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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. did you notice the title also changes overtime?
  2. that's because there's an option that you can check to see which option has been chosen (6/24) but that would not help you with kronometer feel free to tell them to ask me if they need help
  3. what is happening is that probably those mods are using hardcoded values instead of reading the stock properties so those mods will need to be updated to take into account the possibility of different time parameters
  4. if I recall correctly Kronometer changes the stock variables that are available to all mods, as long as those mods use the proper variables they should work even with kronometer installed
  5. Yes I know about that mod, I even tried to match its colors but I had to change most of them either because they didn't look good or they were to similar to each other. Btw, this is the mod that allowed me to do that: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166865-wip131-sigma-kerbaldescriptions/ I can even share the cfg I used to set up these colors if RoverDude or anyone else wants to try it
  6. Terran (much like Terrestrial) is a broader term than human. Human refers to the species Homo sapiens (but it is most commonly used for the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens) Terran/Terrestrial derives from the word Terra, which is latin for Earth, and refers to everything originated on Earth. any living organism, and even inanimate matter which is originary of Earth can be described as "Terrestial" in most sci-fi there seems to be a single intelligent race for planet, in that case it would make sense for those species to refer to one another using their planet of origin. In this context, "Kerbal" would be the name of the species while "Kerbinian" the adjective used to refer to anything originary of kerbin (or at least this is what I would expect, the term "Kerbinian" is never used in-game so that is just a guess on my part) it is also to be expected that the term "Kerbinian" is not used to refer to the kerbals, since they are the only intelligent species (more or less ) and so they would have no reason to refer to themselves as "Kerbinians" much like we don't usually refer to people as "Terrestrials"
  7. how about some color coding to keep track of the traits of each kerbal? PS: it's just a coincidence but I found it funny that the miner is a coward and dumb as a hat
  8. Updated to KSP v1.3.1 Enjoy Downloads Latest Release at Github Credits Sigma88 wrote most of the original code, Thomas P. made various improvements. The name is an idea of the IRC user "acc" This uses the Kopernicus parsing and attribution library written by Nathaniel R. Lewis (Teknoman117), which is LGPL If you want to buy us a cup of coffee you can do it here: @Thomas P. @Sigma88 Syntax Kronometer Syntax at Github
  9. v0.1.0 is now available for download v0.1.1 is now available for download v0.1.2 is now available for download
  10. without logs the answer is always the same: "click the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions"
  11. not yet, but they are on my todo list
  12. does the planet work fine without SB?
  13. use the wildcard character ? @PART[that?part] { // targets "that part" }
  14. for now I only have the basics which means a system to target text to specific kerbals I haven't looked into how those achievements are stored, but if they are stored in a sensible way it should not be difficult to add them to the mod I haven't had the time to write down a complete syntax for this, but if you have questions feel free to ask here or on discord
  15. this mod is being renamed and incorporated into Sigma Replacements as: Sigma Replacements: Descriptions you can find it here I will leave the downloads of this mod up for those people who need it
  16. I would use "FlattenOcean" which flattens all the terrain under altitude X to be at altitude X which means you can have all Laythe's terrain at 0 meters but you can retain all the terrain above zero unchanged
  17. yes this is the same thing I'm seeing, but I sadly can't figure out why it is doing that... :\
  18. I must have confused threads idk how I ended up replying to you here
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