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Everything posted by micha

  1. Sure - as soon as I update NEOS to use US2.. ("soon") It's a shame though because I actually preferred US1, oh well.
  2. Hi, sorry for the late reply. And I'm sorry, but I cannot repro in stock KSP 1.6.1. Using a basic rocket stack, no fins. First-stage : LV-T45 with 2x FL-T800 tanks and 2x "Thumper" boosters. Second stage : LV-909 with FL-T400 tank Third stage : "standard" Corvus stack + a KEES payload module. Launch profile: "Thumpers" at 61% thrust-limit to give ~1.5 TWR at launch; full-throttle, standard gravity-turn launch (~45deg attitude by 10km altitude) I did notice there was an aerodynamics issue with KSP1.5, but I think that was fixed with 1.5.1 which you said you were using? So unless your flight profile exposes the rocket to a very high angle of attack, which should cause flipping anyway, I'm not sure what could be causing your issues.
  3. Hey @Sokol_323 Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. Currently on holidays with spotty internet. Glad you got it worked out and thanks for ghe detailed update. I'll see about expanding the KSPedia entry. Cheers, Micha. G'Day @Frostiken No I haven't heard of this before. Any other Mods? Logfiles? Ideally a save file with no other mod dependencies showing the issue. Cheers, - Micha.
  4. Absolutely; send me the list of pod names and/or individual patches and/or pull requests and I'll add them in.
  5. Ah, thanks, yes, that was the other reason - non-Pod command capsules. PatchManager? I'll have to have a look into that. I'll be happy to include your patch as an alternative but on reflection I don't think it's appropriate as default.
  6. Thanks @linuxgurugamer for your Kemini patch. The simple reason why "he" didn't add patches for -all- 1 and 2 Kerbal pods is that "he" doesn't play with every mod ever made. Most patches are from people contributing as and when they play with Kemini and the pods they like to play with don't have out-of-the-box support for Kemini. It's also rather trivial to add (simply copy existing pod patch and modify to suit). One reason speaking against a generic patch (which I'd considered in the past) is that there's also a couple of pods where it doesn't make much sense (for example, in HGR, the Soyuz-style pods consist of orbital and re-entry modules; having Kemini experiments added to both is odd). So I'm undecided whether to add the blanket Kemini-for-all config. Could always write Remove-Kemini scripts for any pods which shouldn't have it, but that's just the flip-side of the argument. ---- @Sokol_323 Thanks for the report. Offhand I'm not actually sure whether there's a missions-generator for the "big" experiments yet. I've got a couple of long-distance flights coming up so I should get some time to take a look then.
  7. Is that in my build? Discussing issues about it shouldn't really happen in this thread.. but NavyFish did kinda endorse it. so I dunno. Anyway, the DPAI Settings.cfg in that build only provide the initial value of which toolbar to use. If you then use the settings window to change that, whatever you set it to in the GUI will be used from then on (overriding whatever is in DPAI Settings.cfg). Would you prefer it if the DPAI Settings.cfg always overrides the in-game setting? In which case, how would you want the GUI to work? Just for the current session? That might confuse a lot of people (who may not even know about DPAI Settings.cfg). Probably the better option is to remove DPAI Settings.cfg entirely if NavyFish keeps these changes.
  8. A quick google shows the MIssionController2 plugin using DialogGuiBox(), but seems to only use it for basic stuff. https://github.com/malkuth1974/MissionController2/search?q=DialogGuiBox&unscoped_q=DialogGuiBox Have you tried putting your labels inside a VerticalLayout, and then adding that to the DialogGuiBox?
  9. The NEOS ones do, yes. Station Science is another mod which adds complex experiments to stations and they also take time to complete.
  10. To be honest, the only way I found it was because the Unity Debug Player has a built-in log-viewer with a button to open the log file. I'd never have thought to look in LocalLow myself; it's certainly a first. Interestingly enough you can also find the data which Unity captures and forwards to their servers there too.
  11. The output_log.txt has moved; it can be found in %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\output_log.txt now.
  12. It's not (currently) exposed in the GUI, but you can edit the "GameData/NavyFish/Plugins/Docking Port Alignment Indicator/DPAI Settings.cfg" file to force using the stock toolbar.
  13. Hey @NavyFish, sorry, missed your reply. I've sent you a PM with some more information; had some time for KSP the last weeks so took a quick look. It wasn't a big change;. And yeah, it's pretty amazing how backwards-compatible a lot of Unity/KSP stuff has been.
  14. Hi Simon, I'm guessing you could modify the Goo part configuration (MM patch would do), remove the "ModuleScienceExperiment" and replace it with a suitably-coded-up module (either derived from, or inspired by, "OMSExperiment") which in turn derives from "ModuleScienceExperiment". However I haven't figured out yet how to hook into some of the stock GUI yet, such as the "Reset" button on the science popup. Regardless you'd need to code up some sort of "ModuleScienceDurationExperiment" to do the actual work. So while you might be able to add things like multiple steps and/or time to run, to the Goo, you'd lose some of the other stock features unless you can figure those bits out. That I have no idea about, sorry.
  15. Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science has had localisation for quite a while now too; english, german, and spanish translations are currently included (although not for the KSPedia). More localisations and bugfixes to the existing ones welcome.
  16. Well, historically for sure these experiments were only run around Earth. And only by very specific craft. ie, Kemini is Gemini, but without mods or MakingHistory, KSP doesn't even have a Gemini capsule; KEES experiments have their origins from the Mir EEP so soviet station experiments. But as for your point, agreed, some of these experiments are unlikely to give other results elsewhere, but conversely a lot are location-specific. And even replicating the same results in a different environment is scientifically interesting. I'm open to people submitting alternate result strings
  17. Hmm, that's a little while ago now. Fairly certain my first rocket made it to a splashdown in the ocean though. Flea, Mk1pod, a parachute, and Jeb (this is before Val joined the crew). These days my initial flight is still the same, except there's a couple of Mystery Goo's strapped on too and I adjust the thrust and fuel level of the Flea first. Apart from having to experiment with how many fuel-tanks were necessary to get to space and then orbit as I hadn't heard of Kerbal Engineering Redux yet I don't think it took me too long or too many explosions to get there. And then on to the Mun. I think I did watch quite a bit of Scott Manley though not long after I started playing. Many years later, and I still haven't really made it out of Kerbin's SOI yet (launched a couple of probes to the other planets and did an out-of-game test run to Duna once). When I do get time to play there's usually a new update, which means updating mods, and re-starting career mode. And since I usually have dozens of missions on the go at the same time, it kinda precludes my out-of-Kerbin probes from getting too far while I muck about with Station missions. Edit: v0.23.5 was when I started.. Edit 2 : And this was either my first, or close to it, shot at the Mun; already somewhat modded (KER, Surface Experiment Pack, KDex, Procedural Fairings, Universal Storage, and some sort of beautification mod):
  18. Yeah pretty much. Kemini and OMS experiments also have special handling compared to stock experiments, but don't use KIS. Nehemiah did some rather clever stuff, but unfortunately it doesn't mesh 100% with the stock way of handling experiments. So if there's other mods which also mess with the way experiments are handled it sometimes goes a bit pearshaped. Eh, you were too fast https://github.com/steamp0rt/Kerbalism/issues/249
  19. That's awesome, thanks so much! And no, should be fine without logs. (In my case, the logs end up in the same directory as the KSP.exe; I guess it depends on how you install the game). I've got a pretty good idea of what's going on based on Kerbalism's abstract. It appears to gather all science data into its own module, which, of course, will break NEOS experiments, since the special thing about them is that the science must stay attached to the experiment part in order to be returned to Kerbin for the contracts. So I guess we'll have to try to get Kerbalism to exempt (some of) the NEOS experiments from this behaviour. Or change the way NEOS contracts work with Kerbalism installed.`
  20. Thanks for testing and the update. I'll add a note on the front page for now. I haven't used Kerbalism before so have no idea what that mod's about, but perhaps the mod author and I can figure out a fix. PS. If you have the save-game, can you please either send it to me, or to the author of Kerbalism? He requests a reproducible scenario on his front-page.
  21. Yeah no worries; don't want to add to your burden, you're doing a great job It's not such a big deal so I'll leave it up to you; the original authors are credited in the threads etc anyway.
  22. Hey @Gaarst, Awesome keeping this list up-to-date! But could I please ask you to add the original authors to the mods I'm currently maintaining though? I don't want to take credit where it's not due. CorvusCF - Micha, OrionKermin KDex Continued - Micha, masTerTorch Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science - Micha, Nehemiah Alternatively if "Authors" should only include currently active developers/maintainers, could you please add the original author in the Description or Miscellaneous Notes section? Thanks
  23. Argh! Not this bug -again-. I haven't changed -anything- which could have affected this... But could people PLEASE provide log-files and -ideally- a savegame (with minimal other mods) which can repro any issue. I don't really have enough spare time these days to investigate bug reports without more information. Sorry.. EDIT: Ps. @TeddyBearBonfireI know you said you didn't have so much time and will send logs later; thank you very much for if/when you do. Quick question : do you know the version of KIS you are using?
  24. *shrug* I was just reporting that with a little bit of care and practise , you can get a "normal" rocket (4 static fins) into orbit with these pods, once you understand how they fly. Real rockets throttle down for Max Q too, and if you do that with these pods and are careful not to overthrottle in the upper atmosphere they are fine. It's not just too much drag; it's a combination of too much thrust at the back and too much drag at the front that's causing these rockets to flip. Longer rockets help.
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