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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. yes, if you zoom far enough you will see the additional stars the base mod (installed without any extra planet packs) should look something like this:
  2. This is just a bunch of words in a row but it doesn't make any sense It's like saying SPACECRAFT BANANA RUNNING 42 TOTAL ANSWER
  3. the distance is in units of 6km which means, if you have key = 250000 35.0 the distance you chose is 1500000000 meters the "intensity" instead is a multiplier for the light, the stock sun has 0.9 everywhere so you probably will want to have 0.9 at the level of kerbin, a little bit more closer to the sun and a little bit less for the outer planets
  4. I'd suggest you to uninstall SB for the time being I need to take a very deep look at the code to fix it this is caused by a KSP "bug" where it freaks out when the soi of a body is bigger than the soi of its parent (like happens for the primary and the barycenter)
  5. @totos_totidis how bad is this bug? I've tried reproducing it, and I can. but it doesn't affect gameplay much so I need to be looking at the console to find out does it also causes any kind of error while ingame? I tried to look for a solution yesterday, but it's harder than I expected so it might be a while before I can come up with one
  6. When using the code feature, if the content of the box is too long it goes outside the box and covers text written after the box, making the feature useless This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example This is an example As you can see the text from the example goes over the text included after the box making it nearly impossible to read what the hell has been written in the post PS: it covers also the signature
  7. Ok, it was too good to be true I'll give it a look as soon as I have time
  8. hmmm, wait.... I just noticed you have your game folder stored here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kerbal Space Program\ you should try moving it outside of Program Files, Windows is known to be annoyed by that
  9. ok, then I know *where* the issue is now I need to figure out *why* :|
  10. it's the same, the cfg will work either way, I usually leave it inside the folder because it looks cleaner just to be clear, you are experiencing this bug only when the orbit line enters a binary system right? as long as you orbit normal planets/stars or even the galactic core, it should be fine...
  11. this probably has nothing to do with GN it's probably a SB issue, before generating logs for everything with GN you could try a basic SB install with the duna-ike cfg if the problem lies where I think it does, it will show up even when GN is not installed
  12. has anyone been having issues with SB on KSP 1.3.0 ? specifically, when travelling with a craft through a binary system
  13. I have a feeling this might have something to do with SigmaBinary I'm not sure if it is a compatibility issue or maybe even a SigmaBinary issue that has nothing to do with GN I'll take a look as soon as I get some free time
  14. did you try reproducing this issue with a basic GN install to make sure the issue is caused by GN alone? if it is caused by an interaction between different mods I will need to know which ones (your install has too many mods to test right now) I can try to reproduce the issue on GN alone, if in the meantime you find out which is the minimum number of mods that causes the issue you can click on the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions posted there
  15. this particular issue is caused by weird values in one (or more) PQSMod the bug in question will appear only when the cache files are generated in 1.3 RSS comes with pre-exported cache files but SD forces KSP to re-build all cache files, and this is why people are experiencing it only with SD if you delete the cache files from a standard RSS install you will find that this bug will appear even without SD
  16. This issue is not caused by missing curves. It could be caused by bad curves however, but with no curves the new star should work, hence why I need the full report to see what's going on
  17. that issue was caused by RSS not being updated for 1.3 iirc now it has been updated so it should work. I haven't checked to be honest CORRECTION: as it turns out, no... RSS has not been updated for 1.3 yet (but galileo has good news down here)
  18. I will need a full bug report then click on the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions
  19. to reparent kerbin you can't change the referencebody for KSP reasons you need to add a PostSpawnOrbit node instead: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Kerbin] { PostSpawnOrbit { referenceBody = Kerbol } } }
  20. ok, I'll try to be more clear. show me the cfg you are using for reparenting kerbin to orbit kerbol
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