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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. @OhioBob I'm checking the colors right now, red is PQS and vessels, while green is scaledspace blue does not appear anywhere edit: I can confirm that the scaledintensitycurve seems to affect both the red and green light, however my understanding of the code doesn't allow me to see what the issue is I leave this in the hands of @Thomas P.
  2. Are these stock contracts or are you playing with some contracts mod?
  3. @OhioBob this is why I proposed to change the color of the different lights It's possible that all the lights you looked at are handled by scaledlight, in which case the expected behaviour would be the one you described. Once you color the lights with different colors, it should be pretty easy to spot if there is some unwanted behaviour or not. I will be home in 4ish hours and I can check it out then.
  4. it's very difficult to provide compatibility for a mod like KSS the main feature of GN are the stars, so making it compatible with KSS would mean either 1- change all stars in KSS to be consistent with GN stars 2- let KSS keep its stars in either case the result would not be very good, because it will require one of the two mods to give up on their main feature I'm not against compatibility, but for the above reasons it is pretty low on my todo list so I will probably never get around to do it but, if someone wants to make a set of configs to make the two mods compatible and needs some tips on how GN works I'm always happy to explain how my mod works, and how to interact with it
  5. I will have some time tonight (CEST) to test kopernicus with an actual KSP install, in the meantime I took a look at the code and it looks like the IVA intensitycurve is not used. however, IntensityCurve and ScaledIntensityCurve are used properly (as far as I can tell from looking at the code) there's a very easy way to find out what each curve affects and it is using this cfg: @Kopernicus:FINAL { @Body[Sun] { %ScaledVersion { %Light { %sunlightColor = 1,0,0,1 %sunlightIntensity = 1 %scaledSunlightColor = 0,1,0,1 %scaledSunlightIntensity = 1 %IVASunColor = 0,0,1,1 %IVASunIntensity = 1 } } } } using this cfg: the light affected by IntensityCurve will be bright red, the light affected by ScaledIntensityCurve will be bright green, the light affected by IVAIntensityCurve will be bright blue.
  6. it might be that IntensityCurve is for the vessel I would have to test it manually to make sure tho
  7. now that I think about it when you say flightmode, do you mean you are flying a ship close enough to see the PQS of a planet? because if you are in flight but far away from the planet you will get the scaled version of the planet, which means the scaled curve is used I think the intensitycurve only applies to PQS, but I'm not sure
  8. yeah, that's the only point I'm not sure how feasible it would be I assume it is possible, but I don't know if it would be worth the processing power (this would likely be a constant check rather than a static change at the beginning of the game) but I'm not 100% sure, @Thomas P. is probably better suited to answer this
  9. IVAIntensityCurve exists MapMode and TrackingStation are the same in KSP as far as I know regarding the mod, I haven't had the time to look into it yet, thanks for reporting
  10. SASS and SRSS are two different mods Ckan SASS is only compatible with 1.3.1 so you can't get it on 1.3.0
  11. I don't provide Scatterer compatibility with GN I might look into it in the future, but I don't have an idea of how much it'll take
  12. If you are on 1.3.1 there is no kronometer for that version yet
  13. it's worth noting that GN provides compatibility only for base GPP, GPP_secondary might not be compatible by default. that depends on how @Galileo & Co. wrote those cfgs
  14. Sigma SciDefRenamer v0.3.2 Changelog v0.3.2 - Updated to KSP 1.3.1 Download Follow Discuss Donate
  15. I haven't looked into it, you would probably need a custom MM patch
  16. GN handles stars in a way that might not be compatible with some visual enhancements provided by EVE and Scatterer, since the look of the stars is one of the features of GN using EVE and Scatterer to override those might not be possible, I don't know, and I'm not really interested in looking into it, but I am not against people taking a look and trying to figure out a way to overritde them. (if there is any dev that needs help with GN internal workings just ping me, I'm happy to help) excluding those things, there's no reason why all other visual enhancements from EVE and Scatterer should not work on GN as well. just keep in mind that, even if it looks like the planet packs are the same in GN, there are actually some under-the-hood changes that might break the Visual packs made specifically for those mods. the most likely scenario is that someone will have to make visual packs tailored to the changes introduced by GN. that depends on how those work, iirc resources are distributed at random on all planets by KSP, so you should find everything everywhere without the need of customizing anything Kopernicus bypasses stock solar panels and improves them to work on multiple star systems as of now, all stars produce the same amount of energy the stock sun produces, that's one of the things I will change in the future, making some star more energetic than others As far as I know RT should work without any issues. I haven't received any bug reports on the subject. You'll need bigger antennas if you plan to go interstellar tho. (I think, I have no idea what RT has to offer nowadays)
  17. Thanks to @Olympic1, @politas and others, SASS is now on CKAN. I will be maintaining the metadata personally, which means it should always be a safe way to install SASS. This will make it easier to use the mod since the installation process can be a little confusing.
  18. yes Actually, I decided to include the permission for everyone to distribute in the license, hopefully that's enough.
  19. SASS is not yet updated to 1.3.1 (I'm working on it) if you are using 1.3.0, are you also using the last official release of OPM? the official one, not the one from galileo that's the one the latest SASS was designed to use
  20. Sigma LoadingScreens Download Follow Discuss Donate License All Rights Reserved Permission to distribute this mod is granted as long as the following conditions are met: Only files from the official github releases can be distributed (excluded the Source Code) None of the files and folders can be modified or renamed You can distribute only the "LoadingScreens" folder found in the archive The files included in the "LoadingScreens" folder cannot be moved or deleted from inside that folder
  21. this is intended behaviour for M-kel the ingame explanation is that the three white dwarfs are so hot that your ship explodes if you get too close the technical explanation is that those stars require a weird orbit setup that is not compatible with travelling around them in ksp, so I have to make it impossible to get too close otherwise weird stuff might happen
  22. While I agree that it makes sense for a wiki to list alternative/non canon names I still believe that the official name should be the one used to refer to the body (The Sun). I would need to check the ingame name for the kraken and the mohole (assuming the latter has a name), but those names are way less accessible than "The Sun". You won't believe how many "bug reports" we get over at Kopernicus (or any planet pack for that matter) saying "Kerbol has been renamed to Sun" Like that's a bug...
  23. yeah that's what I don't get. I don't have anything against the name kerbol itself, if SQUAD were to use that name ingame I would have absolutely no issues with it.
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