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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. I'm not an expert on the subject but I've seen the name smurf going around here lot. Maybe that's something you might be interested in
  2. I have a feeling this is yet another victim of the BUILTIN/ textures used more than once issue. it has already been solved in the development build, but there are other issues with that build that have to be solved before releasing a new update at this point I would suggest @Thomas P. to do a small release adding just the fix for BUILTIN/ textures and postponing the other changes to a later update
  3. @NathanKell any ideas on why ohiobob is not getting the output_log.zip file on his install? EDIT: I always download the game from steam but I always assumed the versions from steam or squad store were basically the same game
  4. the fact that you are missing the file might be an indication of some issue in your install. as far as I know those files should always be generated by stock KSP I don't remember what the differences are between KSP.log and output_log.txt but I do recall that I used to have a reason to ask for the latter rather than the former
  5. KSP_win/ and KSP_win64/ are just placeholder names for "ksp install folder" So basically if you are running 32bit ksp you want the first while if you are running 64bit you want the second I copied it from NathanKell's post on how to post bug reports I didn't think it was confusing, but if it is I can change it
  6. Your best bet would be v0.3.1 But I am not 100% sure
  7. I can't see any kopernicus errors on your log so I can't help you have you tried with kopernicus but without all other mods? so that you can effectively rule out the possibility of other mods being involved? also, if you click on the nyan cat in my sig you'll find a list of stuff we need to have the best chance of solving the issue keep in mind that if this issue only occurs when using a gazillion mods it might take a lot of time to find a solution, if it is even possible...
  8. @Gordon Dry I assume you are still trying to use SASS since you posted the same message in the threads of all required planet packs if you have problems with SASS ask here, don't bother the developers of the required mods if you are trying to use scatterer and EVE with SASS be aware that will probably not work once you removed scatterer and EVE, if you are still having problems, remove ALL mods that are not required by SASS and try loading the game. if you are not experiencing the error anymore it means that one of your extra mods is causing the issue once you have found the MINIMAL amount of mods that causes your issue go HERE and upload somewhere all the files required on that post
  9. last time I tried SASS it was working so I doubt it should be that, but I'll take a look tonight just in case
  10. @OatBran I think this is from standard KSP mechanics You can't set a body as target while you are inside its soi
  11. It's probably a mod using BUILTIN/ textures more than once This is a know issue EDIT: there's also the chance it might be an issue with the planet pack itself, in which case it should be up to the devs of that mod to fix this issue
  12. you can't change the system setup, but you can have a body hidden and one showing, and use your plugin to hide the one that's showing and show the one that's hidden
  13. I'm guessing you are using a heavily modded install you'll need to narrow down the number of mods/configs to the minimum required to cause the issue otherwise we can't help you once you found the minimum amount possible of stuff that causes the issue click on the nyan cat in my sig and provide us the files described there
  14. this is not at all simple and I'd suggest you to settle for something simpler unless you are ready to sink hours and hours in coding this mod. if you want to give it a shot, you need first to add to kerbin all PQS mods required to get the "molten orb" using kopernicus. but make sure that all those mods have "enabled = false" then, when it's time to switch, your plugin needs to go through all pqsmods on kerbin, disable the ones you don't want, and enable the ones from the "molten orb", then you trigger a spere reload (can't remember the name, but it's one of the options of the pqscontroller) finally you need to change the scaled space to match the new pqs I've already done this on a smaller scale so I know it works, but it's a pain to do so you will need to be really into it to get everything to work and waste A LOT of time
  15. It is possible, but you need to write a plugin to do it. Kopernicus does not have that function
  16. For those who still wonder, the answer is yes
  17. the only errors in your log are texture loading errors from probes plus have you tried probes plus without kopernicus?
  18. @Gordon Dry the first issue (uranus) seems to be a bug in Kronometer I'm not sure what, I'll look into it the second issue (stuff exploding) it's probably not related to SASS since "earth" is basically just stock kerbin
  19. I never checked if EVE and scatterer work with this, but I assume they most likely will have issues I only checked that the mod works with the minimum required setup, any additional mod has the potential to not be compatibile.
  20. yes it's hardcoded in the plugin, it picks up gregs texture and recolors it RAM usage is pretty high with all the textures provided by the various mods, there's Kopernicus feature OnDemandLoading but that needs to be implemented by the mod developers not by me
  21. the only thing that SD does regarding "days" is changing the rotationperiod of the various bodies. I guess it all depends on how USILS defines "days"
  22. if landcontrol is involved a fix has already been found and will be included in the next release
  23. I stopped releasing SD versions compatible with 1.2.2 when 1.3.0 hit. you are using a version of kopernicus that was released much later, you can try using the latest know compatible combination which is Kopernicus 1.2.2-6 SD v0.7.7 also, don't paste the whole logs in your messages, upload the files somewhere and share the links. pasting long textwalls is known to cause issues with this forum
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