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Everything posted by micha

  1. As @Brigadier mentioned, we need more information to even start diagnosing your issue. But the biggest thing is that you seem to have installed a development/beta version and not the current release. For support with beta versions, please use the Development Thread, but since the latest full release there's no active beta at the moment.
  2. Ditto. My actual spare time is limited, but as a backup-dev I'm happy to volunteer. I know source-code-control etc. Web-dev less so. You have my contact details already
  3. Just to confirm, the source code is still here? Reason I'm asking is that it seems nothing has been updated in a very long time, yet I know you've been working on it..?
  4. Feature Request When editing a mod description, please make the Markdown link open in a new window. Or a "warning, leaving page, are you sure?". Or something! I just lost a significant edit to a mod description because it opened in the same window, no prompt, no warning, making me lose the entire edit. Browser-back didn't fix it. I really should know better than to trust web interfaces by now, but I keep getting caught out by this sort of thing Thank you for all your hard work maintaining this awesome resource for the community! EDIT: Created issue #196 and submitted a pull request. Looks like for some pages it already opened in a new Window/Tab, just not all.
  5. @Antikris77 Thanks for trying; I'll need full logs, list of mods, and possibly a gamesave which can repro this to try to figure out what's going on.
  6. Read up, other people have reported this. I can't repro but a possible cause might be bad data in " PartDatabase.cfg". Delete this file and restart KSP (it will be re-created). Since nobody else replied, if you try this and it fixes your issue, could you please post confirmation here? Thanks!
  7. NEOS 0.8.1 is out! More details in the OP or by clicking on the link (GitHub).
  8. I've just had a poke around and unfortunately I can't work out how to import the updated documentation into it. We'll have to wait for @tomf for that.
  9. Thanks for the report, I've just restarted it.
  10. @Daniel Prates Nothing. Just marked as compatible with 1.7.x. From : https://github.com/mwerle/Corvus_CF/releases/tag/v1.3.4.2019041201
  11. Ah yes, all the modern "safety features" which actually bury useful functionality. Aim for the lowest common denominator and evolution will take care of the rest.
  12. I find it dubious that a railway crossing might induce sufficient electrical interference to stall an ICE. Also, if you ever -do- stall in a situation where you have to get the heck out of in a car, don't bother trying to restart the engine (there are many reasons why it might have stalled, including terminal ones such as simply being out of fuel). First gear and bunny-hop away using the starter. Of course, that only works in manual cars.
  13. Or you could do what most of us do and copy the game out of Steam first to avoid Steam from steamrollering your install and breaking your heavily modded game. I have game installs going all the way back to 0.21 or thereabouts; can't remember the exact version I started playing but it was either just before career mode dropped or just after. The -only- thing I use the Steam version for is updating the game. Which is also why my Steam stats for this game so woefully underrepresent the actual amount of time I've spent in it.. mind you, these days I only fire it up to test and debug mods, it's been -ages- since I actually had time to play
  14. I thought the only legit advice was "have you tried moar boosters?!"
  15. Respect! Only 1 day and 4 posts in, and you've already stranded Kerbals in deep space? Oh, and btw, welcome to the foums!
  16. Famous last words! Beta 4 is up. https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/releases/tag/0.8.1-b4 MEP experiments now animate when they are paused/resumed. IVA sounds only audible while in that part. NOTE: Some major internal refactoring means all experiment state transitions need testing. I've concentrated mainly on the MEP as it's the most complex. This really should be the final beta... I'd love to fix the graphical issues "soon" but for that I need a bigger chunk of spare time to revive my rework-in-progress.
  17. Beta 3 is up. https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/releases/tag/0.8.1-b3 Properly fixed alarm handling for all experiments. Re-added Kemini support for Making History Mk2 pod. Fixed a localisation bug "Not enough crew in this module". This should be the final beta.
  18. That was mostly a Windows (Unity) issue; on Linux, 64-bit KSP was perfectly playable and ran _much_ better than the Windows equivalent.
  19. If anybody wants a sneak-peak at the next release (primarily tweaks and bug fixes), head over to the Development Thread. Would be grateful for any feedback.
  20. Beta 2 is up if anybody wants to try it: https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/releases/tag/0.8.1-b2 * From a user perspective, the rest of the experiments have the "Reset" button disabled.
  21. I've put up my work-in-progress for v0.8.1 of NEOS as a pre-release if anybody wants to test/try it: https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/releases/tag/0.8.1-b1 Mostly just fixes: * Add bulkhead profiles to all parts (compatible with taniwha's Custom Bulkhead Profiles mod) * Better handling of KAC alarms, should support loading/saving now * Disables "Reset Experiment" for Kemini experiments (still WiP for other experiment types)
  22. Lol; once is enough The Kemini experiments don't show up in the parts list. You have to right-click on a supported capsule (for example the Mk1) and "Add Experiment" to it. This is clearly shown in the KSPedia page "Adding Kemini Experiments to your Craft". It's only basic capsules which support Kemini, since it's supposed to mimic the early days of Spaceflight (specifically Gemini) but there's a variety of stock and mod capsules which do. Eh, sniped by @Cheesecake, took too long to verify the KSPedia! PS. I'm happy to add more experiments and/or capsule configs to Kemini. It does make for a lot of very easy science though..
  23. Thanks, I'll update the metadata again then. Sorry, I've been really busy IRL so haven't had a chance to follow-up on this. @The-Doctor I have no experience with Kerbalism myself, but apparently the issue we had with it has been resolved (I know the devs implemented a fix, I hadn't kept up to see whether they'd released a new version with the fix in it yet, sorry). Genereally NEOS works with most mods, it only runs into trouble with some mods which modify the science system in some way because NEOS has its own science system to implement long-running and multi-step experiments. I'm part-way through an update which fixes some niggling issues (such as the "Reset Experiment" button on the experiment results dialog) as well as better KAC integration but struggling to find time to finish it right now. That said, the current version should work just fine with KSP1.7.x.
  24. Thank you very much @Daniel PratesPrates. Much appreciated! I had already done the stock tests myself and found no issues (apart from forgetting decouplers the first flight.) But the other guy is having issues specifically with DRE with which I have no experience. Well I'll wait for him to reply with more information.
  25. Well, that's a bit of a game-changer :P I don't use DRE. There were some issues with it some other users had a while back which was due to a bad config (typo in a config file which I then copied) but that was reverted. It -should- work, but I really don't know DRE very well. @Daniel Prates seemed happy with the way it works, maybe something changed in DRE since then. Does Corvus get protected by stock heat shield? Do other capsules survive fine with DRE and similar reentry profile? Do other capsules survive fine with Corvus heatshield?
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