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  1. Interesting... Well done!
  2. Just about all I do is make aircraft, spaceplanes, and rovers. And I have a tremendously good time doing it.
  3. Ive got over 2000 hours, and have never had any mod of any kind installed. And I don't miss them. I also have not had any kind of crash since 0.90.
  4. Pre 1.0 I had many crashes. After 1.0 I have had zero. No program crashes whatsoever. Bugs, there are still many, but very few of them frustrate me. And I have never had any mod installed.
  5. If that is a definitive list from a group of respected reviewers, then I hold little hope for the future of gaming.
  6. Perhaps someone could mod an overlay? Or a series of overlays depicting actual human markings, and some alien markings for 'immersion'.
  7. I use an alpha-numeric system for all my vehicles that are not spacecraft. (Exception: SSTOs). e.g. KTA 101 j K for Kerbal, T for Transport, A for Aircraft, 1 for crew, 0 for Science equipment, 1 for # Engines, j for juno. Spacecraft usually get named after the Pilot + Destination. Such as, Valentina-Mun, or Jeb-Duna 3. (If it happened to be Jebs 3rd trip.) Makes it easy to know where they all are.
  8. I would agree with you if we were all using the same brand of console. But PCs vary so much in every aspect, it would be impossible to all have the same experience.
  9. No crashes, no mods, no worries. (Well, wheels, landing gear, and landing legs still need tweaking).
  10. I found myself mentally using it for estimating travel times. e.g. I need to drive this rover 50 km that way and I have to leave for work in 40 minutes. How fast do I need to average to make that happen? Well, if I average 25 m/s, 50 km is 2 ksec, or about 33.5 minutes. A fast flight from KSC to KSC2 and back is just under 2 ksec. So far, it looks like only I actually use it.
  11. It is 16 minutes 40 seconds. And yes, I believe it is a fine 'sized' unit of time. The convenience factor could be limited like you say, due to timepieces not having that ability. But its easy to remember. Its nearly the same number of ksec/hour as liters/gallon. Maybe I'm the only one here who does.
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