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Everything posted by Norcalplanner

  1. Just for the record, 2.5x GPP is a thing... a beautiful and glorious thing that I'm currently enjoying in a career with both BDB and SSTU.
  2. If you're running any mods which include hard-to-find resources (such as Karborundum) then Thalia's appeal may increase. ;-)
  3. Also pay attention to the heat rating of your probe parts. Use as many 2000K parts as you can, and include several TCS on your craft.
  4. I know that this thread isn't being maintained as actively as it once was, but it looks like I'm now part of the club. Woohoo!
  5. [Werner clicks his pen, makes a notation on his clipboard, and starts calculating dV and LS requirements for a Tarsiss expedition]
  6. Depends on how many power-hungry mods you have installed. USI-LS uses a lot of power to keep those recyclers and habitats going. There are also some larger RTGs in some mods (like NF Electrical) to help keep the part count down.
  7. @The-Doctor IRL probes going to the outer planets have been powered by RTGs. It's the only power source that makes much sense, as it's mass-efficient and there are no moving parts to wear out. Getting back to GPP, I would only use solar panels as far out as Gratian' or maybe Otho for a small probe with low power requirements. Everything else would be nuclear in some regard.
  8. My degree is actually in Music Education, so I can play lots of different instruments, with the best ones being bass, keys, tuba and trombone. I've played in various concert bands, marching bands, the occasional orchestra, a few rock bands, and at my church.
  9. Looks great, although my computer is chugging just a wee bit more - not sure if it's due to the high terrain settings or one of the many mods. I removed a few mods which were throwing errors, and edited the asteroid config file to halve the total number of 'roids the computer has to keep track of.
  10. Would I be correct in thinking that this is most valuable in upscaled systems? Because I'm using the highest detail setting in my 2.5x save, and the terrain contours on Iota are freaking fantastic.
  11. @Poodmund Love the image gallery, especially this one staring down the throat of the "angry alligator":
  12. Play your way is great. You can also use the Career Evolution Contract Pack: It rolls the best of Unmanned Missions, Advanced Progression, and Bases and Stations into one coherent contract pack. The only downside that I've discovered is that it assumes that your home planet is third from the sun, so it will never give you any missions for Niven, and will try to give you missions to flyby, then orbit, then land on Gael (as if it was a neighboring planet). My advice is to never accept the first "Unmanned Flyby of Gael" contract and just keep doing everything else. Also note that since it starts with unmanned missions, you'll need either an unmanned first tech tree, or you can add a mod (such as BDB) which gives you probe cores in your starting tech node.
  13. I think they're from either Vens or BDB - not at the the computer atm.
  14. I've really taken to those small radial reaction wheels. They're great for small craft and help keep the weight down.
  15. This mod is a great alternative to a full RP-type experience: I'm currently using it in my GPP 2.5x career (which successfully migrated to GPP 1.5.1 last night) and having a lot of fun. The only downside is that you'll never get any missions for Niven, since it assumes that the home world is third from the sun. Excellent in all other respects, though.
  16. Oh, I like the mod plenty. Just need to turn it down a little bit to suit my taste, which Angel-125 has so graciously made accommodation for. Like you, I've been there and done that. That's why my current career involves MKS colonization efforts in an upscaled version of GPP with stock parts... which introduces plenty of setbacks on its own, beyond what BARIS is dishing out. Tellumo is a harsh mistress. :-)
  17. For what it's worth, I've had a Mk 1 pod have the radio fail, start leaking electrical charge, and spontaneously explode at various times. I'm thinking of downshifting to an easier setting or two - even after I figured out integration, it still took me a long time to actually get out of the atmosphere successfully. RL play time is a consideration, so I don't want this to become too big of a time sink. Loving the music and cards, though. Does anyone else have a really laggy mouse and clicker in the difficulty settings menu with this installed?
  18. I role played this as a big "upgrade storm" approaching which required everyone to take shelter on Gael. Worked great. :-)
  19. I've really come to appreciate the value of mods which provide a sink for science points, especially for a planet pack as awesome as this one. The best ones in my experience are CTT, KCT, and RnD (which can soak up tens of thousands of science points). I'm looking forward to trying BARIS, as it provides a method to spend science points to increase the reliability of spacecraft.
  20. @Angel-125 I just finished poking around the wiki, and must say that you've put an awful lot of thought and effort into this. As a result, and combined with some of the other things I'm seeing your mods do in various videos, I've decided that my next career will focus on your suite of mods, including this one. Well done!
  21. Yep. For both iota and ceti, I've received missions for unmanned flyby, unmanned orbit and return, unmanned landing, unmanned landing and return, and manned flyby (so far). It seems like a very well thought out progression.
  22. This mod was folded into severedsolo's bases and stations back, which he's said he's done with. I'd recommend the mod below instead, which includes all the base and station stuff, plus a lot more: I'm currently using just this mod and Strategia in my 2.5x GPP career, and I'm having a lot of fun. The only problem is that the mod assumes that the home planet is the third one from the sun, so you'll never get any missions to flyby or land a craft on Niven. It's a small failing in an otherwise excellent contract pack.
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