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Everything posted by Wanderfound

  1. For now: decoupler on the other side, connected to nothing but the payload, fired simultaneously. Cancels the force.
  2. Thanks for the IVA flight data. It was most useful for this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97802-Fun-with-IVA-reentry-%28lotsa-images%29 (the data is toggled off in most of those shots, but it was on in between)
  3. Along with the obvious integration of RCS Build Aid, I'd like to beable to analyse monoprop RCS and Vernors separately. I use balanced RCS for docking and totally unbalanced Vernors for stall and spinout recovery.
  4. I like flying IVA missions: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97802-Fun-with-IVA-reentry-%28lotsa-images%29 However, I have a problem. During reentry, my IVA cameras explode like fireworks or tear off like tissue paper. If it's not Deadly Reentry, it's FAR: my cameras very rarely survive all the way back to KSC. This is unfortunate, as I rely on those cameras to see what's under my nose while landing. I've tried hacking the configs to try and exempt them from physics calculations and raise their temperature tolerance, but none of it seems to work. Those cameras are just determined to die. The only way to keep them intact on the way down is to make an extremely conservative descent (ie: above 30,000m while hypersonic, above 10,000m while supersonic) that triples the time it takes to get it done. This should not be a problem. It's not that hard to make a camera lens flush-mounted with the skin of the fuselage; aircraft have been doing it for nearly a century now. So, that's the request: a single-part mod pack, that includes some cool-looking streamlined cameras that match the aesthetics of a Mk2 spaceplane cockpit (ideally with a shape that makes it easy to tell which way is up when mounting them) and are totally immune to FAR and DRE. I've heard other folks make similar complaints, so I'm not the only one interested in this. Anyone? It should be a relatively quick and simple job, and it will earn you the undying love of the IVA spaceplane community...
  5. That's all cool, but read the first post. No more than one entry per category, and if there is more than one picture per ship, hide all but the first behind a spoiler tag so as to avoid cluttering the thread. Keep in mind that it's a design contest, not a showcase thread. Don't post anything that isn't entering the contest. That all said: welcome!
  6. I don't fly rockets often enough to justify installing ALCOR. Their camera mounts look nicer than the basic RPM ones, though. I would suggest digging back through the ALCOR thread; from memory there are some patches scattered about that aren't necessarily in the first post.
  7. Having recently managed my first IVA docking... ...I thought I'd give IVA reentry and landing a try. I'd already launched into orbit with a Kerbodyne Gull, delivering a probe that was soon to zoom off to Duna and Ike. But now it was time to come back down. Lodnand is hopeful. So is Philfrod. Possibly without cause. This could be awkward. Still, all good for now. Time to turn around and head back to KSC. The ability to zoom on the instruments is quite useful at times. Better than external view flying. Oops. How far to KSC? Maybe we can glide. Oh. Well, we might be able to make land at least. Phew. We won't make it over the next bit of ocean, though. Best put it down now while the ground is flat-ish. Nice smooth approach... And down. These brakes aren't working very well. I think we may be on a bit of a slope... Uh-oh, bumpy bit... More bumps... ...and finally to a halt. Just a little scratch. Time to call the recovery crew...
  8. Supersonic = Mach 1, about 350m/s. Hypersonic = Mach 5+, about 1,750m/s. Exact Mach varies with atmospheric pressure, but I think the m/s speeds should do for DRE if you scale altitudes for different top-of-atmosphere heights. Keep an eye on the temp meter regardless.
  9. On Kerbin, the general rule is to stay above 20,000m while hypersonic, and above 2,000m while supersonic. The rest should scale from that.
  10. Is there any way to set hotbuttons to flick the view to full-screening individual RPM displays? Trying to mouse the IVA view around to the relevant screens in time is a bit awkward.
  11. Is there any way to set hotbuttons to flick the view to full-screening individual RPM displays? Trying to mouse the IVA view around to the relevant screens in time is a bit awkward.
  12. BTW, check out the wings/control surface weights on the Whirlwind. I'm starting to experiment with fine-tuning strength to role; tailfins don't need to be as tough as wings etc. There are substantial weight savings to be made.
  13. Likewise. When it happens, what speed are you doing at what altitude?
  14. Firstly, hurry up and add RPM-equivalent functionality to the stock game. IVA flying is brilliant fun with it, almost impossible without it. (BTW, while you're at it, add the ability to set hotbuttons to instantly flick the view between individual screens and full IVA view) Secondly, add an "IVA only" option to the difficulties panel. With this ticked, all flying is done from IVA view; external view is only available when you send your kerbals EVA. Place your cameras carefully.
  15. RPM cameras are very useful for filling in blind spots: Although Mk1 cockpits have much better native visibility:
  16. Only about 4g of thrust; ye olde Dementia got about 6g from its KR-2L. It'll hit escape velocity off a single FLT-800 worth of juice, I think. Stick a drone core on it and it'll make a great express orbital crew retrieval ship.
  17. Does Fine Print work with any of the RSS mods? I'm thinking about having a play with 6.4x scale: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90088
  18. It's just a matter of delta-V. I'll have a go.
  19. The first release from Kerbodyne Special Vehicles' XXV model range! The KSV Whirlwind. Supersonic aerobatic performance with wings tough enough to take it. Orbital capability and extreme atmospheric performance, all in one affordable and easy to fly package. Self-launching at 120m/s. Perfect stability at extreme angles of attack, from barely supersonic... ...all the way... ...to hypersonic. Perfect balance. Even at the edge of space. Plenty of grunt when required. Craft file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/f5e3oredva8vhzf/Kerbodyne%20Whirlwind.craft?dl=0
  20. Working fine for me: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/95562-fastest-jet-in-ksp?p=1486399&viewfull=1#post1486399
  21. Bulk orbital fuel delivery for less than √1/unit: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90337-Economic-Fuel-to-Oribit/page5?p=1361984#post1361984 Also good for deep space exploration: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1491566&viewfull=1#post1491566 And bulk Kerbal transport: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90747-Kerbodyne-SSTO-Division-Omnibus-Thread?p=1384576&viewfull=1#post1384576 Etc. etc. With Fine Print contracts, a single spaceplane mission may include an aerial survey on the way up, followed by deploying a couple of satellites, before dropping any surplus fuel at the orbital refuelling station and rescuing a stranded Kerbonaut on the way back down. All for about √5,000 per mission.
  22. You do want to keep the RCS turned on while you're burning in vacuum, but that eliminates the issue entirely and doesn't use much RCS and/or Vernor fuel. After I've got the basic airframe built, I run a stability analysis at my most important speed and altitude. I usually have most stability trouble at the jet/rocket boundary, so I'll start with temp -20, pressure 0.04 and Mach 5. If that's all green, I'll drop the pressure to 0.02 and, if necessary, 0.01. Then I grab some of the bits at the extremities (wingtips, tailplanes, canards) and wiggle them about. Shift canards forwards and back, put 5° or 10° of dihedral on a wingtip or tailplane, etc. I re-run the analysis after each move; if the red numbers improve, the change stays, if not, I'll change it back. Reading the tooltips on the red numbers will give you clues as to which thing you need to change, and after a while you get a feel for it. Dihedral tends to help with roll issues, moar tailfin tends to sort out yaw problems, adding/removing/shuffling about wing surfaces tends to help with pitching issues.
  23. Stock FAR wings in 25 have hugely increased in strength but also increased in weight. Build a small to medium ship, use the right click tweakables to wind the wing mass down to 0.5 and see if that works. Huge-winged things are still possible, but you need to pull mass down to 0.25 or so and cope with the relative fragility.
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