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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. 18, i'm here! EDIT, ah shucks. Well, it's 18
  2. Well, think like a scammer. (written from scammers perspective EDIT: Realised this sentence could be misintepreted BADLY. I'm not a scammer. Just this being written as a "Here's how my scam works" perspective) First, you send a bunch of bulk e-mails to send, these don't have to be high quality, you'll hit SOMEONE who will trust you. If you can send 1000 e-mails, statistics suggest ONE person will believe you. Next, when they respond, start replying manually. You have perhaps limited information about them now, and you can devote the time to talking to this one person. You can hand-craft a reply that seems legitimate, you don't want to lose them now, you have the fish, now yank them in. This of course assumes they haven't sent you any personal information yet. Just an "Oh gee, how do I sign up" reply. (If the scammer's lucky? They might just send you their credit card number off the bat. No need to reply at all, you have the credit card, now never talk to them again.) Through this? I imagine you (starwhip) won't get a reply at all, you called their bluff, it's not worth the time to send a reply. Scamming: It's not rocket science. Just probability on your side. (I haven't done this, obviously, but scams seem to follow this pattern. I honestly doubt this technique would work, but hey, that's how i've always imagined it.)
  3. Overfloater, that'd be 22. Last post was 24, so... 25.
  4. I'd be careful about that, who knows what could happen, but it's your risk to take I suppose
  5. <sarcasm>But it's totally legit! Don't you know that if someone wants your credit card number it can ONLY be legit?</sarcasm> Now, I wonder what happens if you contact "them". My guess: crap e-mail list, targeting you as gullible, not that you are, of course.
  6. 1092: This is an empty room, aside from an extremely large box. Inside the box, it is filled with used (probably discarded) bubble wrap. (There are steps to the next floor as well, of course.)
  7. Banned for sending a bobcat instead of office chair. Would not buy again.
  8. But what about the positive uses of dihyddrogen monoxide? Like keeping the human race alive? Sure, the cons DO outweigh the pros, but keep in mind the work it would take to keep this substance out of the homes and streets. It could take years, even decades! Banning it could be too much work.
  9. 4.5/10 for "RIP IN PEACE", overused joke, still kinda funny
  10. I spotted someone in the Light Green now, RogueMason Welcome to the light green group!
  11. Eh, it's not that great. Graphics aren't what make a game, but it's a lost opportunity, considering space is really majestic and stuff. Exploring the planets should look great, and visually stunning. Lucky for us, that's what mods are for. It just goes to show that space is great though, even without mods KSP still looks awe-inspiring in certain situations. Just look at the "Show off your awesome KSP pictures" thread for proof. While the atmospheric mods make KSP look so much cooler, it looks alright even with stock graphics, too. AND without melting my GPU. (some mod parts) Of course, with realism and atmosphere mods, KSP looks SO much better. Just to provide a pic for comparison: Now, say to me with a straight face that last one doesn't look so much more epic. Original KSP graphics are nice, but they cannot hold a candle to all the expertly made mods out there. tl;dr space looks great and KSP looks meh
  12. Oh Bop, thou art the Kraken's home. My first (and only) Bop mission was a manned lander.. Everything exploded other than the capsule. As far as I know, whats-his-name Kerman is still stranded on Bop. Nice, you have gone where I exploded
  13. 19, it's slowly going down, but i'm keeping it up!
  14. The in-game description says "The Mun". The descriptions for other planets don't say "The Duna" or "The Jool", so i'm going to guess "The Mun" is correct. I think one of the in-game tutorials is called "Travelling to the Mun" as well. [source] EDIT: in any case, slightly off-topic, Yeah, Dres does seem a bit more like the moon than the mun..
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