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Posts posted by Rhedd

  1. On 6/4/2017 at 5:05 AM, Jabbman said:

    Here's an an unusual query: Is there any reason this will cause problems if used in 1.2.2?

    I probably won't be updating to 1.3 for at least 6 months, I am more interested in using my usual suite of mods than the small changes brought by the latest update.

    I'll have a go at it and see what happens... Great mod Well, thanks!

    Man, I feel ya. It always take forever for my almost 200 mods to get updated. Thanks for asking the question I was wondering!

    I'll definitely be using this! It's completely awesome for transferring crew back and forth to a space station.

    Really great job, @Well!

  2. 1 minute ago, DStaal said:

    It plays a little animation on your screen, and tells you it's installed.  :wink:  (Nothing actually tries to install or anything.)

    Good to know. ^_^

    Maybe I should give this link to my Mother-in-law. She keeps agitating to buy a new computer because her Mac is getting "so slow". I've looked it over and it's perfectly fine.

  3. On 5/26/2017 at 9:04 AM, Spaceception said:

    Waitwaitwaitwait, that's a legit site? No weird bugs, actual ram? Does it work offline?

    No. Totally not a real thing. RAM is an actual physical object, not something that can be downloaded.

    The site is kind of funny, as jokes go, but I have NO idea what happens if you actually hit "download"... and I don't want to know.

  4. @silentvelcro Oh, dear. That's unfortunate. I hate it when I have problems that are "unusual", so I feel sorry for ya.

    I'll look forward to the update with bundled props, and in the meantime- IF I have some free time- I'll take a look at your IVA .cfg and see if I can get it working with the new props, since I use Windows. If I can, I'll give it to you.

  5. 1 minute ago, ShotgunNinja said:


    @Rhedd The proportions of inputs and outputs are correct, but the scale may be too high. And the EC output is completely arbitrary. Also, the monoprop fuel cell is always producing at full capacity, instead of adapting to EC required like the standard fuel cell. I'll fix both issues next version.


    Fair enough, thanks! I was just comparing it to the Universal Storage fuel cell, myself. That might be totally arbitrary, but it's what I was used to.

  6. @ShotgunNinja

    I love the fact that you can now configure a pod with a built-in fuel cell, but how did you arrive at the conversion rates for those?

    I was surprised, to say the least, when a monoprop fuel cell burned through enough oxygen to keep 6 kerbals alive for 5 days (30 kerbal/days worth!!) in less than two hours! The standard fuel cell looks like it would burn through the same O2 in a mere 8 hours or so. Surely if real fuel cells were that efficient we would've had to send a second whole Saturn V to the Moon just to carry all the oxygen for Apollo. ^_^

    I can just change them, I know, but I'd like to know your reasoning behind the rates before I decide.

  7. This is great and I'd like to use it, but you really need to fix your IVA so it works with the updated ASET props and avionics.

    https://spacedock.info/mod/1204/ASET Props

    https://spacedock.info/mod/1213/ASET Avionics

    As it is, your IVA works great with the files you bundled, but every other ASET IVA is broken. Or, if the proper ASET files are installed instead of your bundled ones, all other ASET IVAs work but yours is missing a bunch of instruments and throws JSI errors.

    It's unfortunate because it's a really nice IVA.

  8. 1 hour ago, ShotgunNinja said:

    Ehm... that error you see is 'fake': it is made to look like a real kind of error, but is just here because the vessel in question ('Test Craft') has no connection and is not manned. Before the EVA, it was manned so that fake error message wasn't shown.


    @CatastrophicFailure You got an extra '{' on line 2.


    I separe experiments in two categories: 'data-producing' and 'sample-producing'. The distinction is made automatically from the 'xmitDataScalar' property of stock science experiments. If the property is less than 1.0 (even 0.99), I just consider the experiment 'sample-producing'.


    Maybe I can make these experiments produce both data and samples, together, in proportion of xmitDataScalar. Example: an experiment has xmitDataScalar=0.9, it will produce 90% data and 10% samples on collection.


    Could that improve the situation?

    Definitely. I think that's exactly what I was hoping for.

    And then analyzing the "sample-producing" part in a lab would convert it to data as usual, if a lab is available.

    Sounds like it would be perfect.

  9. @ShotgunNinja...

    I like most of your new science system, but I miss experiments being able to transmit part of their data, storing the rest if they can be recovered. There are some great third-party parts, like one of BDB's cameras, that are built around this feature. That camera, for instance, has a primitive film scanner that sends back crappy images, but the actual film can still be recovered, yielding better results. This doesn't seem to be possible at all with your system. Is it? COULD it be?

    I love the way your labs work, but couldn't it still work by having lab analysis slowly increase an experiment's xmitDataScalar towards 1, allowing complete data recovery from all experiments, even those that started at 0 like surface samples, but still allow for partially transmittable experiments?

    I just hate to LOSE cool stuff while getting new cool stuff. ^_^

  10. I'm a big fan of rovers, so I've  tried every rover mod there's been, and at the risk of slighting some other talented modder, yours is the best ever. I love everything about it!

    I've noticed a small error, though. The KIS container part doesn't have mounting points for wheels/undercarriage containers.

    And if you run out of ideas (heh), I'd love to see a main hull part that was a simple crew transport module, no frills, just 4 or 6 seats, maybe facing inward along the walls like a troop transport. Be nice for shuttling people around from one bit of a base to another.

    Keep up the awesome work!

  11. On 1/22/2017 at 2:12 PM, blowfish said:

    Hello!  Just popping in to say that I noticed an issue with one of the configs:


    This will check wither the part has a PROPELLANT node with name = IntakeAir, which will always be false, since the PROPELLANT node is on the ModuleEngines.  I think you want


    The nested HAS block will check the ModuleEngines* for that PROPELLANT node

    Just came here to post the exact same thing. ^_^


    As @blowfish said, the above is correct. I made the change and it works as intended.

  12. 19 hours ago, Poodmund said:

    I recently returned from holiday, yes, but as Galileo has stated there is an issue with Scatterer at the moment that affects systems with multiple bodies that have rings... this certainly affects OPM as we have Sarnus and Urlum that both have ring systems.

    Blackrack is aware of the issue and we will just have to wait patiently until a fix is found, solved and implemented into a new Scatterer release. Sorry guys, please be patient.

    Dependencies! :/ Sometimes they drive you mad but where would we be without them; nowhere, that's where.

    Thanks for the info! Like I said, I was just trying to get an idea of where we were at in the process, and what I should be looking forward to.

  13. Weren't those both fixed and updated some time ago? Isn't that why Poodmund said he'd start when he got back from holiday? Isn't his (certainly well-deserved) holiday the only thing we're waiting on at this point?

    Hope I don't sound rude. I'm just trying to figure out where in the process we're at. Lots of things that depend on other things! ^_^

  14. 13 hours ago, TheDuck700 said:
    13 hours ago, TheDuck700 said:


    @Rhedd What you're asking for seems to be hard coded, you'll need some knowledge of C# to change it. If you still want to I can direct you here for the habitat calculation but I wasn't able to find the specific part for the ressource output.

    Quick edit to add that I have literally no knowledge on C# so I might be wrong when I say it's hard coded. If so, don't hesitate to correct me


    Well, the code you directed me to does say "habitable volume in m^3, deduced from bounding box if not specified", so I assume that means there's a way of specifying it. Now all we need to know is the proper syntax for defining a custom volume in a .cfg.

    Still curious about expanding and inflatable habitats, though. Kerbalism comes with one, there are a number of them in Planetary Base Systems, and Pathfinder is full of them. Really curious how they work.

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