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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. No, I'm working on it. Need to get enough time to finish
  2. This could be one of the additions in SASSx If I ever get around to doing it
  3. they were included in the cachefile you sent me
  4. this is a weird issue, you have the part that your screenshot say is missing I will need a full bug report, could you click on the nyan cat in my sig? thanks
  5. you are missing a part, can you send me your mm cache file?
  6. or maybe you were smiling but then tripped and fell on the asphalt
  7. I never had issues with those and transpatency Is there a better option?
  8. kopernicus versioning have been made very explicit to avoid any kind of confusion:you need to make sure the first 3 numbers from Kopernicus version and KSP version are the same: KSP 1.3.0 Kopernicus 1.3.0-4 COMPATIBLE KSP 1.3.0 Kopernicus 1.2.1-4 NOT COMPATIBLE the best way to make sure you don't encounter bugs would be to use the Kopernicus version that was live at the time of the latest release in this case, since the mod has not been updated from the author for almost a year, it's probably best to refer to information provided in the post linking to the new version developed by a different author (in this case, @Galileo ) TLDR: I think the latest version of kopernicus will be just fine if you are using OPM_Galileo
  9. I use photoshop, but I assume gimp would work very similarly make sure you select the correct types: DTX5 (colormaps) DTXnm (normals) DTX1 [L8] (heightmaps) also, remember to mirror the images vertically as DDS are loaded differently than PNG I have no issue using DDS for heightmaps, you just need to select the correct type (L8)
  10. Kopernicus is version locked which means running kopernicus 1.2.x on ksp 1.3.x will result in kopernicus disabling itself
  11. No you can't do that with MM but I've made a mod that can be used to do what you want https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160151-wip130-sigma-scidefrenamer/
  12. if you don't experience the issue with only kopernicus, but need to istall EVE/SVE/SVT it means it's either a bug of those mods or an incompatibility issue between those mods and kopernicus. if that's the case I'm not familiar enough with those mods to give you support, so you might want to try asking the devs of those mods. BUT @Galileo already told you it's a SVT issue and that he will fix it when he has time, so I'm not sure what more I can do for you
  13. If you do a clean install of kopernicus (Only ksp and kopernicus requirements, no other mods) You should find that the sun is unaffected. If you are still seeing issues on such an install click the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions
  14. I posted the answer to this exact question in the last post before yours I suggest you take a look at least at the last post on a thread before asking questions that might be already answered
  15. just a heads up to @Tynton and anybody that might be interested I am considering adding compatibility for this mod into my GalacticNeighborhood I usually ask the dev (Tynton in this case) for a name and type for the star, but given that you already have a custom star I will use that one did you use a particular real life star as an analogue?
  16. a small bit of info for those that might still want to use tracking solar panels: currently there is a "bug" in kopernius where the solar panel at the moment of deciding which star to track, will focus on the star that is more centered in its field of view. we have already changed it so that from next release the solar panels will choose the star that provides the most Ec/s in the meantime, it's sufficient to rotate your craft until the solar panels face the closest star (ciro) of course with stations it will be a bit more difficult, but at least you have an option while you wait for the next kopernicus release to drop
  17. no, KSP needs the center of the universe to be a star called "Sun" This is why I used that setup in the first place, If it was as simple as giving it another name I would have probably done that
  18. you need to report the problems to the developers of the planet packs you are using if you don't have any planet pack installed, click on the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions EDIT: also, if you could hide pictures inside spoilers that would help maintaining the thread easier to read for everyone
  19. are you still working on this? I have good news, most of the mods here should now be compatible with SigmaDimensions
  20. if you have kittopiatech installed, you can go to the PQS tab and select "Add PQSMod" (the button is at the very bottom of the page) Kittopia will then show you a list of all PQSMods available as far as I know that's the easiest way to find the list of PQSMods available
  21. turns out it's because GPP now deletes all bodies, which means it clears everything that has been added by GN I am working on a fix right now
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