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Everything posted by liquidhype

  1. Someone recently asked me about texture-switching for the Delta III. Well I already did that, but forgot to post pictures, so, here those are as well. Keep in mind the DCSS textures are still undergoing some minor changes and texture detailing
  2. Sure, I can always make it more grey. I mean, it's pretty much up to intepretation in terms of how black it should be. But I agree my engine looks a bit too black when I look at it now. Also on a side-note, even the Delta IV medium has flown with an almost pitch black RL10 nozzle skirt. But all RL10s that flew on D3 were more black than grey. In fact almost every picture you find of an D3 RL10 is black. You just have to know which engine actually flew on the vehicle, and not confuse it with other RL10s.
  3. That was my initial thought as well, but according to my main source of reference (whom I can not name here), told me that this http://gallery.military.ir/albums/userpics/10198/RL-10B-2_2.jpg is what it looked like when flown on the Delta III. The image on the left is of a mock-up that has been out in the sun, whilst the one on the right was the one flown on the first Delta III. Also I believe the image you just posted is of the DCSS for the Delta IV medium? Maybe anyone else would like to weigh in? - - - Updated - - - Also, here is the actual engine on the pad for the Delta III that was flown in 1998. As you can see, it actually was dark-grey almost black with a golden/orange-ish nozzle.
  4. Latest version of RL10-B-2. I gave it the black-ish purple tint that it had in the real world. Most pictures of it shows un-used engines which have been standing out in the sun for years, giving them a faded grey color. I found a couple of pictures showing the engine being prepared for DCSS attachment, and those all had the purple tint to them, so I went with that. Now I just need to add some minor texture details to the tanks and then the Delta III should be good to go.
  5. Yes, I do use the oldschool clamshell fairings (KW Rocketry/AIES style). I do not like the stock procedural fairings, and they would in no way look right for any real scale replica. If you are using Mike-NZs ISS parts for your station, the ATVs that are getting added in the new update should fit just fine. In any case, I will add a TweakScale module to the ATV so that anyone who wants to, can scale them to any size they see fit.
  6. Thank you for that Yea I figured I might as well start posting pictures of what is to come with the new update on the first page. People keep sending me PMs asking for progress pictures, so to anyone who are curious, they can have a look-see on the first page of this thread. I'm glad you like Vega, VenomousRequiem Hope you'll like the updated version just as much.
  7. Thank you buddy Feels good to actually being close to release. I'm sooo over modding right now Haven't played KSP properly for over a month now!
  8. ...continuing from the previous page: Just for good measure, here is what Ariane 6 looks like with improved texture shaders and the new upperstage and Vinci engine: Once all the textures has gotten better shaders and all part have been run through Unity (all parts are now complete), I will release the update
  9. Thank you for "just leaving this here" Looks really cool, and I'm definitely taking it out for a test
  10. After a surprising amount of people sending me PMs about not discontinuing the Delta III, I decided to still include it in the upcoming Real Scale Launch Vehicles update. Here are a couple of images of the new DCSS (upper stage) and RL10-B-2 engine with animated extendable nozzle skirt. The DCSS and engine still needs a little texture fine-tuning in regards to details and such. The upper stage now also has RCS thrusters (3 on each side) and the engine and upper stage have been separated into 2 pieces instead of 1 (like before). Also, here is an image of the complete Ariane 5 ECA: Vega also got a little face-lift:
  11. Nice Did you animate the nozzle skirt extention? If so, you could use BDAnimationModules in order to have the skirt auto-extend once the engine is ignited. That is what I did for my new RL10-B-2 model, as well as for the new Vinci engine.
  12. All his laucnhers are 1:1 scale and Realism Overhaul has configs for his current launchers, and RO will have configs for hus Delta III, Delta IV and Falcon 9 once they are released. So don't you worry
  13. Update: Now that Kartoffelkuchen is about to release his Delta III for Launchers Pack, I will discontinue the development of mine. Be sure to head on over to Kartoffelkuchens "Launchers Pack" thread and check out his version.
  14. It looks amazing buddy! I will discontinue mine immediately. Any predictions as to when you will release it?
  15. Finally had some free time to finish up the Automated Transfer Vehicle. The ATV itself has switchable textures (Thanks Mike-NZ) in order to have and/or simulate the different versions of ATVs that were sent up in real life (ATV 1 - Jules Verne, ATV 2 - Johannes Kepler, ATV 3 - Edoardo Amaldi, ATV 4 - Albert Einstein, ATV 5 - Georges Lemaître). Here are some images of ATV 1 and 5 for those of you who might be interested: In other news; Getting ever closer to being able to release the next update. It has take a bit longer than what I would have liked, but it is quite big and has alot of changes and new models and textures. Also work and real life has been rather hectic. Hopefully the next update will be live soon Stay tuned!
  16. Amongst other things. Everytime I export a part that has more than 1 moving object, Unity freaks out. I am at my witts end and have tried literally everything I can think of. I have not had these sorts of problems in the past when making either solar panels or engine nozzles with multiple extensions for my own personal use (non-mod related parts).
  17. Rage-quitting further development of this mod until I figure out how to solve some really frustrating issues with exporting animated multi-mesh models.
  18. Well I've had no luck so far regardless of how I export it. I've tried animating it in Blender and exporting using all kinds of export settings, I've tried animating it in Unity.. No luck. For some reason when I try to animate it in Unity, each of the parented objects gets twisted and contorted when I move or rotate one single object. This is getting really frustrating. Never had this happen before. Anyone with solar panel experience who cares to share any thoughts?
  19. Does this help you remember anything? I'm using Blender v.2.75 btw
  20. So I'm having some issues with animating a solar panel. It animates just fine in Blender, but when I export it and try to play the animation in Unity, the model starts doing weird things. I've animated dozens of models in the past, and they all worked fine (well except for one, but I realized my mistake soon after). Just as an FYI, here is what the hierarchy looks like in blender: Anyways, what happens is, when I bring the .fbx file into Unity and do the usual stuff (set animation type to Legacy and all that jazz), I for some odd reason end up with 15-20 different clips instead of the 1 clip. When I try to preview the animation the model twists and contorts in all kinds of awkward ways. I am unsure as to why this is happening, but if anyone knows what the problem is (or rather what I am doing wrong), please enlighten me
  21. I actually had that very conversation with Dragon01 today, and the long-term answer is yes and the short-term answer is no The first release of Titan IV will be a "standardized" version of it, meaning only the most common configuration of the launcher. Later on I'll add all the extras/misc. that will allow for all the various configurations that were used during its lifetime, like different upper stages and such. The reason for this is simply because I have so many launchers I want to make, and if I spend all my free time making all these "nicknacks" for every single launcher, I'll never get anything done. I've gotten a few requests by PM from people who want very, very specific things. Things that only a select few ultra-realism KSP player would even care about. So all these extras will come eventually, but not any time soon.
  22. Allrighty, good to know! I'll have to release Ariane 5 and finish Soyuz before I start anything new. And even then, my first priorities would be Ariane 1-4 and Titan IV. Then maybe down the line if there are some launchers that are sorely needed and have not been made yet, I can go ahead and do those. But until such time, anyone with free time can go ahead and make whatever is not made yet. At some point I want to do Vulcan and Liberty, but I realize I have much, much work to do before I can even start working on those As for my Delta III, if it is still up to par when KK releases his, I can have a separate download for it. But KKs work is always so fantastic, so I don't see many people using mine once his is released and combined with the Delta portion of his mod. It is more convenient for people to download from his pack than having to find my mod to get just the Delta III, and then go back to KKs mod to get the rest of the Deltas. Seems more logical to me to have any and all Delta launchers in 1 single mod.
  23. With there being at least 3 of us who are making launchers, there are only so many to choose from. Seeing as KK is doing mostly ULA stuff, and Raidernick doing mostly early USSR/US stuff, I figured I'd steer clear of those types of launchers. Atlas II and III would fit much better in KKs pack than they would in mine anyway, as I'm going mostly for ESA launchers and a few future ones like the Ariane 6 versions, the Ariane 6 concept (PPH) and ULAs Vulcan. But maybe KK wants to add Vulcan to his pack? We'll see. My Delta III is getting a fairly big "face-lift" for the new update, with new core tank texture, verniers for proper roll control, new DCSS (upper stage) model, new RL-10-B2 engine model with animated extendable nozzle skirt and so on. I might leave it as a separate download, but I don't feel there is a need for 2 of the same launchers once KK releases his. And it also means less for me to maintain down the line. Side note; I believe KKs launchers are all to scale, as each of the launchers comes with optional configs for re-sizing them. So his Delta III would be the same size as mine.
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