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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. I think I have fixed the netkan so you should be able to install SASS using CKAN however, even if CKAN tells you that an update is available for Kopernicus, do not install that also, the recommended mods will not work since CKAN refuses to install the version I request
  2. It *should* work fine if you use kopernicus 1.3.1-3 I haven't tried but it should be pretty quick to check
  3. I'm having problems with ckan, honestly it is starting to get on my nerves. if it continues to cause me headaches I will just remove my mods from there
  4. weird, I'll take a look at the netkan file if you want to use scatterer/EVE I've made a visual pack called "SASSVisuals" you will have to install manually because it's not on CKAN yet it also requires standard scatterer+EVE install (you can install those with ckan)
  5. it was in earlier releases, it's not included anymore in the latest release
  6. Hi there so, basically, both SASS and SSRSS are mods that provide a version of the real solar system that is scaled down to stock KSP size. SSRSS requires RSS which provides a lot of celestial bodies from the real solar system, so they actually look like the real deal. SASS instead requires a lot of different planet packs that provide planets with stockalike aestetics, so even if the orbits are the same as real life (but rescaled) the planets resemble just vaguely their real life counterparts. I guess it comes down to your preference, SSRSS also has much better visual packs if that is important to you, and it is probably more stable than SASS since I don't get much feedback on SASS the upside of SASS would be that it provides a very Kerbal experience of the real solar system. Kerbals are reskinned to be pink instead of green, there are custom loading screens, custom science reports, you have the real life calendar in the clock.. etc... and also the bodies don't look like the RSS ones, which might be an upside or a downside depending on your taste.
  7. thanks just checking to make sure a dev version didn't get through
  8. this my mod is a hack to allow fake binaries in KSP physics, principia "hacks" ksp to use real physics. I would say, principia should be able to provide binaries without the need of extra plugins, it's probably just a matter of setting the initial conditions correctly I would assume
  9. if LSM is not installed it means that those black screens are .dds because my mod can't load other types of images it should be pretty easy to find which mod distributes such textures, and they must be distributing a SLS config since GPP does not have that image it's weird because I had no idea anyone other than GPP was using my mod
  10. the few tests I've done have always shown LSM and SLS could work together but I'm not excluding there could be some issues if there are any compatibility issues I don't have any problems in adding some fixes this is not in the scope of my mod, plus LSM already provides this feature and my mod won't remove those loading screens once LSM has added them finally, regarding if this is caused by SLS or by an interaction between SLS and LSM, I just need a way to reproduce the issue and I'll fix anything wrong on my side
  11. here are the installation instructions https://github.com/Sigma88/Galactic-Neighborhood/wiki/How-To-Install if you still have issues, make sure you ask on github because I usually don't check this thread
  12. I apologize if this is a bit off topic but I didn't have any luck trying to figure this out on my own and I think maybe someone here might have some insights. I would like to know where KSP stores the resources definitions while the game is running, I need to check them and possibly edit one of them on the fly. if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly apreciated of course I found what I was looking for just after posting this question, sorry to have wasted your time
  13. hi everybody, GN was never updated for kopernicus 1.3.1-3 so that's why the lighting was off I've now released a new update that solves this issue. it also adds new planet packs and now I also wrote an automated installer that can help you install planet packs with GN (and save some ram) you'll find more info in the github wiki if you have bugs to report or need support, please use github because I don't look at the forum very often
  14. to be honest I'm not what I call a "Part modder", I don't have the necessary skills to make nice models (all parts in this pack are cloned stock parts) the idea here is to create a system to allow more talented people to develop submarine parts without having to worry about the plugin side if there is enough interest this will become a full-fledged mod. otherwise it will just one of a series of side projects I start and never complete for lack of feedback
  15. Sigma Under Pressure Adds Ballast Tanks and Air Compressors to help making submersibles. This is just a proof of concept, not a complete mod. For now it includes 2 types of parts: Ballast Tanks: are tanks that can hold "Ballast" (basically sea water) Air Compressors: which are used to let the water into the tank or push the water out. The mod also contains a plugin to manage the function of these parts. I'm not used to work with PARTs so all suggestions are apreciated. I am particularly interested in: research requirements prices for unlocking and buying parts balancing of the various parts in general possible mods interaction Download: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-UnderPressure/releases Source: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-UnderPressure License: All Rights Reserved
  16. I'm working on a mod to handle ballast for submarines and I wanted to add a "submersibles" tab for the tanks and air compressors since this mod is a thing, I thought to mention it here just in case there is enough interest for something like this in the community PS: I already have the textures for the button but I'm not the greatest artist so if someone else wants to give it a shot be my guest
  17. I've updated SASS (find links on github) I've also released a Visual pack for SASS compatible with scatterer, EVE and @JadeOfMaar sunflares (find links on github) finally, remember that in order to get support you need to use github.
  18. I'll tell you more if you click on the date (in your image April 28) it will go to the last post in the thread also, the star is for threads you posted on. on the others you will just see a small circle/dot
  19. this mod has been moved inside the collection of mods called "Sigma Replacements"
  20. @eberkain the syntax for PQSCity_Groups is a feature from SD not KKtoSD. I don't have much time right now, but if you open an issue on github I will be happy to take a look as soon as I have some time. I am closing this thread, if anyone needs help with this mod please use github issues thanks
  21. I'm closing this thread, for any questions regarding this mod please use github issues thanks
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