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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. Just delete the file: GameData/StockalikeSolarSystem/Configs/Extras/HumanNames.cfg And the names will not be changed
  2. ok, so we can just list that as solution did you get the error spam regarding missing shaders?
  3. @Ger_space are there any downsides to force DX11 ?
  4. ok, then probably it's something more complicated than I thought
  5. @HaArLiNsH I was using that folder, which means the code to get them could be wrong? not sure the error was saying "KSP/TR/visor" is that the correct name? usually when KSP loads stuff (mainly images) from GameData the name is the location of the file, so an image stored in KSP_INSTALL/GameData/MyMod/texture.png would load with the name "MyMod/texture" don't worry about this now, if you are still working on it it's probably best that you get it to work 100% on your system and then share what you have and see if it works. there's no point in testing something which is not ready yet (I was just curious to see if there was a delay, but it's probably caused by the fact that it's still an unfinished "product")
  6. I was getting errors of missing shaders in the logs, one was called something like "KSP/TR/visor" or something like that not sure about opengl and dx, I just run the game without any modifications on win10 so no opengl I would suppose
  7. The "freezing" I am referring to happens during the black screen between the loading screen and the main menu screen. It's not a freeze in the sense that the program is not responding, it's just that there are a lot of calculations being done which prolongs the waiting time between loading and mainmenu EDIT: since I don't like to talk about stuff based on "feelings" I did a quick test to see if there actually was a delay or it was just my impression, this is the result: STOCK = Basic KSP install (no mods) TRR = STOCK + my version of TRR with the MM compatibility (should start at "Instantly") TRR+MM = TRR + module manager (mm should delay TRR to start after mm is done changing the confignodes) master = STOCK + the current master branch from @HaArLiNsH (which I compiled) (no mm) I'm not sure how ready the master branch is tho, maybe it has some code which is not ready yet. I will try to roll back to my version and just move the code from Instantly to MainMenu and see if the issues persist anyone that wants to try and reproduce the same experiment on another machine is welcome, more data = more we know if something is going wrong EDIT2: I've added the loading times from my old version but with the start moved at "MainMenu.Awake" there doesn't seem to be any loading issues so it's probably something that has to do with the shader code, I don't know how that works, and I don't even know if an higher loading time has to be expected so I defer further testing to @HaArLiNsH and @Ger_space that are certainly more familiar with the code I haven't tested this version with any heavy installations (planet packs + kopernicus tend to be really heavy at the MainMenu.Awake and MainMenu.Start so it wouldn't surprise me if there were some issues there) but I don't have time now to test that, so it will have to wait
  8. I just mentioned it because on stock install with just TRR the amount of time the game remained stuck on the black screen before main menu was worringly high. Other mods tend to freeze ksp in that moment as well, so I wonder if it could cause trouble. I assume the code you need for the shaders is not related to the texture replacing and compressing (which is the heaviest feature of trr) so I don't see the reason to move everything at mainmenu But ultimately this is not my mod so I will leave this to you Best case scenario I am just being paranoid and the freezing never gets worse than what it is now
  9. no you need an ocean, but you can add an ocean to any planet if the planet doesn't have an ocean
  10. depends on what you mean I assume you might find useful "HazardousOcean" basically, you add a node called HazardousOcean inside the Ocean node of the planet, and then define a curve inside that node something like this: Ocean { HazardousOcean { key = 1, 4 key = 2, 5 key = 3, 6 } } every key defines a point in the curve, the first number is altitude, and the second number is "additional temperature"
  11. I compiled the source from master and the test loads the red image instead of the green one. so either I messed up the compiling or the new commits have broken mm compatibility haven't tested this throughly, it was working fine before so unless there are some meaningful reason to keep the changes we can always roll back EDIT: ok, have taken a better look and it works, I probably messed up the compile. anyways, MainMenu.Awake() is a really busy time for a lot of mods, so unless there is some tangible advantage to do stuff at that point, I'd say stick with ModuleManagerPostLoad()
  12. a check to read the "veteran" or "badSS" attribute can be added pretty easily to TRR I can add that to my todolist
  13. Ping me once you upload the logs, I'll take a look as soon as I have some free time
  14. They can choose literally any real star and I will use it as analogue. Only one choose a giant, only one choose a white dwarf. People seem to be obsessed with sun-like stars for some reason
  15. I plan to generate a HR diagram as well I usually let devs choose which type of star they want. Most want main sequence stars for some reason With an abnormal number of G dwarfs
  16. I have made this table to show how many stars there are in GN, and how they are divided into the various types: Galactic Neighborhood Star Census This might help to choose new stars that are not identical to others in the neighborhood
  17. I haven't really looked into it, it doesn't sound like something that would work. But if you can make it work without SB then you should not have problems in adding SB later
  18. I'm not familiar with parts syntax. If you show me an example of a part you want to target I can tell you why your patch doesn't work
  19. @DMagic the purpose is most likely to allow for biome names to be translated from english (eg grasslands) to other languages, without the need of changing all the science defs keys (eg kerbinsrflandedgrasslands)
  20. Since I am working on GalacticNeighborhood right now, it's the perfect time to add some more planetary goodness to the mod. if anyone wants to propose some planet packs, please let me know which ones you want to see added so that I can start looking at those as well
  21. SB and SD are updated, SASS should work out of the box now even with Kopernicus 1.3.0-4
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