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Everything posted by micha

  1. Heh, I actually changed it from 6000 to 600 based on the DRE configs just the other day.... guess that'll be needing reverting then! Thanks! See above..
  2. Awesome work @Paul Kingtiger & Co, looking great! Having a couple of minor issues/questions though with trying to recreate a NEOS-compatible experiment storage wedge using UV2. Firstly, the original (UV[1]) wedge uses MM to :REQUIRES[UniversalStorage]. Unfortuantely UV2 has the same name, so the old wedge tries to get instantiated but fails because obviously the actual model file isn't installed, and leaves error spam in the log file. Any particular reason the UV2 DLL / internal name wasn't changed to "UniversalStorage2" as well? Mostly, my question is about creating a new UV2 compatible wedge. I'd like to base it off the water wedge (USWaterWedge) but not sure how I can copy the part and lock it to a single height variant as well as removing the actual water resource. Any pointers would be much appreciated! Thanks
  3. Thanks for keeping these parts going, @Kerbas_ad_astra. Any chance of adding it to CKAN though? Or any issues with someone else doing so for you?
  4. Actually I'll add the toggle regardless as players with other supply/life-support mods may also want access to the service module. For now you can add the following Module-Manager patch (just put the following into a new file with a ".cfg" extension and put it somewhere under GameData): @PART[Corvus_Heatshield] { %MODULE[ModuleToggleCrossfeed] { %crossfeedStatus = false %toggleEditor = true %toggleFlight = true } } EDIT: Hmm, thinking about it, why should it be toggleable? Maybe it should just always allow crossfeed?
  5. Cool, thanks so much for the feedback. In the original patch it was only the Corvus capsule which had DRE settings, I've now added DRE settings to all Corvus parts which makes them much more sensitive to heat damage. If it's too much I can dial it back, but it would be great if you could compare and contrast with a similar stock craft under DRE given you have some experience with it.
  6. Awesome! Thanks for testing. Do you think the settings are good for DRE now or should it be more or less Deadly?
  7. Ok, I removed the other config file and tweaked the NE_Science_Common one a bit more. EPL is a pretty comprehensive mod so it'll be difficult for me to test. Can you try the config file from the DEV branch and see if it works for you now?
  8. Doh! Thanks. I had searched for EPL configs, but I guess WIndows Filemanager "find" is not as good as 'grep'... I really ought to stick to Linux when maintaining mods!
  9. Hi @Daniel Prates I've pushed an update which fixes the error and tweaks some of the DRE values a bit more. Can you please have a play with it and give me some feedback as to how the mod handles with DRE now? Thanks!
  10. Hi @Apaseall, I fixed the ExWorkshop to ELWorkshop already but hadn't changed the mod name. Can you check again please? It's in the 'dev' branch, btw, not the release branch. Sorry for the confusion. LINK TO DEV BRANCH
  11. Nope.. True.. Yep, originally just as a set of MM patches, but after @Orionkermin graciously changed the license on his mods it's now the full mod. Ah.. someone else just reported a problem with the DRE patch, but I haven't had time to look yet (Mum's been visiting) and there weren't any details. Thanks for the additional info; feel free to push a patch to my repo otherwise I'll fix it sometime this week once I've caught up at work. And as @JH4C mentioned (thanks!) there's an up-to-date thread for this mod.
  12. Hi @Daniel Prates, I've never played with Deadly Reentry myself, that particular patch was supplied by another contributor before I even took over maintenance of Corvus. What it does is modify the capsule parameters so it's more realistic/suitable for DRE, but if it no longer works, then yes, you can just remove it. It might mean the capsule will just burn up on reentry though without it. You can see about adjusting it yourself based on how other (especially stock capsules) are configured for DRE - DRE should ship with patches for those. If you do decide to do this and come up with a good balanced configuration, please share it with me and I'll update Corvus. Alternatively if you can share either your entire log, or just the snippet showing the MM errors, maybe someone else can figure out what needs fixing. Cheers, - Micha.
  13. Hi Project-2501, Could you provide a bit more information please, specifically, which experiments are you trying to run? I'm guessing KEES (the ones you attach to the external carrier). Attaching and detaching the experiments is all handled by KIS (Kerbal Inventory System), which is a different mod. Could you please provide the version number of KIS which you have installed? I believe there's a new version being made which may not be compatible with NEOS (I haven't tried it yet; very busy with Real Life, but I'm hoping to get some time next week to review the current state of play and do any updates if necessary). Glad to hear you're enjoying the mod though! - Micha.
  14. Nonononono!! In My Humble Opinion! At least originally and this is also the opinon of the top hits on Google as well as urband dictionaries etc. However, apparently a recent poll of english-speaking internet users (and I believe it was primarily US-based ones) had the "Honest" variant in the lead. So I guess it's an example of language fluidity in action. IMH(umble)O is IMHO the nicer variant though - you are humbly submitting your opinion (which may or may not be fact) for consideration in an ongoing discussion/argument. IMH(onest)O implies that your opinion is the correct one and can brook no further argument. Lol - I see what you did here. Which 'g'? ;-) As for GIF being coined as a word and it being up to the originator to define the pronounciation, it's not. It's an abbreviation (Graphics Interchange Format - GIF), so IMHO "pronouncing" an abbreviation is purely down to (local) conventions, pretty much like any english word. Especially when considering that english spelling isn't phonetic.
  15. I guess that's the authoritative source then I was just responding to the "how else" that there is an alternative possible pronounciation; not sure how widespread though. Soft 'g' because it's an imported foreign word. But if it -was- a native word, it'd have a hard 'g'.
  16. 'G'if as in 'g'olf. That's how I always pronounced it (coming from a german background, I tend to pronounce unfamiliar things with a german rather than english ruleset unless it's obviously an english word). But yes, IM'H'O, 'H'umble.
  17. Well, apart from it being brand new latest tech, of which everyone flying older tech will be jealous, the actual room and space in the capsule will be VERY different once it's fully stocked with gear for a real launch to the ISS as compared with these gorgeous promo views. It'll be interesting to see just how much roomier it ends up being in full real flight trim, not mocked up.
  18. Firstly congrats to ULA and everybody involved on a great launch! Does anybody have more information on the telemetry outages on stage 3 during launch? Either nothing has been made public, or my google-fu has abandoned me.
  19. v1.3.2 is the current release for KSP1.4.x EDIT: And yes, this is what I get when I download via CKAN.
  20. Assuming that 'name' refers to the contract agency, then the name should be "Nehemiah Engineering" : ...\GameData\NehemiahInc\NE_Science_Common\Agencies\Agents.cfg
  21. Thanks for letting me know. I don't know the "Field Research" mod but will take a look.
  22. @Gordon Dry Well, without information about other installed mods it's a bit difficult for me to troubleshoot :-D But thank you for updating with your finding - looks like it's already helped at least one other person In general, if anybody encounters an issue with this mod, please try to repro first using the absolute minimum set of mods. This really should be the first trouble-shooting step before raising issues for any mod. If the issue can be repro'ed stand-alone, then definitely raise a bug report (adding a log at minimum, and ideally a save-game which can repro the issue). If the issue can't be repro'ed without other mods, try to find the offending mod by adding one mod at a time, then raise an incompatibility issue to both.
  23. Definitely not normal. Can you please provide additional information and a log file when this occurs? Ideally also a minimal save (ie, using no other -required- (ie, parts) mods other than NEOS and KIS if possible. Optional mods (eg, KER) don't matter).
  24. Thanks @Apaseall. I created an issue on GitHub and submitted a fix, but as I've never used EL I have no way to test it.
  25. Just bought Making History; primarily so that I can test it with the mods I maintain, but decided to give it a quick go anyway. Not even 10 minutes in and there's a GLARING issue - when reverting to the VAB to tweak your craft, you have to rebuild it from scratch. Every. Single. Bleeping. Time. EDIT Ok, so it's actually possible to re-load the last craft you built for the current stage of a mission. This wasn't obvious to me since so many other parts of the game are restricted/disabled during Making History. So it's not quite as bad as I originally thought, but still: not a good user experience. In the standard game, going back to the VAB always has the last craft you built open. When reverting to the VAB in Making History, it should be the same - autoload the last craft built for the current stage of the mission. /EDIT That is NOT a good user experience. Feature Request: When reverting to VAB, have the last ship you built visible (as is the case in the core game), and not an empty palette.
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