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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. EDIT: Another one, for good measure
  2. Yeah, it did. I got in, but after a while (after I launched some rockets) it just went in some weird mode that just had everything spinning slowly, when I refreshed it said the website was offline.
  3. Eh? All I see is a brown hexagonical asteroid thing with a very thin circle around it.. And then when I refreshed and re-entered, it partially turned blue. Am I missing something? Is that just the loading screen? O_o EDIT: Nevermind, I refreshed again and then suddenly I was in the game.
  4. On the launch pad I get tempertures about 287 units minimum, which fits Kelvin nicely. (about 14 Celsius) Also, saltwater has a lower freezing point, so that would explain why the sea wouldn't freeze.
  5. Alright. I chose a currently firing NERVA engine as my target: Decided to go with a similar "crapton of engines pointed towards it" strategy. Peaked around 8985.3, when I took the picture. EDIT: I just had an idea, brb sending part to Kerbol's surface EDIT 2: Eh, couldn't get above 7k there anyways.
  6. So I was flying my plane and everything was smooth sailing until: Yeah, that might of been important.
  7. Suborbital is any flight that goes past the atmosphere, but never gets in a stable orbit. (e.g no periapsis above 70km or so) (an apoapsis of 71km or more should work) Escape trajectory is when you escape Kerbin's SOI, so leaving Kerbin's influence.
  8. Been doing some career mode; fun stuff. Did a fly-by of the Mun, got some good science. Playing on Moderate with science/funds/rep on 80% instead of 90%. Didn't do Career in 0.90, so the upgradeable buildings is new, too.
  9. If you're playing Career, you need to upgrade a building to get it (I believe it's the tracking station, i'm not sure, though)
  10. I dunno if it'll be harder or easier, but I bet it'll be a lot different. Harder: Reentry heating means to get your craft down intact will need a lot of thinking New atmosphere means no more pancake asparagus monsters Easier: New atmosphere means it will be a lot thinner, so less delta-v, perhaps Resources mean you can refuel on-site Differences: General rebalancing of parts Thoughts? Predictions? Is anyone crazy enough to try this in 1.0 (and get the bragging rights of being first?)
  11. inb4 kerbal is a full game and i can start bragging how I was around before it was officially released
  12. 4 minutes until it's released possibly, another 2 hours before it finishes downloading assuming the servers don't explode
  13. Let's get to 512. while HypeThread.pages < 512: ....post hype
  14. The servers will break. How will we fix them? Why, MORE HYPE, of course! (warning: tvtropes link.)
  15. Throw the hype coal into the engines, folks. WE SHALL GET TO 500 PAGES!
  16. Everyone on the forums right now: ...Get ready!
  17. Alright, that confirms it, now is there any word from SQUAD that this was intentional? I summon thee, Kasper.
  18. I think it's probably a mistake, there's been no other announcements, and it's not available on Steam yet. My bet is it's a mistake... Still, odd.
  19. Hype Imagesâ„¢ It'll be happening! Soon! (don't hurt me mods plz)
  20. Unity and KSP use C#, and i've looked through some plugin's source code before; they're all in C#, so you'll need to use C#. I could be wrong, but I think if you use a different Unity compatible language (like UnityScript), you won't be able to use the KSP API. (I haven't made a plugin though, so I could be wrong)
  21. I'll try career mods, but not without mods to make it better. Last time I played Career it was just a little boring; but then again that was completely unmodded.
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