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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. Sigma EditorView Recolor This mod allows to recolor the outside view of the editor scenes. Supported Mods KSP-AVC Downloads Latest Release If you want to contribute to my caffeine addiction: Don't expect anything in return other than my sincere gratitude. Settings A complete list of all available settings can be found here. The picture at the top shows which elements are affected by which settings. Changelog v0.1.0 - First Beta Release License All Rights Reserved
  2. being a huge Asimov fan, and also of names from Roman Mythology (instead of Greek) for planets, I would love to see Planet9 get named like that
  3. sounds to me like you need a completely brand new customized curve, SD cannot do that easily. the best bet would be to manually write your own curve use this: @Kopernicus:FINAL { @Body[Kerbin] { @SigmaDimensions { debug = true } } } SD will flood the output_log.txt file with a bunch of informations about the curves
  4. @KerbMav could you please explain to me what you want to do? I'm having troubles understanding your issue
  5. @KerbMav I'll take look as soon as I have some time @Enorats I've never seen anything like that. If you click on the nyan cat in my sig you will find a list of files I need to help you
  6. this is ancient history I had completely forgot about that it goes without saying that it won't work
  7. I have literally no idea what that is
  8. @nowylepszyszatan you need to edit the "SigmaDimensions" node provided by SD, not generating a new one. So the first cfg won't work On the patch for Mun you are missing an @ in front of "Rescale"
  9. there's no "true 2.5x" because the choice on parameters is mostly personal, what I would suggest is to take inspiration from what stock does when creating a small system, so Rescale and Resize = 2.5 Atmosphere = 1.041667 dayLengthMultiplier = 1.5 atmoTopLayer = 1.1 everything else you can keep unchanged, or change to match your taste I don't really know about dv but this was already discussed in the thread and you might find some interesting posts, but I don't know how far back you need to go
  10. A small update is available, this fixes the ocean and improves compatibility with other mods links in the op
  11. @kasurmen I can confirm what JadeOfMaar said, you are missing MFI which is a dependancy for kopernicus
  12. it's a different way to change the atmosphere. Atmosphere simply stretches (or compresses) the atmospheric curve to fit in the new height atmoTopLayer instead extrapolates the foruma of the curve and elongates it (or trims it) to match the new altitude
  13. issue has been solved, fix will be included in the next kopernicus release unless we find that it is still bugged in our tests
  14. I still think it's worth asking the devs of said mod what they use. It might be something simpler than url, or it might be that they introduced an extra parameter to overwrite the url to account for situations like these
  15. you can duplicate a part using +PART[XXXXX] { @name = YYYYY } where XXXXX is the name of the part you want to copy and YYYYY is the name you want to give the new part for the janitor closet you will need to ask on their thread what they look for in a cfg and change that as well
  16. since you only change Resize the planets should look exactly like in stock, just smaller. iirc TSS had exagerated terrain, so you might want to try using lanscape = 1.5 or 2 the rest of the settings looks fine, if you want an explanation of all the settings you can look at the README.txt file you will find in GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/ or you can click the links in the OP that will redirect you to an explanation page
  17. yeah I remember adding some changes to the core for that glad they are working
  18. yeah I remember adding some changes to the core for that glad they are working
  19. cool, how's the interstellar space? haven't had the time to test it estensively
  20. I wasn't implying anything about SD I was just trying to help, but I didn't realize that the mod in question was made for RSS
  21. It's most likely an issue of the statics being buried under the terrain since KK statics are positioned at a fixed altitude above sea level and the terrain on earth is probably more elevated than on kerbin
  22. Hi. First of all we need to rule out the possibility of other mods interfering. Make backup of all the folders in your gamedata folder. Then remove everything except the "Squad" folder, "Kopernicus" folder, "ModularFlightIntegrator" folder, and modulemanager dll file Run ksp and start a new game (don't start saved games, create a new one) Go see if the bug is still there If it is, close ksp, click on the nyan cat in my sig and upload all the requested file. Share the link here so that we can take a look
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