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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. Visited a Hidden Fun Stuff on the Mun, for the first time! First time at a Mun Arch.
  2. my honest opinion: If people didn't care enough to read the whole thing, then why did they care enough to complain about it like it was going to be the end of the world? Get the facts, then complain. -words to live by
  3. ...Either my water bottle, or my cat. The former would be weird, the latter not so much. The last thing you wrote with will explode when you use it, where will it most likely be used, and what damage will be done?
  4. It's clear what you have to do, pretend the Mun is the death star, and shoot something into a Mun Arch pretending it's the famous weak spot using the X-Wing. It's only logical.</wrongseries>
  5. Laptop, C# programming book, water bottle (dammit, it's empty), camera, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion game disc, and a crapton of clutter. The thing you last read (physically, non-internet) you have to write an extensive paper on.
  6. Banned because I seem to have started some weird attraction to rep/post ratio..
  7. What if ALL of KSP is an april fools day joke, they just forgot to tell us?</mindblown>
  8. I'd like to see it explain the 50 other articles called "Science Proves We Landed on the Moon", aside from "shadows" and "there's no gravity on the moon"
  9. Norpo


    Han solo shot first, dammit. What is this insanity? Why did you change the movie? WHY GEORGE LUCAS? WHY!? -end fail- What's next, will the control panel shoot first? Maybe alderaan shot the death star first, wouldn't want people to think Darth Vader is evil, would you? ...Okay, i'm done now.
  10. I'd say this is the likely answer; Legolas has boots of +2 Physics Defying.
  11. There are 139372 registered members on the KSP forums, and 89 light green members. So, for everyone that gets into the light green group, there are 1565.977 accounts that don't. While not all of those accounts may represent one person (forgetting you had an account, passwords, spam accounts etc.), that's still a lot. Still a rather prestigous group, I would say. Of course, imaginary internet points, and all that. As I said before on another thread, you can be a great poster (but not have an amazing rep-to-post ratio), I have a higher ratio than RoverDude, for instance, and he publishes so many mods I've lost count
  12. Well, depending on how far right, that's either a toy magic-8 ball, or a cat's play tree (with convenient sitting platform) I'd rather use the 8-ball, the cat would kill me. The object(s) to your left (within, say one metre) are your supplies in a hiking trip.
  13. I never posted one, either. Well, I guess I should now here, then, huh? Hello, i'm Norpo, and I play Kerbal Space Program. That is all.
  14. Oh? ∞ + 2! Beat THAT!<
  15. Go to Eeloo and Dres, only planets I haven't landed on yet, (Did a flyby of Eeloo in 6.4x once and a flyby of Dres once in stock) and I hope to land on all of Jool's moons before 1.0
  16. Dres is a very small potato. It was the first potato considered to be a potato. Its orbit is hilariously irregular and, together with its smell, it took a long time to discover since half the time it was not where kindergartners expected to find a foodstuff. Due to its nature of frequenting the beet parts of farms. This dramatic potato was officially labeled as not to be trusted by the scientific world.
  17. Oh god, why did you have to ask. tl;dr version: Kasper played a joke that they were changing the forums to basically be FacebookFarmPremiumVille, and some people didn't see that it was a joke. Really, I would think Walt "Clippy" Kerman ("An in-forum assistant will see that you are writing something, and inform you it can help") would of been hint enough.
  18. A banana slug stolen from Jebediah, the Wii shows a planetsized cup of haze in a beautiful antimatter refrigerated container. Accordion to mystical myths, the N64 is absolute waffle crumbs, and should defiantly be stolen from Maxmaps.
  19. I'm sorry, but I couldn't NOT post this:
  20. ...I doubted this at first, but after a quick google search with time constraints, I barely see any references to it, and those are probably google's time paramaters glitching out (Most seem to be from SpaceX's Falcon failure) And google auto-complete suggests "origin" and "ksp" to be appended to the end. Hm. You may be right! EDIT: I found *one* reference to a RUD before KSP, and the forum software could be to blame for the time: http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=8209.60
  21. Nope, it's frequently used to describe the shape of many asteroids. [source] [source] [source] [source] EDIT: On another note, Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly, or a (possibly full) RUD, i've heard that before in aerospace, though not "Rapid Unplanned Disassembly", which seems to be the Kerbal version. [source]
  22. A coffee mug borrowed from Jedediah, the Wii shows a tiny cup of haze in a beautiful rainbow refrigerated container. Accordion to poplar myths, the N64 is absolutely waffle crumbs and should defiantly be drank from.
  23. Whelp, now I can't unsee that. Thanks. On topic: yeah that's weird, though not sure how easy it'd be to fix.
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