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Everything posted by Norpo

  1. Yes, i'm about 3 years too late. BUT YALL GOT RICKROLLED (I'd say it still counts.. That face is creepy)
  2. My logic is: "If google/microsoft/THE MAN is watching me, then they're probably watching millions of other people too, why are they gonna spend the time watching someone who browses the KSP forums and blender tutorials when they could be laughing their sides off watching someone else who's probably 10x more interesting to watch?" Have my data, Google. It's not that interesting. It's not like I'm a legendary lumberjack immersing himself in the wilderness leaping from tree to tree and such, then googling "oh gawd i'm falling how do I not die" Logic dictates, by statistics, there's someone with more interesting data than you. Or someone googling "Google, can you please give me information on acronyms. Thank you, google. Sorry for bothering you" but that's another story entirely.
  3. 2000000000 Making a unix time calendar script with Python, 2000000000 happened to make it to the "notable dates" list (so did 2147483647)
  4. I enter matrix mode. (no your connections not slow that's a static image) You accidentally brought a knife to a gun fight.
  5. Statistics would suggest potato. How to space FAST?
  6. Simple animation disproves foundation of all logic!
  7. Everything ever said by Tim Watters (ST: DS9). http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Tim_Watters ...He wasn't that bright, though. Sadly, he was the "captain" (sort of.. but not really) (If you have no idea what the hail i'm talking about, it was only one episode. long story short "elite" (if you could call them that) group of Startfleet cadets get a fancy fighter-ship prototype for a planned training run. they find out an enemy ship is near the area and get cocky and decide to chase down an enemy ship 1000x their size DESPITE continued efforts from higher-ranking people back at base not to. You can guess the results from there. (HINT: In star trek, there's no Death Star-like weak spot to help you.) I could be wrong but that's vaguely how I remember it) Red squad! Red squad! RED SQUAD!
  8. When you legitimately have to use my Titan Engine part mod to keep part counts down. (It's 7 Kerbodyne advanced engines in one.)
  9. I think this has been discussed before, and the answer I think was "yes", though it won't be a stable orbit, the orbit will probably get an intercept with the Mun again, and possibly get shot out of the system (or crash into Kerbin)
  10. It could be worse, they could be announcing these things on IRC chat so people can't cite their source with proof.
  11. 3/10 Am I blind or is there nothing there?
  12. Welcome! If you have any questions about how to play the game, you can start a thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/15-Gameplay-Questions-and-Tutorials Though, using Google will normally give you a good answer.
  13. (square) Roots, dollars, money, bucks, kerbucks, and Funds are all recognized by me.
  14. Claw's stock bug fix has a "KerbalDebrisFix.dll", that should fix it if you don't want to risk going in the persistent file to fix it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v0-90-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v0-1-7c-4-Jan-15%29
  15. Now there's a clever mod idea if I've ever seen one, it's always seemed a bit silly when parts just... fall apart
  16. I'll just redirect them to a different universe using a laser pointer!
  17. So, i'm making a giant engine. (or rather, it's already been made, see signature) I'm using the Kerbodyne Advanced Engine effects, but how would I go about making them bigger to match the size of the engine? TweakScale does this automatically; so i'm guessing there must be a way. Is there a setting somewhere I can change, or would scaling something in Unity help? Thanks!
  18. Yeah, i'm gonna release an aesthetics patch soon; I think I might be figure out how to add more flames... While i'm at it i'll fix a collider bug (there's a big gap between the nozzle and the connector plate) Then maybe some slight detailing elsewhere, etc. Nothing huge, just to make it look nicer. TweakScale adds more or less flames according to how big it is; so i'm going to GUESS there's a "scale fx" function somewhere. I'd rather not add a crudton of plumes, no idea how that would affect FPS, and people seem to love sticking them in the dozens to rockets... After that i'd say the engine is pretty much complete and wouldn't need anymore updates. Also, if it looks alright, i'll try to get gimballing working for the engine bell; though i'm afraid it might just look jumpy and erratic. In other words, it's not quite done yet, but it's in a usable state, for sure. Just needs more fire
  19. Someone made a ribbon generator here, this may be what you need: http://www.kerbaltek.com/ribbons
  20. I find, typically the archive the file came in (.zip file) will have the version number in it's name.
  21. Dres and Eeloo only ever got flybys from me- I think my next mission should be to Eeloo...
  22. Well, I know KerbalStuff allows "modpacks" to be made, no idea how that works exactly though. I imagine it might also be able to bundle that with a texture pack-type thing, Ven's Stock Revamp shows it should be possible. Biggest obstacle might be contacting all the modders for permission...
  23. Pepe Kerman: Scientist. Funny enough, in both my experimental sandbox saves I got him from overflow in a mk3 cockpit.
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