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Everything posted by Norcalplanner

  1. The version file in the 1.7.3 version of the release I just pulled off of github appears to have old data, indicating it's only compatible with KSP 1.6.0 to 1.6.99; this may be contributing to the CKAN weirdness.
  2. Observation of the day: NFP and NFE together can compensate for a wealth of mission planning shortfalls. Here's a probe spending far too much delta V to enter Laythe's orbit, even after a few gravity assists. I was impatient. :-)
  3. And we're back! After a long hiatus which included a time of no KSP at all, followed by Season 2 of the RP-1 Space Race, I've dusted off this career and put it into a new 1.7.3 JNSQ install. Largely unmanned probes exploring the system at the moment, but once we've figured out what looks interesting then we'll start sending crewed missions with some of the crazy powerful late tech tree engines we're unlocking. A bit of gravity assist shenanigans which will eventually result in a cheap capture around Laythe. Our first trip to Dres in a long time. Looking good, Team Galileo! Nice terrain on Dres, too! We'll have to land some sort of rover and explore a bit.
  4. I think the scale by itself with stock heatshields is challenge enough without DRE and prevents some of the more Kerbal-y shenanigans.
  5. Great mod. Sounds like it's similar to SmartASS surface mode, but with less clutter and computational overhead.
  6. And please don't ask the mod authors when it will be updated!
  7. Yep. And as a matter of practice things work best if the steam install remains unmodded. Just copy the whole pristine directory someplace else, then mod the heck out of it.
  8. Great year! I love seeing how your launch vehicles evolve over time.
  9. The farthest I had ever gotten previously was a manned lunar flyby, so a big thanks to @Ultimate Steve for the race to provide the motivation to go as far as I did. And for anyone interested in RP-1, I'd recommend checking out the RP-1 wiki: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki I contributed to it a few months ago, but it's been reorganized, added to and expanded on by a number of others since then.
  10. Kerbal Administration for Big Overpowered Orbital Machines - 1964 Flags and footprints...
  11. Kerbal Administration for Big Overpowered Orbital Machines - 1963 Almost there...
  12. Kerbal Administration for Big Overpowered Orbital Machines - 1962 Two heads are better than one...
  13. Think of it as a cross between the procedural tanks in Real Fuels, and the procedural tanks in SSTU. As it relates to this rocket, it provides interesting greebles and allows custom colors.
  14. Kerbal Administration for Big Overpowered Orbital Machines - 1961 Ambassadors away...
  15. Hopefully I'll get 1961 posted tonight. It took awhile to fly all the missions...
  16. Multiple failures in 1961, and the year is only half done. On the plus side, the new Furious Osprey lifter did well, successfully launching several Ambassador class interplanetary probes to various destinations...
  17. I'd love to be able to "like" this! Forum admins, get your act together and get the likes working again! Seriously, this looks awesome and will be the setting for my next career once my current shenanigans in RP-1 are complete.
  18. Thank you kindly. If only there was a way to easily indicate on the forum that one liked something...
  19. Kerbal Administration for Big Overpowered Orbital Machines - 1960 You are go for multiple orbits...
  20. I'm really missing the "like" button right now. This looks awesome!
  21. Man, things are going slowly - RL stuff is absorbing much of the free time I was spending on this. Currently at June, 1960, and will probably be Wednesday before I can post a report for this year.
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