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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. they changed it it used to say: it's not a big deal, but I don't see the point in using "wrong" information in a wiki, and also it amazes me how a lot of people are convinced the actual name is "Kerbol" and when you tell them to go look in game they are shocked to discover it's actually "The Sun" (also, "the Star" ??????)
  2. I wouldn't trust an "encyclopedia" that openly admits to spread wrong informations
  3. I'll take a look as soon as I have some time
  4. if you find out please let me know, I have been going crazy over that particular issue
  5. I think I've figured it out mostly, the list I need to edit is not public, but I should be able to access it anyways.
  6. don't worry I am not offended but you didn't answer my question, you just shut it down. which is weird since it was a question I addressed to the developer. this workaround would be useful to me only if #1 was solved I'd still rather use the universal infrastructure which is already in place for the plugin versioning and use that one to feed KSPAVC rather than doing the opposite, but if that's the only solution provided I will be fine with it. anyways, I know for sure that #1 is an issue right now, but I don't know if interacting with AVC via plugin is possible or not, that's why I asked
  7. I have no idea what you are talking about, for sure KSP-AVC has some kind of list / dictionary where all the information loaded from the .version files are stored. if that list is publicly accessible it means that it can be modified by other plugins, simple as that. I just don't feel like going through all the code if I can ask the developer to answer one simple question if you need a list of reasons why this would be useful here are some that come to mind: 1- multiple copies of the same .version file show up as multiple mods on KSP-AVC list (if that was integrated in the plugin, only the version from the running plugin would show up) 2- integrating the version in the plugin means there's one less file to keep track of 3- it also means that I can automate the version check to read the plugin assemby version and pass that info to KSP-AVC directly rather than having to change 2 things (assembly version and kspavc version) 4- .version files can be modified by anyone with a notepad redistributing my mod, while plugins at least need to be recompiled which make the system safer for the user (if someone was concerned about security I could share the hash of my plugin so they can check that the version of my mod they are downloading from a third party source is the legitimate one and not a modified version) 5- cybutek already has 2 plugins (AVC and miniAVC) so it's possible the feature is already in place since both plugin would access the same informations I hope that's enough, if not, I still think I'm allowed to ask if it is possible regardless of it being even remotely useful
  8. as long as the required classes and fields are public it means that any plugin can modify them, loading order can be easily controlled that's definitely not an issue that's fine, you don't need to I do, that's why I asked
  9. Avc uses a monobehaviour that runs at "Instantly" which can be used by other plugins as well
  10. @cybutek is it possible to feed the ".version" information to KSP-AVC directly from the plugin rather than from a .version file?
  11. click on the nyan cat in my sig for info on which files we need to debug an issue
  12. what I do is use HyperEdit to put a moon in orbit around the body at the distance of the SOI it's easier than using a craft
  13. click on the download link in the OP download the "KEX-whatever.zip" archives you want to use open the archive you will find a GameData folder with inside a KopernicusExpansion folder extract the KopernicusExpansion folder inside the GameData folder of your KSP install keep in mind that they have not been officially updated to 1.3.1 so they might not work if you enjoy the mod, give feedback to the devs
  14. On first run kopernicus needs to create cache files for all planets. That takes time, so you might just need to wait for it to be completed. It's unlikely that you don't have logs, look at the link galileo posted to see where you can find them. If really you have no logs it means that the issue is deeper than Kopernicus.
  15. on the github release page you can find all versions, just look for those named 1.3.0-x latest one was 1.3.0-8
  16. @PART { @MODULE:HAS[#name[ModuleGimbal]] { &gimbalResponseSpeed = 15 } } Sorry for not using "code" I'm on mobile
  17. just don't play on the steam folder, you can copy the game directory and play on the copy without worrying about steam autoupdating stuff or set steam to ask before updating, it's not like autoupdate is the only option
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