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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. I solved by generating a static database of objects, they are too complicated to be saved on cfg
  2. I am trying to write a partmodule and I am having problems saving the node during OnLoad I read the node and store the data on public ConfigNode of the module (this.node) The problem is that the information is not there anymore at OnSave If i print the this.node it is empty What should I do to keep a field retain its value between OnLoad and OnSave?
  3. Click on the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions
  4. yeah, in kittopia you can change all those parameters what I usually do is: tweak the settings so that the noise is not a factor (can't remember which one it was) tweak the settings so that the color is completely visible and not merged with the colors in the background set the colors of each class to a very bright and recognizeable color (red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta ....) tweak the longitude/latitude/altitude parameters untill I get the result I want finally fix all the previous settings that I changed and set the correct colors for the planet
  5. there is no documentation, the best way to see what's going on is to use KittopiaTech and bright colors (so that it's easier to see which zones are which)
  6. Yes, but with no gui. Less friendly to a casual player and ideally it should give modders more choices. It is also completely hash based (instead of random) so the final results are consistent between games / installs (There is also an option to make the changes seed based to have some level of variation between games)
  7. It is yes, but I haven't had the time to write down the syntax yet But if you are interested I can write down some basics
  8. they are actually pretty different Plock and Karen look much more like Pluto and Charon than Pluron and Khato, even if the binary system of orbits is pretty similar
  9. @Flutifioc I'll take a look to see if I experience the same bugs Thanks for reporting it
  10. no, as far as I know it should not be bundled with anything, if it is they are doing without my consent and against the license (which is ARR)
  11. I don't know if I'll have the time, but feel free to pm it to me here or on discord
  12. ideally, you want to fix LAT/LON on the big planet, and then go to the stock size for regulating altitude
  13. how does the terrain change? SD should preserve shapes correctly not sure about that, I think you might need to edit them manually. as soon as I get some time I'll explain the math
  14. so, without the Kraker and IceHenge the game runs correctly?
  15. SD contains a lot of math to reposition all PQSCity around a planet the best way to create a PQSCity pack is to make it work on the un-resized planet. * the alternative is to setup everything on the resized planet and then manually change the altitudes using the reverse of the formula used by SD, so that after SD has processed it the numbers will be restored. with this method however you cannot use PQSCity_Groups, which means that the LAT/LON position will not be corrected between rescales (let me know if you want to do this so I can provide you the math) * the only exception to this rule is for PQSCity_Groups centered around the KSC on a planet pack that moves the KSC, those need to be designed on the un-resized planet but in the original position of the KSC
  16. Did you try without sd to see if the bug appears even without my mod?
  17. you need to build your base on the normal size planet. then SD will rescale it to the selected size to make it easier to get a good result you should also use KKtoSD so that the statics are kept together nicely
  18. plenty of mods have linux specific problems, namely: windows is not case sensitive so if something has the wrong case somewhere the mod won't load on linux
  19. I wasn't able to find any indiaction of what your problem might be but I've tried to download SigmaDimensions + Rescale 2.5 via CKAN on a stock install and it works so your issue is probably due to a bad interaction either with linux (and I have no way to know that since I have no linux machines) or with one of the mods you installed I would suggest you to start from a clean install and check if that works, and if it works, slowly add back the other mods
  20. please click the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions, they will guide you through the process of collecting all the files I need to debug this issue thanks btw, RSS doesn't use SD, so it might be an issue unrelated to SD
  21. it should work but I haven't tried it
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