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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. sure, actually the solution is easier than what you would expect. you basically just have to take the current latest release of kopernicus, install it like you would normally, and just play. On ksp 1.8.1
  2. the difference between DXT5 and DXT1 is that the latter lacks an alpha channel you can use DXT5 for everything and the only issue will be that they will take up a bit more space in your hard drive RAM usage will not change because unity will just add an alpha channel to DXT1 textures when loading them for normal maps, you want to use DXT5nm which is better than DXT5 iirc
  3. oh, I can see that... this is weird I will look into it
  4. Does the server have ksp on it? Because I might make you a specialized plugin to extract everything from the server itself so you don't have to bother with huge file transfers
  5. ‘Only update this game when I launch it, and This will give you a warning before updating, so you know that it's time to make your back up
  6. SD has the option of rescaling geographical features separately from the radius. I believe Rescale! (cfg pack by @Galileo for SD) has already some pre-selected multipliers. Rescale! should also have some GPP specific cfgs iirc.
  7. https://github.com/Kopernicus/KittopiaTech/releases/ Just a spelling mistake due to me using the forums on a mobile device
  8. None were ever reported to me, otherwise I would have looked into it. If you have any examples I would apreciate some feedback on what the issues are so that I can fix them
  9. I don't get the complaining. If you don't like it, don't play it. If you like it but want to give some feedback, this is not the way to do so. I get we are on the forums and here that's all people can do, but still... Is your time so worthless that you can use it to do this?
  10. I tested this before doing the change and it didn't seem to create any issues for me. I forgot to test the VAB to be honest, so I didn't know they would throw an error there, but I am happy to hear it gets fixed if you save the crafts. Having to re-deploy some of the solar panels was expected. other than that there shouldn't be any bad issues and actually this new method of doing stuff should cause a lot less issues when mixed with other mods
  11. This is exactly the attitude that caused the delayed release. If you want to make sure there will be no 1.9 release you're on the right track.
  12. I'll look into this futher then I am confused, doesn't this happen on stock as well? I remember this being an issue in stock when cheating a vessel from one body to another
  13. yes that could be the cause, does KRASH let you save during a simulation? in that case you might be able to fix the issue by simply quicksavind an reloading
  14. this type of issue is very common when you cheat a craft into the orbit of a different planet. Did you use the cheat menu to hack your plane over there? if so, what happens if you then save, and re-load the game? this is usually the fix
  15. Close enough to work If it's for personal use you can use :FINAL to get a better result when you install planet packs so
  16. it's always a good idea to know what and why you do the things you do for making planets if you don't understand something it's always better to ask rather than just plop it in there and call it a day
  17. @Rocketology was given confidential information and spilled the beans on twitter. I don't know how this will impact his legit status going forward (I'm just joking rocket <3)
  18. don't take what I was saying too seriously haha I never really even remotely considered the idea of putting any of my mods behind a pay wall. that's just not the reason why I make mods.
  19. Thank you for the thought, however I don't have a patreon. I am not comfortable getting monthly donations. Donations should be considered "thank-you"s for stuff you aready received from me rather than support for my current or future modding endeavours.
  20. you could say the same about planet packs without kopernicus EDIT: not to imply that I think a paywall of 10-15 $ on kopernicus would be a reasonable thing
  21. they are definitely not unique, but if you see most of the last major updates of kopernicus always get consistently 25 to 30 k download even if you remove all the duplicate ones, and all the downloads you would lose if you put the mod behind a paywall I would bet you would still be over 15k and even 1$ for 15k downloads it's a pretty nice amount of money. even if you charged only once for lifetime access to the mod now, I am not doing this for the money, so I never really considered it. but if you look at patreon, people are definitely willing to support mod makers there.
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