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Found 16 results

  1. So I like testing custom space stations in KSP Sandbox but a challenge is making a big enough rocket to get it to orbit perfectly. I want to take a next step into making stations and by that I mean start to make big ones. Yet I cant bring them into orbit, which I hate. After lurking around on the internet, I saw some comments on posts saying that you can TP stations into orbit using hyperedit. I went onto the HyperEdit website but the latest release is for 1.7. I'm not sure if it will be compatible with 1.8. Please link me to a continued version of HyperEdit or a updated version for 1.8. I also heard that the BETA version of it is for 1.8 but I don't know how to download it. Thanks if you read this far. I'll appreciate all of the help you guys give me. Anyways, yeah.. can I get some help?
  2. when i press space bar rockets or planes dont stage i have hyper-edit and breaking ground expansion and my keyboard work well but spacebar dont activate anything . sorry for bad english.:(
  3. I have a kind of issue with HyperEdit When i go in Orbital Tab i put Velocity and put for example 100 m/s in prograde with HyperEdit When i click apply the vessel go to that speed, but i cant control it, a few seconds later the vessel just breaks but when i go to the KSC i have no sky, the textures of the buildings break too with some kind of Galaxy texture and when i go to Tracking station there is no solar system. Any ideas?
  4. Sometimes when I launch a vessel, there's this horrible gray filter on everything I can fix this by reverting to launch. I have mechjeb, KAC, hyperedit, and Making History. Are any of these causing this, or is it a stock bug?
  5. Discuss all the stuff you’ve done with HyperEdit!
  6. I hope this is the right place for such queries, but I wonder if anyone has any information about HyperEdit since the last KSP update? I have relied on it to test things, but it has vanished. I'm a massive fan of Kronal Vessel Viewer too, if anyone knows about that. Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. Here are the following mods that installed correctly: -DMP -Hyperedit -Module Manager The others, Mech Jeb, and Kramax Autopilot didn't. I see absolutely no resemblance of them even being installed. Below is a "TREE" of my KSP folder if you need it
  8. Jeb is on a trip to plant another flag to Mun. But oh no, the engineers forgot his descent engines! The lander has only ascent engines, which of course don't work while descending. Thankfully the engineers installed a cubic octaconal strut and strut connector dispencer in the lander pod. All Jeb has to do now is to install as many struts and cubes as needed to land the space craft intact. And that's your job! Modify the craft to save Jeb. Don't be intimidated by the rules and instructions, all in all it's just a couple of clicks and you're good to go. Instructions: -KSP must have excactly one mod: Hyperedit. -Get my savegame file from here (download button is on the upper right corner!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6dKP8U7SGK7dUd5QWxoNHVOQzg/view?usp=sharing -Extract the zip to your savegame directory (in my case it's C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves) -Load the game, switch to craft "Jeb's Trouble" and see how it crashes. It should go in a crater and hit the downslope of the crater quite gently. -Go to VAB and load the craft "Jeb's Trouble" -Use as many Cubic octagonal Struts and EAS-4 Strut Connectors as you like to protect Jeb. -Add one small OX-STAT solar panel. -Do not modify the craft in any other way. Yes, the bottom tank is supposed to be empty! -You can only attach the parts to MK1 Command Pod and to each other. -Take note of part count. -Rename and save your craft -Go back to KSC and reload the game "Jeb in trouble" -Go back to space center, go to VAB, load your craft and get it to launchpad. -Open Hyperedit and click the following buttons: Orbit editor -> currently editing: Select -> Active vessel -> Rendezvous -> Target vessel: Select -> Jeb's Trouble -> Apply -Be warned: Do not use time warp now! At least my game weirdly stuttered a bit and the lander missed the downslope of the crater. -That's how we pretend that Jebediah is making the modifications in-flight. Instructions with pictures: Rules: -Pilot must survive -Before the craft has stopped, you are not allowed to use ANY thrust, nor go to EVA. -Exception to above: you can be a wuss and apply thrust after your craft has bounced off Mun's surface and you'll to go straight to Kerbin. Points will be reduced! -Plant a flag on Mun, and/or get back to Kerbin alive in the same craft. -If your craft stops upside down, you can do whatever it takes to flip it upright. Without any cheating of course. Send a rescue vessel to push it, if you like. -No cheating of any kind. Use Hyperedit only as instructed. Scoring: -Minus one point per part added (original craft is 12 parts) -Landing on mun safely: 100 points -Planting a flag on Mun: 1000 points -Landing back to Kerbin alive: 500 points
  9. I'm thinking of a challenge, where a rocket is on a specific trajectory on a specific time. People would have to modify or build their own rocket and put it into that spot and go on from there. To turn a rocket from collision course etc. Editing a savefile would be a bit clumsy way to do that. I'm a total newbie to hyperedit. What would be the easiest way?
  10. Okay so i was messing with Hyperedit, but when I set everything back to their defaults, I was surprised to find that when I did a mission to Moho, I couldn't enter its sphere of influence! So the games says I'm getting an encounter, and I reach the patched conic, and it just sat there saying "Moho Encounter, T -" However, when I went from Kerbin to the Mun, everything worked just fine. This bug wasn't unique to Moho though. I did a test going to Duna, and the sane thing happened. However, I did enter its SOI, but as soon as I did, I was teleported to the other side of it and exited again. Even after uninstalling Hyperedit, uninstalling and reinstalling KSP, this still happens and is very frustrating.
  11. Just messing around with the alt-f12 cheats menu when i found this: It's not intuitive at all. I don't know what most of those orbit parameters mean, and i think eccentricity is broken. However, it seems to have most of the features of Hyperedit. You can set your ship to orbit around another planet or rendezvous with other ships with it. I'm not sure if it can directly change your velocity or land your ship at certain coordinates or edit the orbits of planets themselves, but in its most barebones form, it looks a lot like hyperedit. I guess a lot of you have found this already, but if not, just thought i'd leave it here. P.S. You have to make sure you account for the planet's radius when you set height of your orbit, otherwise bad things happen.
  12. hello, I have Eskandare's mod CVX and was wondering what are the ocean coordinates on kerbin for hyperedit thanks, dmav522
  13. version 1.1.3 hyperedit makes it so you can transfer planets, watch this http://prntscr.com/bxdfdk
  14. The Hyperedit ship lander for kip 1.1.3 won't work!
  15. Well I Didn't break ksp but did break the map and camera..there's a difference. Anyways I did it with hyper edit and a lot of zer0s. (Game crashed 2 minutes after and I started this while it was broken )
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