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Everything posted by velve

  1. Hi again sorry for being a bother, I've run into a bit of a problem. I hope the forums don't get angry at things like too much posting and such, this is a very difficult game lol. So first of all....I landed on the MUN for the first time!!!!! Completely manual and without any mods, very happy about this and proud. But anyway I decided to take the chance and recover my samples in the hope that I could make it back to Kerbin, unfortunately I only had 1 and a half tiny tanks of fuel to exit the MUN. after many many failed attempts I managed to break out of its gravitation at about 770m/s which I account as being quite lucky as that is as I ran out of fuel. So now I'm caught up in Kerbins orbit and my plan is to do a rescue mission of some sort to recover the +- 200 research points on this out of fuel vessel. I really need the points see. Luckily it is caught in a flat orbit over Kerbin space station, I have no idea how but it's good news. So how would I go about doing this? The stranded ship/vessel has no docking port is there any other way I can save this excursion as I am very proud of it? The research is....almost sentimental of value too haha
  2. Thanks Claw, I would never have known this! I think I'm getting somewhere now, Managed to get a plane up with the micro lab jr. As well as all comm. devices. I just wish you could adjust the length of the small gear bay, that would help a lot, at the moment the relationship between the front SGB and the rear is odd in a tripod configuration. So yes my first small plane capable of transporting research goods. Unfortunately I flew it over to the nearest mountains where I have yet to research, dropped a chute landed on the mountain "unfortunately" and I swear kept rolling for about a minute. Needles to say everything was destroyed in this process argh, time to try again.
  3. Thanks guys I will post some pics as soon as I'm done with my current build. Oh and just before anyone misinterprets my meaning of "not as good as flight simulator" I just want to add that I am fully aware that this game does not focus on the flight model, it does a brilliant job of it, I am not complaining in the least, all I meant was I was expecting it to be better after tinkering with the rockets etc. I don't want to come across as whining lol. Just meant my expectations before entering the SPH, I'm not looking for another flight simulator here.
  4. I'm a new player and I thought the stupidity bar influenced the amount of research gained for every mission. Surprised was I, to learn this is not.
  5. hmmm I kinda wish there was some sort of display that would show the angle of the wheels I'm having a hard time judging in the 3D view. I did however get a small jet into the air and well, coming from a bit of a flight simulator background am left slightly disappointed. Its not bad at all, just not good. This is with a small plane and from experience some games improve with larger scale crafts. It could also be a bad lift/COM balance too. You can't build a plane in flight simulator though so this is awesome! I'm going to have to do some serious trial and error with space planes, I have a feeling anything over 6 parts will give me a headache.
  6. Oh jeez thank you so much! Actually went the science route because I was afraid of being left with no research. I found the wheels so thank you. They don't really work particularly well might I add, My plane keeps rolling over on the runway. Ill figure this out though.
  7. Hi guys Just had my first crack at the space plane hanger only to notice that I have most of the components for a plane and have constructed a small "scouting plane" that I managed to get into the air using girders as wheels . The problem is I am quite a ways down the technology tree and so far I still see no signs of wheels. This strikes me as a bit odd as the next part of the tech tree contains space plane fueselages and whatnot but there are no wheels. Is it perhaps in a different path of the tree or am I not understanding something with the mechanics of career mode?
  8. Ah man this is so true, luckily my college break has just begun! Couldn't have come at a better time. I missed a lot of sleep last night but guess what, I finally managed my first orbit! Such a simple thing but nonetheless gave me quite a tough time haha. Slowly working my way through the tech tree struggling for research, fortunately all my failed orbits managed to land me on some interesting biomes on kerbal. So they werent exactly wasted
  9. I've been struggling for 6 hours to get a single orbit...this is in career so I'm a bit limited. I understand the process and am doing it correctly so I guess its just my ship.
  10. Nice to meet you guys Thanks a million Claw. I fully agree with you, I am currently busy with my vanilla play-through. Since I am aiming mostly at physics mods I would not know how they influence the game unless I know how the stock game plays. I am hanging out in the forums between mission launches so I can learn some things first too. As for the rest of your suggestions they sound amazing. now that you mentioned mods that make building easier/more functional I think those would be paramount. I will definitely look into them. As for the Autopilot....there is no way, I love piloting my crafts, no amount of temptation would change that....I need my fix, and a good challenge delivers that. Again, love the sound of those mods.
  11. Hi there folks Short story time here, was down the bar the night before hanging with my mates. So we get on to the topic of simulation games "Me" being one of the biggest fans of this niche ramble on about my favourites out of my stack of sims reaching about two metres in height "bit of an over-exaggeration", so anyway thinking I know it all, my one mate says "have you played Kerbals?" Thinking back I remember Seeing KSP, with its Kerbals wanting to go into space etc, but never thought much of it.I thought it might just be another "Flash onliney type game" with not much content and fun for about an hour. "No its actually pretty decent" he says. Oh boy, yesterday I look over the game, giving it a hawk eye and thinking I'll give that a go. What an amazing breath of fresh air it is! I could see from some comments that this game is quite technical thats why I went ahead and bought it, but wow just wow. I am loving it. So theres my "stumbleupon" I'm not really into space and NASA etc. but if there is one thing that is slowly changing that its KSP! I have varied interests so I catch on pretty fast. I guess im just here to introduce myself and explain that I am a happy camper, joining the KSP ranks! Hope to hear from you guys and perhaps if someone can think off the bat of some mods for a newbie, perhaps one or two to get started with? I'm not into fantasy mods, strictly realism/gameplay enhancing. Sure I have searched around but I have no idea or reference as to whats good, and mods seem to be an integral structure of the KSP fanbase.
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