considered liquide sepratron (those little orange ones) firing for a second or so, but I think I will be able to safely fly the boosters apart in different ways, without adding more engines. This I will however only add if necessary. Just stay tuned
  12. But those would not be reusable, would they? I want to basically refuel the parts and just launch them again. If proximity becomes a problem I want write something using RCS or boost them apart a little.
  13. I am not having any issues with the rest of the rocket, however after separating the boosters swing quite dramatically and about one third of all times the nosecone of the southern booster collided into an engine of the northern booster, that is fixed now. I actually haven't had any problems with that, the furthest distance I have seen is 50 km, and that is the payload/second stage section plummeting to their death when following the boosters (S2 cannot stage if it is not the active vessel). Vessels do not seem to unload during flight, however one the touch down they immediately do You are right with that, I traced the issue back to the angle of attack during separation: the rocket aims at a constant 75°, which is about 10° off prograde during separation, which causes massive shear forces on the mostly empty boosters. When pitching the rocket down to prograde shortly before separation it tends to be much more stable. Also when the boosters are activated through AG5 during staging they cannot immediately take control, because KOS crashes when receiving throttle / steering calls from multiple cores. So I built in a one second wait, wich I have now replaced with a 0.01 second wait until they can take over control. This causes them to stay prograde during and after separation. thanks for your input!
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