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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. Slightly tounge in cheek version: Advantages: People can do whatever they want with it. You've contributed to the grand internet of free information. Disadvantages: People can do whatever they want with it. If someone gets rich out of it, you have no claim to the money.
  2. I think it was less of an april fools joke and just a joke using april fools as an indicator it could be a joke. (In case the ludicrous "improvements" didn't tip you off first)
  3. I think that's the way most jokes, from the dawn of time, have worked. Normally the aftermath only lasts for a few seconds or minutes... ...But on an internet forum, apparently since there's more persons, they can form communities, feeding social interaction, lasting for longer, hours, even days. ...This will be interesting to watch, i'll shaddap now.
  4. I think it was more of a technological-satire of "modern" social media with angry undertones combined with anger at companies trying to modernize social media to make it compatible with smartphones. Or something like that. Satire. It's a thing and has been around since, well, a long time. The funny thing? I think Kasper just made a very good point. People expect things like this can actually happen, and they don't like it, but it's a fact of the Internet. Too Complex Didn't Understand Version: Kasper proved people are getting used to BS like that, as fact.
  5. Guys, we can put away the pitchforks. Kaspy added this in small text under the update: As some people pointed out already, the update schedule is slightly suspicious. We wish you a very happy (early) April fools!
  6. Wait People actually believed this? To me it was more obvious than ALT + F4... ...which totally gives you [insert good thing here] and completely doesn't close off your window.
  7. I'm thinking there's deeper meaning to this though; perhaps March 20th means something? Is it the birthdate of Loki in Norse mythology? We need to figure this out!
  8. An hour? It took an hour to realize it was a joke? Geez, i'm already angry at the snow outside...
  9. At first I was reading it and thought it was real, it was the upvote/downvote system that tipped me off. That's not a forum, that's a subreddit. Clever jab at people who don't like reddit at all, methinks.
  10. It's worse than that. Obviously the VAB as we know it isn't even in the KSC! If you glitch inside the VAB in flight mode, it's hollow, so the VAB in the KSC must be a prop. In fact, this goes for all the buildings, they're all just props. Filled with explosives. The *real* VAB isn't visible anywhere else, though, so I submit that the VAB is underground and the view outside is just a painting. And they harness the Kraken to get it from the underground base to the launchpad. (yes yes I know the VAB is a completely different Unity scene than the flight scene and whether it's hollow or not in the flight scene makes no difference in the VAB scene because they're not really the same building yes yes I know but this is humour)
  11. A tiny computer stolen from Jedediah, the Nintendo-64 throws a tiny table of rage in a spiteful rainbow refrigerated container. According to popular myths, the N64 is absolutely waffle flavored and should definitely be tasted.
  12. I would imagine only if you actually load the save, which you could avoid by just not loading it. Of course, if you accidentally load the wrong save, it'll be messed up, which is what backups are for.
  13. The largest tank available from Rockomax, the Jumbo-64 holds a vast amount of rage in a spiteful orange insulated container. Contrary to popular belief, the Jumbo-64 is NOT orange flavored and should NOT be tasted.
  14. I would say rep-to-post ratio is a good indicator of average post quality. But it's not. First of all, if you spend time in the space lounge, or science lab, then while posts can be repped there, you don't get post count. Second, some areas of the forum are more rep-happy than others. Not by much, of course, but just enough to make a difference. Third, Green Iron Crown and Christmas. (people were VERY rep happy around those times), and in the starting days of the forums, people barely used rep at all. "But Norpo!" you say, "Surely it must be SOME indicator of quality?" And yes it is, but you need to take it with a MAJOR grain of salt. There are examples I could use that say it does work, and examples I could use that say it really doesn't work, here's one of those; Look at me for example. I made the Titan Engine mod, and basically other than that just made witty comments and went to Green Iron Crown and was around on christmas. rep divided by postcount gives me: 0.9277 as my rep ratio. Now, chances are if you use mods, you've heard of RoverDude, or at least used one of his mods. (Umbra Space Industries? MKS/OKS? Sounding Rockets? Karbonite? Any of those ring a bell?) Apparently not; he has a rep ratio of 0.2537, despite releasing some of the highest quality mods out there, and used in countless saves. Skewed somewhat, I imagine, due to support posts, so you could argue that his 10 (or so) release threads are nothing compared to his 5870 posts that are not release threads. So while it might be a representation of average post quality, by no means is it always a representation of what they've done for the community. ESPECIALLY if they hang around in space lounge/etc. In the end, just decide for yourself, if they're good posts in your eyes, then they're good posts. No need for confirmation. If it seems like someone should be beaten in the head with a stick, don't give them rep. If they made a good post, give them rep. It's that simple. /rant EDIT: I imagine some people are going to ask for examples of good posts and bad posts, well.. Note the picture, in the right thread, and the witty comment. There's a typo, but at least you can understand what they're saying. Speaks for itself. Or maybe not. Can you read it? I can't. Between the question marks, failed attempts at smiley faces, "haha", "minimus", and "rep ???" you'll have a hard time even understanding it. Oh, and it's in the wrong thread, and they made a post JUST for it. Everyone is scratching their head if something's supposed to be a support thread, or what. Obviously there can be bad posts that DON'T have typos. Well, the mod creator had a tutorial on how to do it in the OP, but obviously bad poster missed it. Now, good mod creator has a history of, er, "Snark Diplomacy". Not that's a bad thing, considering obviously Bad Poster is asking a trivial question that nobody with common sense would ask considering it's 2015 and Google is a thing, here's his reply: Bad poster, not the brightest bulb, replies: Well then, obviously nothing flies over Bad Poster's head, his reflexes are too good. Mod creator replies: Okay, Mod Creator decided to reply despite bad poster being a needy guy, that's nice of him. However, Bad Poster isn't so appreciative. Uh oh. Bad poster is mad. Mod Creator, being sick of this, even though he linked a tutorial, just doesn't reply. He's gone through this a dozen times with a dozen different people, and he knows well enough that you can't underestimate a moron. 'Tis the life of a mod creator. Obviously Bad Poster could of just googled it. The irony? Bad Poster actually has a higher rep to post ratio, because he mainly hangs around in space lounge. Yeah.
  15. I voted "No" and "Potatoes", for extra irony.
  16. Imaginary internet points: wanted by just about everybody, needed by none.
  17. I think it is a painting, the fact that the Kerbals distant ancestors, the Wil-E Coyotes, have perfected brilliantly realistic paintings, only lends more support. It's just on a much larger scale, and the difference between Kerbals ancestors, the coyotes, is that Kerbals work together. Perhaps there was a massive, "Outside Painting Army" during the VABs construction? You decide.
  18. A ladder.. A ladder.. My KSC for a ladder!
  19. Maybe the community should just make a giant list, so you almost never find the same one twice? (Minecraft has over 150 splash messages as far as I can remember) "Writing warning labels", "Adding negative graviolis", "Shrinking planets", "Space Kraken annihilated", "Placing Mun Rocks", "Inventing Parachutes"
  20. 7/10, too lazy to look at links
  21. I always wondered, would it be possible to make a , and put a rocket on top of that, to gain altitude, and thus reduce delta-v budgets?I tried making an Eve helicopter, but it always ended badly, but i'm sure someone could make one that works..
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