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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. you look at the inside of your eyelid in a mirror, you'll have a small pointy thing if you are the clone
  2. I think you guys ended up on the wrong thread, what you are looking for is probably this one:
  3. SD should already handle clouds some way or another, if there is anything missing feel free to point out what your issues are and I can take a look at the code to add more options
  4. as long as the patches have :NEEDS[!GalacticNeighborhood] you can do whatever you want and it will not have any effect on GN
  5. Last time I looked at scatterer it didn't even take mm inputs, but I think thigs have changed now. I'll try taking a second look
  6. yes I forgot to mention that I'll add a note near the link to kk
  7. it might be an issue with your install, because on mine it is correctly named "The Sun"
  8. I'll get a bit more time to look at the suits tonight, I think I'm starting to form a pretty good idea of what I want to do with it, it should be pretty easy to use and allow for max compatibility/customizability of course you'll be free to test everything before deciding if you like my ideas or not
  9. could you please suggest a suit pack that uses the most options as possible? so that I can look at how the current settings work adapt it to my new syntax
  10. yes that's what I did the first test is already online now I'll start working on the other folders
  11. kopernicus and rather than changing the sealevel you need to change the altitude of the terrain, because sea level is always at zero meters over sea levels (like you would expect )
  12. ok I have a work-in-progress first New Syntax example: from the PR @Github
  13. here are some pics you might have missed:
  14. on it's own it works because reasons, but when you try to edit stuff with MM it breaks because all the cfgs have missing parenthesys or missing node types or similar crap that makes MM crash when used to edit Kopernicus nodes
  15. if you mean the graphical bug in the KSC scene, that is a bug that comes with reparenting Kerbin and cannot be avoided with the current tools available we tried to fix this into Kopernicus but have yet to find a viable solution. it's just a graphical bug tho, it doesn't affect the game other than making the KSC scene look crap last time I checked IA had some pretty serious bug that made it impossible for that mod to load together with GN
  16. I have some time to look at the config structure of TRR now which is the most stable repository I should branch out of?
  17. this mod is installed like any other KSP mod generally is installed. you download the .zip, inside you will find a folder called "GameData" then you extract the content of this folder into the GameData folder of your KSP install you also need to install the dependancies (which are listed in the OP) if you want to add planet packs, just click on the name of the planet pack you want to install in the GN OP and you will be redirected to the forum page of that mod. install that mod following the instructions provided by the devs of that mod (usually a process similar to what I have described above, but it may vary) keep in mind that if a mod is not updated to 1.3.0 it might not work (like RSS) that's about it
  18. The problem with that is I don't have the time to constantly monitor all mods. The general rule is, if a mod doesn't load on it's own, you should not expect it to load on GN
  19. I usually don't test installing all planet packs, I test the single planet packs when I add them and the stars with "LoadAllStars" once in a while I do a super install to make sure there are no major issues, and before releasing v0.4.0 I did just that and loaded all planet packs except - RSS / RSSexpanded - SASS - Gameslinx - GPP and with those packs (22) the game loaded and everything was where it was supposed to be my potato laptop was running at fractions of fps (OS included) but that's not really something I can improve on keep in mind that RSS and GPP are still not compatible with 1.3.0 so that might cause some issues SASS and Gameslinx should work fine with the latest versions of GN and the respective mods
  20. Galactic Neighborhood v0.4.1 a couple of bug fixes and added compatibility with Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul all the links are available in the OP If you want to follow the development of my mods: If you want to buy me a cup of coffee: Changelog: v0.4.1 - Added compatibility with Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul - Fixed compatibility with TextureReplacer - Fixed realistic star flares - Changed some star descriptions
  21. LOD on saves RAM, but can give issues to mac users / linux users and possibly other mods (like apparently scatterer)
  22. Last time I checked LOD could only be enabled/disabled for all the planets, not for specific ones Plus you would need to put textures under a PluginData folder But that's also known to cause issues for mac and linux users so I'm not sure that's a good thing for you
  23. this MERIDIAN mod makes my KSP use 5gb of RAM, and seeing that my laptop has 6 GB of RAM, that's not very enjoyable to say the least have you considered using the Kopernicus feature loadondemand?
  24. from wikipedia GN stars follow the vega color scheme* (even if it's not realistic) so A would be "white" and B would be "blue white" I think the star I have already chosen can be ok for you, let me take a couple of screenshots... * unless you use the setting for RealisticStars EDIT: here are some pics of the star as it is right now Stockalike Version: [System] [Closeup] Realistic Version: [System] [Closeup]
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