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Everything posted by Wanderfound

  1. FAR halves the power of jet engines and increases the default mass of wings (tweakable down to 1/100th of default at the price of a corresponding loss in strength, in the latest dev builds that should hit the official release soon-ish). But, even if it weren't for that, your plane ain't gonna fly in FAR. Using wing pieces as body panels generally doesn't work in realistic aero; the aerodynamic properties of your plane are going to be all over the place. It's not that big a ship, though; you should be able to replicate the same basic size and shape using fuselage pieces and cargo bays if you want to.
  2. Supported; good idea. I'd actually like to see the option to put both on a vessel, so I can use one for the Kerbodyne logo and the other for my racing number. Really, what we need is an improved and stockified Kerbpaint. Allow the user to fiddle with the paintjob of their rockets/planes as much as they like.
  3. Did anything happen in the last release to aggravate the tendency of RAPIERs to overheat? I'm finding that they're cooking up to explosive levels after a very short time at full throttle in closed-cycle mode. They were always a bit prone to heating, but previously it was "don't leave them at full throttle for several minutes". Now it seems to be "don't leave them at full throttle for more than a few seconds". This is the ship in question: ...and, although all three engines are overheating, it seems to only be the side-mounted ones that are doing the "explode in ten seconds" trick. Something about being mounted near a cargo bay perhaps? (the overheating is happening whether the doors are open or shut, BTW)
  4. See post #6130 BTW, happy Wanderfound again: Been hanging out to have a proper go with the new parts ever since .25 dropped. Still not flying quite as smooth as before, but that's probably just a matter of adapting to the new wings.
  5. Much better; thanks. I'd become frustrated to the point that I gave up and tried flying in stock air; that lasted about five minutes before I shut the game off in disgust. Can't fly without Ferram.
  6. Are you running Active Texture Management? The current build of that is messing with both Blizzy and the stock toolbar.
  7. Yup. As described in the link I posted upthread, if you want a plausible idea of humans on Mars, don't think "Plymouth Colony", think "oil rig in the middle of the North Sea". We might send a very small number of people there for highly-paid short-term work, but there ain't gonna be anyone living there permanently.
  8. Not confusing enough. 500.2
  9. Actually, we've got a decent handle on what happens to humans subjected to low gravity long term: nothing good. Muscle wastage, calcium loss, and severe disturbance of the vestibulo-ocular system. Microgravity to Mars gravity is a matter of scale, not kind; there's no such thing as zero-g. http://www.psych.usyd.edu.au/vestibular/ This is the group that used to have the lab next to mine; they specialise in the effects of microgravity on vestibular systems, and research ways of minimising the effects on astronauts. So far, the results ain't real promising. Artificial gravity is harder to achieve than you'd think; rotating habitats do very bad things to people (coriolis forces in the inner ear, "explosively nauseogenic") unless you make them the size of a town. That sort of thing is beyond our current practical launch capability.
  10. Solution: don't come in tail first. Spaceplane parts have integral heat shields, you don't need to hide behind the engine bell. Just keep it above 20,000m until you've washed off some speed.
  11. How about stretching the "neutralise controls for ten seconds" to "neutralise controls for a month" or similar for bases? Or putting a "must not have any engines" limitation on?
  12. I know you can't really talk, but I would be very, very happy if some of the International Rescue style contracts (water bombing, urgent delivery etc) made it in.
  13. DEATH. Nobody beats him, not even the Auditors. Mort may have run him to a draw, though.
  14. BTW, another thing I've noticed: I used to use linear RCS ports on my spaceplanes, one pair per facing. For retro-thrust RCS, I'd have one port either side of the fuselage, rotated 90° to point forwards. Now, however, if I do that those RCS ports are guaranteed to tear off through aerodynamic stress long before I hit Mach 5. This never used to happen previously.
  15. Which one? None of the losses have been at extreme AoA. Things are flipping out of control and blowing up when attempting to fly straight and level.
  16. Just tried the latest build, downloaded ten minutes ago. Still, nosetuck, stalls at tiny AoA, and unprovoked aerodynamic failures although wing strength was set to 0.4. Getting a spaceplane to orbit at the moment is an extremely dangerous and prolonged chore requiring constant attention and a fair bit of luck. Previously, I could fly heavy cargo into orbit virtually hands-free (e.g. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90337-Economic-Fuel-to-Oribit/page5?p=1361984#post1361984) and get lightweight sporty stuff from runway to orbit to runway in about fifteen minutes (e.g. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94343-Spaceplane-Speed-Challenge-IV-Up-and-Down?p=1444635&viewfull=1#post1444635). I'm sorry to seem to be whingeing, but I'm not the only one reporting these issues. And while my designs may not be perfect, I'm certainly not the worst designer out here: if I can't make something that reliably works, the newbies haven't a hope in hell.
  17. Lightweight atmospheric stuff is working okay; it's only once you get into medium+ spaceplanes that it gets lethal. I'll see if I can build something extra stable and make it work. Ships with similar aero readouts flew perfectly fine in .24: Thanks for all the work, as always; I'm looking forward to when things stabilise again.
  18. Still having major flight issues (using the latest dev build, downloaded today). Ships that would have flown very well in .24 are now complete deathtraps: constant nosetuck, stalls at minor AoA, sudden rolls with no warning, etc. For example, the latest one: (yes, I get that this implies increasing mild instability after about 10 degrees AoA. The ships are blowing up even when attempting to maintain zero AoA) That ship has already killed four Kerbals, all without ever making it above 5,000m. Spaceplanes are essentially unusable in my career game at the moment.
  19. Go to https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research Download the zip (link at centre-right of page). Unzip it. Dig through the folders until you find the Gamedata one. Delete your old Ferram folder from your local Gamedata directory. Merge the new Gamedata into your local one, same as if you were installing any other mod.
  20. Speaking of wheels and things... I've got a "build a Munbase" contract, that says the base needs power, a docking port and capacity for six Kerbals. What's to stop me from fulfilling this by just momentarily landing a six-seater spacecraft (e.g. my standard crew transfer shuttle) and taking off again?
  21. Woo! Thoroughly deserved; glad to see that Squad have officially adopted FP instead of just cloning it.
  22. Mine aren't quite as bad, but I'm getting similar: I tried adding .cfg files (cloned from above) for both JSI and Hyomoto, without any apparent effect. What am I missing?
  23. I'd be a second vote for this. More cockpit options would be great, but no way am I going anywhere near B9. My laptop struggles as is. If you feel like doing it, a standalone parts pack of a cockpit or three would likely be popular.
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