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Everything posted by goduranus

  1. The scoring system is no good. A RTG powered helicopter will be able to fly for infinite time under current rules. Also, by allowing transition to forward flight this becomes basically a forward flight challenge, because forward flight is much more efficient. My entry, swap the payload for RTGs and it will fly forever.
  2. Did you update BDA? I had to get that updated for 1.3 to get the game to run. Maybe Vessel Mover and Physics Range Extension need update as well.
  3. Oh it won't work? It's using pieces that the previous version of BDA had.
  4. There was a jet fighter tournament by Jolly Rogers on Youtube a couple of days back. I sent in a fighter to compete, but I wasn't satisfied with it and went back building what I thought would be the best Jet Fighter possible, combing high speed, heavy armor and massive firepower, and here's the result. https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/ultimate-jet-fighter-p-1187-super-dreadnought or https://kerbalx.com/goduranus/P-1187-Super-Dreadnought It's the best configuration possible, and should defeat any other design when numerically evenly matched. Would anyone like to take up a challenge to prove me wrong?It is built on rules of TAPE's jet fighter showdown and Jolly Roger's plane fight club, so Stock + BDA Parts and no turrets. STATS Max Speed: 780m/s in level flight Max Ferry Range: ~4000 km(circumnavigates Kerbin without drop tanks) Maximum maneuverability: 75Gs Armaments: Dual GAU-8, 8 x AIM-120 ARMAAMs Armor: Resists 1-second burst of Vulcan or Browning at 1000m Dry Mass: 18 tons Maximum Payload: 20+ tons.
  5. My entry https://mods.curse.com/shareables/kerbal/267428-adf-01-falken
  6. Ah here's another Jool atmosphere challenge. Bradley Whistance's ship isn't stock though, stock game doesn't have a rotating mechanism, although with stock you could spin the whole craft and get similar results.
  7. I've been wanting to do this challenge for a while, and made this stock "electric helicopter", which can lift 10-tons of payload from Jool's zero altitude right up ~125km(Tested it on Kerbin, it works up to 10km where pressure is ~15kpa, which corresponds to ~125km altitude on Jool). At this altitude all rockets will work pretty efficiently. What's the minimum wet mass a rocket needs to be do reach Low Jool orbit from that altitude? I've tried a few designs with 6-7km/s deltaV but they are too heavy for this thing to lift.
  8. There was a bug where certain RCS placement would give extra thrust, and he abused it.
  9. While there's no best engine, does anyone think that there may be a worst engine? The Thud(medium radial)is pretty bad imo, it's expensive and heavy, it's too big for small rockets, but if you have a rocket big enough to use the Thud it's better to use inline engines. It's got a good gimbal range but I've never found a use for it.
  10. I consider myself a pretty good KSP player having launched to most stellar bodies, and made kraken drives and infinite gliders, but I can't get my head around this plane. Why does it explode on takeoff? It's killed my Jeb :-/ It's a low tech plane using parts from the first airplane tech node. It likes to veer off to one side at about 50m/s and flip over. Checked for obvious problems, lift is behind center of mass. http://mods.curse.com/shareables/kerbal/246420-explode-on-takeoff
  11. I noticed on my first Minus ship, that the when I am setting up my run from Kerbin SOI, the minmus periapsis is slowly falling, while the craft is being flown. This does not happen when time compression is active. I doubled checked that all my thrusters are turned off and my altitude above kerbin was some 200km. Also noticed periapsis slightly falling on the Mun ship as well, while ship is still in Kerbin SOI. Maybe it has to do with parts being slightly clipped in my instrument bay? Hmmm.
  12. Scott Manley did 238km/s in 0.18.1
  13. I suspect the colonists will all be unemployed? Cuz the cost for them to produce anything for use on Earth will be too high, and much of the supplies the colonist consume will either be produced with automation assistance, or be shipped from Earth. So the colonists probably would just do a tiny bit of work maintaining their experiments, and spend most of their time sitting around, much like the Biosphere project personnel did.
  14. Recently I had been thinking about debris falling into a gravity well and entering orbit, and I was wondering where can I find the equation that calculates apoapsis altitude and velocity from periapsis altitude and velocity and vice versa, around the Sun for example? I am not from a physics background, so I didn't know where to look,
  15. 1000 ton asteroid from Zip's old challenge:cool:
  16. Might the culprit be having the cargo bay open at the start? I tried that a few times and it had caused aerodynamic oddities to happen.
  17. To encourage getting it right the first time I think. If you go for KSO and miss, then it'd be several hours before you can line up again. Hence the time penalty.
  18. The key to winning is to play another High-ram using game simultaneously, such as Space Engineers, leaving only couple hundred mbs for KSP.
  19. can it simply have the space for the kerbals than actually filling the seats? My craft has hundreds of seats available and it'd be too much of a chore.
  20. I don't think there's much to this challenge except to stack as many Mk-3 Crew Compartments as you can on a craft, or is there? At least 1600 points here if flown all the way.
  21. There's a Manley's Defeat for me on the south pole of Mun
  22. One day I was trying to make a peanut butter sandwich, but I ran out, so I used sesame butter instead. I think the sesame butter makes it taste better, because sesame butter melts more easily giving a rich texture. Most westerners haven't really experimented with sesame butter, but it's a staple in Chinese sauces and can usually be found at the "imported foods" section of the super markets. Seeing how easy it is to make, I think you guys should try it.
  23. For pilot it's pretty obvious, yet what do scientists and engineers do after they level up?
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