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Everything posted by Rhedd

  1. I'm going to bring this up again, because I'm amazed nobody had an answer for this guy, and I'm really missing my pre-1.1 lovely planets, as well. As far as I can tell, the new 1.1 EVE has NO atmospheric glow whatsoever, just cloud layers. The old one had the capability of creating beautiful glow and atmosphere, as shown in the Astronomer's Visual Pack, but now... Nothing? Is this broken? Unfinished? Now impossible in Unity 5? What's the deal? An official answer would be awesome, and if anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it. Is Scatterer necessary to do this now?
  2. Love the new wheels! Just please make sure they'll still fit in a non-flared fairing when retracted, like the old parts. (I'm allergic to flared fairings. They make rockets look (even more) like dicks. )
  3. I was just reading the discussion on another mod, listening to the creator say how he didn't find IVAs all that important and they were pretty much a waste of time, when I realized I had yet to post here and say how FANTASTIC your new science IVA is! Really, it's perfect. As I've mentioned before, IVAs are the #1 important thing about a base/station to me, because they're mostly only useful for immersion. (Glowing windows is #2 ) Thank you VERY much for being the first and only modder to finish a full set of IVAs for a large set of parts. I'm sad you're the only one, but you deserve serious credit.
  4. Looking forward to the update!! (I know you had exams, but I was getting a bit worried.) i can't wait for the science IVA, and I'm really hoping the next update fixes the non-transparent window glow. I'm not a huge fan of the laggy clear glass, and I LOVE things that light up, so I was thrilled to see you had lighted all of your windows and heartbroken when they all stopped working.
  5. I'm liking the science IVA so far! I quite like the look of the vanilla science lab, so don't forget you can fill space with simple cabinets. It's very "NASA", and low poly. if you take any suggestions here, just please don't go overboard with "funny". Kerbal humor should be a bit subdued, and most people take it too far.
  6. Always remember to turn your reaction wheels off on a small rover, too! The karibou's gyros are VERY strong, so that can cause some serious instability in turns. Heck, on the Mun I can get it to hold a two-wheeled "handstand" using just the reaction wheels!
  7. Is the IVA even released yet? I still have opaque windows and black portraits, as well (that means no IVA), and there's no mention of it in the release notes.
  8. I think you already know this, but the lighted windows (if you aren't using the transparent ones, which I'm not) are messed up on all modules except the science and cupola.
  9. Pocket Brotector's feedback is spot on. (Especially the need for batteries!)
  10. Personally, I feel that IVAs are extremely important, especially for bases and space stations, and I definitely choose mods with IVAs over ones without. Speaking of mods with full IVAs, I've found that modules from the Planetary Base Systems mod fit perfectly on the flatbed Karibou pieces and allow for some AWESOME mobile bases and "Space RVs". I'd love to see a small piece like the adapter that had a wheel mount on it, so we daily add more wheels without adding a lot of length.
  11. All the new stuff on the horizon sounds fantastic, and I have the utmost respect for you exams pressure, but before you retire for a couple of weeks do you think it would be possible to release a quick hot fix that just finalizes the landing gear? i can deal with other changes, but that's the one thing that has my Munbase deployment mission completely stalled in the R&D phase.
  12. This looks AAAAAWESOME! Seriously. Awesome. Now go fix the window lighting on your MKS stuff so it's as cool as it used to be before the remodel broke it all.
  13. Since I think your mod is so fantastic, I'm going to be totally honest... I hate the new side doors and I'm worried they'll mess with your currently perfect interiors. I'm far more excited to see a lab IVA! I like having a realistic, dedicated airlock or two on my bases, and think an airlock on every module is just an accident waiting to happen. Luckily, nothing stops me from using the old models. Anyway, if I haven't been too insulting... When you adjust the greenhouse waste amount (yeah, 500 sounds like too much) you might also consider changing the resource definition to allow excess O2 to be dumped. Right now, if your oxygen tanks fill up, your plants stop growing and everyone starves. Learned that the hard way! Luckily, it was at my polar test base, or I would've had MUN CANNIBALS on my conscience.
  14. Found a tiny bug. (Hope you read my earlier post full of praises so it doesn't seem like all I do is complain!) Before the latest update, the TAC LS greenhouse held 500 waste. Now it holds 0.166, I think? (Posting from my iPad). Anyway, it holds far less waste than the greenhouse uses in a single hour, so I'm assuming this is a mistake and it should still be 500.
  15. Just wanted to say thanks for fixing the TAC LS bugs so quickly, and to let you know how much I LOVE the command module interior! It's just like I pictured it! The alternate internal camera positions are brilliant, as well. For me, cool internals are a big part of the joy of building bases and space stations, so your parts win the prize for the best ever, since even your airlock has an interior! I'm really looking forward to the lab interior. Hope that's progressing smoothly! Finish that and you'll officially be the first modder ever to stick with a project long enough to do a FULL set of interiors. Every other modder always leaves a couple half-finished or missing. Keep up the fantastic work!
  16. This is by far my favorite base building mod and I love what you've done with the life support parts, but there are a couple of errors in the TAC life support cfgs. Firstly, RESOURCE{Mulch} and RESOURCE{Supplies} are still present in the main greenhouse part cfg, so you have those even if you aren't using USI's life support, which is confusing. Secondly, in KPBS_MM_LifeSupport.cfg, the TAC Life Support specific entries for both habitats are copy/pasted from the USI section, and so add the unused Mulch and Supplies. Not sure what these should be, but I'm guessing maybe Food and Waste? Anyway, awesome work and I hope you fix those errors soon so I can finish building my munbase! (Oh, and do those last couple of interiors!!! )
  17. Still needs a delay BADLY. Preferably a user-adjustable one, since not all vessels have the same TWR. This is is a great solution, but a lot of clamps, like the FASA umbilicals and launch tower, are only used for aesthetics, and if they're just going to magically disappear then there's no reason to use them at all, and then they won't be following you up, so this mod wouldn't be needed. in other words, I WANT to use this, but without a delay it's useless for me. Hope you can add one!
  18. Really glad to see the new version of this awesome mod, but now the Mun seems to have the wrong normal map when seen from a distance or in map view. Instead of craters, it has small mountain ranges and dry river beds. The color seems correct, it's just the elevation that's wrong.
  19. Awesome mod! Could we get an option to use the default toolbar as well as Blizzy's?
  20. Awesome idea, making a golf club an actual experiment! I assume you're aware that the KIS Fun Pack includes an equippable golf club? I think they say you can use those to make other fun stuff.
  21. I'm still using a highly personalized soup of settings that I've used forever and it still works great, so I'd be perfectly happy... BUT... I simply MUST have those daytime city buildings and streets shown in the "upcoming Paradise" screenshots. Were those ever released in any form? I'm willing to do a lot of tweaking to get them to work, if necessary, but are the textures, at least, available?
  22. It's clearly not glass, since it's inflatable. Kerbin-pressure air on the inside, vacuum on the outside, needs very little support.
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