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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. according to somsubhra the latest kopernicus has had 30k+ downloads, 10-15$ per download would be several years of salary
  2. basically we need to hyjack the stock process of generating planets and introduce the informations we need to generate new planets. we also have to find workarounds for the various assumptions squad takes for stock for example: - the sun is the only light source - the sun is the center of the universe - kerbin is the home planet - kerbin orbits the sun - 1 atmosphere is the pressure at sea level of the home planet and so on... we also add some extra features, like: - HazardousBody - Rings - Colliders for the terrain scatter and so on... all this is done without any documentation about how stock ksp works, so it's mostly trial and error to understand what a certain process does and then try to do something similar. Most parameters have pretty clear names (like semiMajorAxis, radius, etc...) but some other are more cryptic and it takes a lot of time to understand what they are used for
  3. and even if you were expecting your money to be converted in more work on kopernicus, 5$ of work wouldn't bring kopernicus much closer to release anyways
  4. OR we could wait for KSP 1.9 to drop Kopernicus 1.8.1-1 in order to maintain the tradition of being 1 version behind
  5. this was the last changelog I wrote when I thought we were close to release there were a lot more changes but all are under-the-hood stuff that should not be noticeable while playing the game
  6. honestly, I have no idea of 99.9% of the stuff that is going on in the ksp community, I don't have reddit/twitter/facebook, don't follow any twitch streamers (other than Rocketology and LGG sometimes) or youtubers. on discord I only talk with a limited number of people in private channels. which means I have no idea of the amount of pressure Sometimes I wish I was more involved, but I have very limited free time so I must optimize it if I want to keep making mods
  7. I thought I was close to release but then some more issues came out and so now I will need a bit more time, that's why Galileo thought kopernicus was ready
  8. 24 hours is probably very optimistic I don't think I will be finished by then, but the release date is getting closer I think
  9. Galileo was a great help dev testing the dev versions while I was coding the new features. There are a lot of people who contribute (or contributed) to the development of kopernicus other than me and thomas. And working with galileo was easy for me since we already had worked together on other projects. Plus he is one of the planet devs that uses a lot of the features provided by kopernicus, which helps when you want to make sure that everything works
  10. SD v0.9.7 (and possibly even v0.9.8) Kopernicus 1.3.1-5 KSP 1.3.1 this setup should work
  11. When I uploaded my pull request I did not try to launch a vessel, I just made sure the game could load and that the position of the planets in the tracking station was correct. However, it seems like there are still issues when you try to actually launch vessels. using PostSpawnOrbit will not work either, I confirmed this today by using this simple cfg (to make sure it wasn't an issue with something specific to NH) Since I have still a lot of work to do on Kopernicus for 1.8.1 I don't think I will be able to look into PostSpawnOrbit, which means this will most likely remain a bug for a while.
  12. SD v0.10.0 was for KSP 1.7.3 so it's not sure that it would work on 1.7.5 you are using Kopernicus 1.4.5-17 but that is a backport that was not available at the time SD was released, so it could be the reason why it breaks I would suggest you to use 1.4.5-4 but I cannot be certain it will work since this was a long time ago EDIT: I just tested KSP 1.4.5 Kopernicus 1.4.5-4 MM 3.0.7 SD 0.10.0 with this setup SD works
  13. If you get the logs just after having run the game you can be sure the log is from that session Keep in mind that the adress I gave you is only for windows, other os generate the log in different places
  14. This is the correct way to install EditorView If you have issues running the game with that install could you please send me the Player.log file generated by ksp? You can find it in %AppData%\..\LocalLow\Squad\KerbalSpaceProgram\Player.log
  15. @RealKerbal3x did you manage to solve your issues?
  16. I can't help you more unless you share at least the logs and possibly even the mm cachefile The logs are found in: %AppData%/../LocalLow/Squad/KerbalSpaceProgram/Player.log (Going by memory so it might be wrong) And the mm cachefile is found in GameData
  17. no it doesn't need kopernicus, it can work on its own. Kopernicus and other mods are compatible, but maybe one of the mods you had is not compatible yet also, the latest release is for 1.8.1, if you are on an older version of the game you should downgrade, but I don't remember the state of older releases so they might work not as well as the latest one to provide the logs, if you don't have kopernicus, just send me the mm cachefile and the ksp log
  18. this should not be happening for sure and it does not happen on my clean install of KSP with just EditorView could you try to reproduce this bug with as few mods as possible? and when you manage to do that, can you send me the file: KSP/Logs/Logs-Kopernicus.zip thanks
  19. Not sure SigmaReplacements would cause "it's still has all the planets from the mod", I would suggest a clean install (delete everything from GameData except for "Squad" and "SquadExpansion") then re-install only the mods you actually want to use
  20. This mod has been around for a while now, I just never made a thread for it in the forums. I'm trying to start making threads again, just to see how it goes. Expecially because I want to see how the automatic installation using the twitch app is received. Regarding the kk compatibility, that feature has already been added to the mod a few versions back.
  21. Sigma EditorView Improves the outside view as seen from the VAB and SPH Downloads GitHub Curseforge (Automatic install available) Other Links ChangeLog Source Forum Support If you enjoy my mods, please consider supporting me with a small donation. Bug Reports To report a bug or to ask for support, open an issue on GitHub. Installation This mod can be installed and updated automatically using the Twitch App. To install the mod manually, follow these instructions: 1. Install Manually Remove any other version of the mod. Unzip the archive directly into the folder 'KSP\GameData'. 2. Uninstall Manually Delete the folder 'KSP\GameData\Sigma\EditorView' License All Rights Reserved
  22. btw, the only reason why the syntax changed from SigmaReplacements Skybox 0.4 to 0.5 is because pood wanted to be able to provide compatibility for all skybox existing mods, so I changed my syntax to be compatible with all the other mods.
  23. I thought pood had updated his skybox.... are you still procrastinating @Poodmund ??? shame
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