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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. In the OP you can find Thomas' paypal link. I used to have a paypal link as well but since nobody was using it I removed it from the forums some time ago. Depending if I decide to update my mods to 1.4.5 I might bring the link back on github. My general attitude towards donations is that they should only be considered as "thank you" for past content. This is important (for me at least) because if I decide to drop a mod I don't want anyone to feel cheated out of their money. The code is freely available on github, and we have a discord for discussion. However I would advise you to start experimenting with a release of kopernicus that works, maybe trying to look into one of the minor bugs. At this point (a ksp update just dropped) we have a list of stuff to check and we might not have the time to help you on discord. (the code is pretty convoluted, which doesn't help) I haven't looked into this specifically but if squad reverted something they messed up in 1.4.4 then I would assume that would be one less thing to check for 1.4.5 I don't think this would have been an extremely bad bug for kopernicus, but it could have been relevant for one of my mods, so I'm glad they reverted whatever they goofed up in 1.4.4
  2. I now realize there has been no updates from a kopernicus developer in a while. Me and @Thomas P. have been busy lately, the summer is always a weird period since schools have exams and work places get a little crazy. We don't have any current ETA on a kopernicus update, so please be patient. We have an issue open on the project's github repository, we will post there any updates. (you can find the issue here) If you don't want to follow the github repo you can rest assured we will also announce it in this thread when a new version of kopernicus has been released (like always) Have a good summer people (except for @KillAshley)
  3. I haven't received any complaints about cartographer, are you sure it doesn't work on 1.4.4?
  4. idk, with all the current european laws it seems weird that we are still arguing about what is or isn't being shared. I was under the impression that those laws were introduced explicitly to avoid this kind of confusion that is why I am leaning toward the option "no data at all is shared", or alternatively, "somewhere it is explained what data is shared and why" but I still haven't found that place
  5. I wanted to avoid speculation, that's why I asked a staff member to get an official answer. I don't think SQUAD would go as far as saying they removed red shell because of people's feedback and then keep getting data anyways. and yes, I could use some tools to get the answer myself, but I had other things to do so I thought asking the staff would be quicker and less time consuming.
  6. I don't think that's the case since they said they removed red shell because of the feedback from the community, and the community was complaning about undisclosed data gathering in general, not only the one done by red shell.
  7. no I ran the game without any changes to make sure it wasn't caused by any third party software
  8. I'm happy to hear about this. However I noticed that the ksp application is still trying to access the internet, is there a list of the various reasons why ksp.exe goes online? I am sure there are different good reasons why it would, but I haven't found any list and the game itself never mentions it.
  9. yes stock KSP has a set of variables that define the length of a minute, hour, day, and year (in seconds) kronometer will change those variables, so any mod that is using them will be able to adapt mods that hardcode the values will remain hardcoded and ignore kronometer this is an issue that should be reported to the mod devs responsible for those mods
  10. no issue was opened on github so, either the mod still works or nobody cares enough to report a bug
  11. I'm going to address this when I get around to update my mods, I'll need to get in touch with everybody that currently uses SR for skyboxes and get organized with them to change the naming convention to something that can be compatible with TRR
  12. To be clear, I haven't left the forums. I just don't provide support for my mods here, and I don't update the threads anymore. I don't have the time. The only way to get support on my mods is using github (open an issue and wait for a reply)
  13. I didn't stop supporting KK, in fact I just pushed some updates to SD that allows KK to handle altitudes natively. The latest version of KK introduced a way to change the altitude of statics based on the planet's radius. Since SD was conflicting with that I added an option to tell SD to not touch selected statics so that KK modifications are not messed up by SD. I also updated KKtoSD so that it automatically tell SD which of the PQSCity mods come from KK and makes sure SD knows to ignore those. And regarding other issues with how KK repositions statics, I am happy to share my knowledge about rescaling systems so that if KK has some issues they can be fixed. Just open an issue on my github or ping me in a github issue on KK repo (probably the best choice) Also, I'm not sure this feature will be a permanent addition to KK, if it is reverted I will revert KKtoSD so that everything will work again
  14. I'm not going to update the thread anymore, if you are interested in this (or any of my mods) the only place to find info / get support from now will be github.com/Sigma88
  15. I had to remove the old info because it was outdated. I haven't had time to write new syntax guides, but if you open an issue on github I can help you with what you need
  16. I havent. I will still continue developing my mods regularly, and the updates will keep being released on github as always. I just cut some of the extra stuff because it was becoming a chore to me having to update the forum and twitter and discord, etc... I wasn't enjoying any of those things, so I decided to focus the part of my free time I keep for KSP on what I actually enjoy, which is making mods. github is not the only reliable way to contact me for ksp related stuff. I will still log in the forums every now and then, but rarely
  17. yeah that would be nice, except it doesn't work it gives a number which is in the ballpark of what you need but isn't exactly where the terrain is some regions are more messed up than others, but it's very apparent in some cases
  18. KKtoSD never had anything to do with altitude it's just an automated way to load "groups" definitions into SD. SD is going to change the altitude of all statics, I went through a lot of trouble to make it work correctly since none of the KSP features to read terrain altitude work properly, I had to write my own using raycasts. as far as I know the only issues are not with altitude itself, but with how groups are defined, which require a bit of fiddling around because KK groups are sometimes to big to be rescaled together
  19. I don't know what you mean by that, but anything that changes the altitude in an unexpected way is probably going to mess up SD I haven't tried yet, but I don't plan to take a look to SD before 1.4 hits since I have other stuff on my list for 1.3.1 I will let you know if I have time to test prior to that
  20. it's more likely that he has a planet pack that changes the geography of kerbin rather than SD with SD the most likely issue is having buildings spread around on a bigger area
  21. to be fair, @Gameslinx is not bundling my mod incorrectly. but I can see how CKAN might not be able to handle it correctly in that position I don't even remember where I found that word, but I think it was a comment in one of your cfgs
  22. @chubbyassasin123 white textures means the path is wrong In your case you are adding the extension where you shouldn't (Normal and main texture) Also, don't post your cfgs directly on the forums. It's really annoying for people on mobile Use pastebin or something similar
  23. I don't think so, it is probably hardcoded to work only around the central body
  24. if you want to use kronometer and sigma binary, make sure you install Kronometer v1.3.1-1 and SigmaBinary v1.6.9 and you have to install them manually (ckan won't install that version)
  25. as far as I know, KillAshley doesn't manage the ckan files of any of his mods so you should either ask on ckan thread or open an issue on the ksp-ckan/netkan github
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