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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. no changes are required for compatibility, so the latest version of SB is compatible with both old and new kopernicus
  2. no changes are required for compatibility, so the latest version of SD is compatible with both old and new kopernicus
  3. it seems like there's a smaller bug in the newer kopernicus which makes the galactic core shine like a regular star there's nothing I can do about it in GN and the fix should come in the next kopernicus release no changes are required for compatibility, so the latest version of GN is compatible with both old and new kopernicus
  4. what @Micro753 said, plus if you click on the nyan cat in my sig you'll find a more detailed list of files we need to understand what your issue is
  5. next time try with the stock orbit tool thing cheat whatever that should not have the same issues as hyper edit (I suppose?)
  6. did you manage to reproduce this issue?
  7. I don't think it does as long as you do it for your own use, adding the feature into a mod might be against the rules, I'm not sure, you will need to check that
  8. yes, I agree this kind of filters are funny the kind used ingame tho is only there to make sure the kerbals don't have inappropriate names (or even weird names, like Kerman Kerman) there is no other filter as far as I'm aware
  9. it's not about being PC this is a PEGI 3 game and there are rules to follow when your names are randomly generated from a bunch of prefixes (eg: DIL) and suffixes (eg. DO) it's pretty easy to get some names that would break PEGI 3 rules on a separate note, why the hell does the forum now change "ffi" to a single character? is that only me?
  10. @JPLRepo any news on issue 13101? I was hoping a fix could be sneaked in 1.3.1 but from reading the changelog it wouldn't seem like it has
  11. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/140580-131-kopernicus-release-1-oct-06/&do=findComment&comment=3187917
  12. Are you using hyperedit to put the crafts in orbit? EDIT: this sounds like a hyperedit issue, when you HE straight from landed to orbit, sometimes timewarping has this effect on your craft. to check if this is the issue you should try quicksaving / quickloading after you put the craft in orbit alternatively, this might be an issue linked to how kerbin has to be reparented in ksp, try to put the craft in orbit around a planet which is not kerbin (like duna for example), then save/load, then timewarp. the issue should not happen if you do that
  13. while that is a solution that can work, it should be possible to just edit the existing HeightColorMap but without logs it's impossible for us to see what is going wrong and give the proper support
  14. I assume this is open to pull requests, I have couple of improvements I'd like to submit (Just checking before investing my free time on it) nevermind, took a look at the code and it would probably be easier to write a new one than to add what I wanted to add
  15. They are Kopernicus uses the same tools ksp uses to spawn asteroids as far as I know
  16. You need to check with the extrasolar guys to ask if they removed asteroids on purpose. If you post your modulemanager cache file we might see what kind of asteroids are spawned in your system
  17. If kopernicus is the cause it will be evident from the logs Click the nyan cat in my sig and follow the instructions for a bugreport
  18. Keep in mind that GN is only compatible with the most minimalist install of GPP possible (only GPP folder and GPP textures) it is mostly a sandbox mod, I have made no effort balancing career because honestly once you can go interstellar I would assume career is pointless
  19. KKtoSD requires almost zero effort to use all KK group definitions are automatically loaded into SD that will reposition all statics automatically, the only things you might want to set manually are: groups that are centered around stock landmarks (KSC, KSC2, Island Runway, Pyramids) will not be centered correctly unless you specify that those landmarks are part of the group some buildings should not be repositioned with their group because they are located on a specific geographic feature (a hill, river or something) so you might want to add them to a new group so they are repositioned alone
  20. I mean, after all that's a very specific set of properties... what are the chances of anyone making such a mod? what do you want more? that it can load all kinds of planet packs maybe even create a new star for each of those packs? so that you might find yourself having a whole Galaxy to explore? or maybe you'd rather have them restricted to just a smaller Neighborhood
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