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Everything posted by micha

  1. While I haven't tried it recently I just saw that the US configuration has changed quite a bit. I'll update the OMS wedge to suit. And to be honest, I can't recall whether the US Wedge ever had a Storage Manifest. When you dock your ship at a station which has the requisite equipment, can you install the experiment? The "Install" and "Move" buttons for the experiments are only available if it's possible to perform one of those actions. I'll see if I can add a Storage Manifest to the Wedge. ---- > I'll see if I can add a Storage Manifest to the Wedge. LOL, that's actually easier than I thought! Add the following lines to the part config of the wedge (or wait until the next release): MODULE { name = ESCStorageManifest }
  2. Yayy for update; hopefully many bugs squashed. Pretty Meh about the Steam Workshop etc stuff myself. Although I did buy KSP through Steam, but almost always run KSP non-Steam. Also I don't have Making History yet, and won't be buying it until the core game and the expansion are reasonably bug-free. See it as an incentive to concentrate on quality, not fluff-features. Something that *would* actually have been really useful would be a built-in mod-manager, which allows enabling and disabling mods based on the save-game. (*) As for Redshell, it looks like a lot of developers are ditching Redshell based on gamer feedback. No mention in the article of Squad/TakeTwo joining that sentiment though, despite Kerbal Space Program being mentioned right at the start... again, no money from me until things like that are either removed, or fully disclosed and optional (ie, can be turned off via an approved and simple mechanism). (*) The idea here is that each savegame would have a list of *required* mods and *desired* mods. When loading the savegame, the corresponding mods are loaded, if they are available. If any *required* mods are missing, the load fails. Any other available mods are *not loaded* unless the player explicitly adds them to the savegame, at which point they either become *required* or *desired* as the case may be. Anyway, keep up the (mostly) good work! Looking forward to the update..
  3. How about asking in the actual mod thread for Final Frontier? I'm also not sure I can parse your question. Could you try to rephrase what you're trying to achieve and what your problem is?
  4. And thanks to you guys for ruling out some of the possibilities which were going to take quite some time. Now, back to work. On a Sunday. :(
  5. Thanks for trying this - I'm a bit busy today, but that was going to be my next step; clean install of Linux in a VM. I already did this; several times! It must be *some* setting or bad config file somewhere in my system, but it *only* affects KSP1.4.x. It's very very strange. ---- Update: SOLVED! By default, KDE is setup to use a 101-key keyboard layout. My physical keyboard is a 105-key UK keyboard. Changing the keyboard layout in KDE from 101 to 105 fixed it in KSP1.4.3. Looks like Unity 2017 and/or KSP 1.4 changed the way how keys are processed considering earlier versions of KSP worked just fine. ---- Update 2: Really Solved (?) It wasn't the physical layout; it was the fact that I had multiple keyboard maps configured to let me switch between languages. Removing one makes KSP work. Unity bug or KSP bug?
  6. Ok, slightly more information: It seems to be related to KDE. Keyboard works fine if I use WindowMaker (but that has all sorts of other issues). I've gone through all the settings and can't find anything which might be the cause of this issue. All other software (including older versions of KSP) work just fine. Typing into a text input box (eg, VAB or the Debug Console) in KSP also works fine. It's just the game control keys (eg 'M' for Map, or 'R' for RCS) don't work.
  7. > It would help immensely with planning, as if you play with life support mods, there's a massive difference between 1 hour, 1 day, and 1 month in space. Apart from "Kemini" (which only take a few hours) the idea isn't to launch experiments in a single go, run them, and return, but to install them on a station with (regular?) resupply missions and return completed experiments to Kerbin. But I can see if there's some way to programmatically add time requirements to the experiment descriptions.
  8. ...so I'm literally the only one with this issue? I'm just on stock Debian 9 (effectively Ubuntu 17.10) with a fresh clean install using Steam. Older versions of KSP (pre-1.4) work flawlessly on this setup. The game also runs fine under Windows (same hardware).
  9. Discussion continued in the development thread...
  10. Thanks.. so I forgot to add them to the latest release despite me creating a bug tracker item! I just added it to the code for the next release though - no more excuses! @linuxgurugamer, sorry, moved the discussion here away from the release thread. Release thread should be mainly talking about release announcements, how to use the mod, and any issues which end-users have. This thread is for continued development discussions, feature requests, etc. Just trying to keep things neat :-) You're currently maintaining 70% of all mods! Yes they do. And yes they are. Although note that the manufacturer name is localised (#ne_manufacturer_name). Both conditions are true for all experiments which comprise NEOS.
  11. Thanks! Yeah, @COL.R.Neville posted those in the dev thread and I made an issue so I wouldn't forget. And of course promptly forgot about it! I don't have Making History.. will try to remember for the next release. Hopefully will get a bit more time starting next month.
  12. You do realise that you can tell CKAN which version(s) of KSP are compatible with your current install, and thus allow you to install mods for older versions of KSP, right? No worries; but can we please move this discussion into a new thread if you'd like to continue it. Ditto @linuxgurugamer. Oh? Apart from a recompile I didn't really change anything, and I'm afraid I only had time for rudimentary testing. Could you please let me know what issues you saw so that I can double-check that they are, indeed, not present in the rebuild?
  13. yes, detailed in the OP. Kemini requires Module Manager and KEES requires KIS. All other mods are optional but may add extra functionality.
  14. @NavyFishThanks so much for this awesome mod; like others, it's a "must have" for me to play and enjoy KSP - and goes very nicely with NEOS which requires lots of docking! Two tiny niggles: AVC complains because it was built on an earlier version of KSP It throws exceptions in KSP1.4.3 (it still works, it's just messy in the logs when running debug builds).
  15. New release for KSP1.4.3; see OP. (Please be patient while download sites other than GitHub are updated)
  16. Possibly you're using OrionKermin's version which hasn't been updated for KSP1.3, let alone KSP1.4. Try the builds from here (just tested in a new game, and it launched perfectly fine in KSP1.4.3) :
  17. ANSWER: Ensure Keyboard Layout matches your physical keyboard from KSP1.4 onwards (ie, 101-key, 105-key, etc) UPDATED ANSWER: Ensure you only have a single keyboard layout available! Having multiple layouts (eg, to switch between different languages) breaks KSP1.4 onwards. ---- So I re-downloaded a brand-new fresh install of KSP 1.4.3 for Linux using Steam. No changes to settings, no mods. Double checked and the keyboard layout matches my OS layout; changing this has no effect. No errors in the log file. Debian GNU/Linux 9 with KDE desktop. Launch the game, start a new stock game, create the first basic rocket, launch it, and in flight-mode, none of the standard keyboard keys (ie, letters) work. Ditto in the Editor; none of the "letter" shortcut keys work. The number keys and the control keys DO work (Shift/Ctrl to adjust throttle, R-Shift F12 to open Debug menu, ESC to pause, etc). In other parts of the game, the keyboard works normally: Settings - keyboard configuration; I can change the bindings (eg, Full-throttle from Z to F) VAB - naming a ship; I can type in a new name. Debug menu (in flight mode); I can type into the log input box. So it looks like something is blocking the controls in flight mode/VAB/etc. And no, there's no input locks active. KSP1.3.1 works fine. Any ideas?
  18. Thanks for testing this. As I said, a recompile is probably not even necessary if people just want to play right now, however, I'd really prefer to make a "proper" release with some updates and fixes for 1.4.x so if you could please hold off branching this for now that'd be appreciated. I promise I'll set some time aside for it in the next few weeks. I need to resolve my keyboard issues (or, shock horror gasp, use Windows) and review where I got to. I was also waiting on CKAN to implement a "deprecated by" system. This discussion is probably better continued in the development thread.. Yeah, me too, which is why I took it over when N3h3mia got too busy for it. I just really loved mucking about with my stations using this mod. There's nothing in the code restricting it to Kerbin. From a scientific perspective most experiments would also make sense to repeat around different bodies - after all, each planet is not only unique in its own right but also its near-space environment is also unique. Different levels of radiation, magnetic fields, density and composition of surround material (dust/micrometeorites), etc etc.
  19. The move went alright, the settling-in is taking a bit longer than expected. Unfortunately, work is being WAY more demanding than I expected.. hopefully it will settle down in another month or so before picking up again next year. The problem with a staged approach is that the model rework goes hand-in-hand with some mod changes, as well as save-game changes. So far my testing seems to show that the mod can "upgrade" a save-file but I'm wary of breaking people's games, so I just wanted to make a single "big" and potentially game-breaking release instead of several smaller incremental ones. Thanks for the heads-up! @N3h3mia's original plan was to make KEES standalone, but I think there's far more interesting things we could do with this mod than re-write KIS. One idea I have (but haven't gotten too far with yet) is to make all the "big" experiments modular so that you can install them into any one of the station labs. Physically they are already modular, but they're hard-coded in which spot they can be installed in. So I just wanted to try this, but it turns out that 1.4.3 doesn't work on my Linux box - or at least, the keyboard doesn't. The game starts, the mod loads, I can build a craft and add experiments, but without keyboard, it's a tad tricky to try anything more. So I think the current version might work as-is. Please try it and let us know :)
  20. Thanks @Bersagliere81! I do plan to keep this updated, but I'm partially through a revamp of all the models to Unity 5.4 - which I guess I now have to change to Unity 2017!! - and also still settling into Tokyo. A "quick fix" would be to just recompile for KSP1.4.x, but I'm fairly keen to finish fixing up the models first as that will likely mean some minor incompatibilities with existing saves. I was really hoping to get that all done before 1.4, but I wasn't planning on relocating! So right now I'm a bit undecided whether to release a new version "as is" or whether to finish up the Unity/model revamp first. What do people think? By the looks of things, KSP1.4.2 is still pretty flakey..
  21. Way to go @IncongruousGoat! Brings back memories of my Caveman days... although you are way more hardcore. Best of luck!
  22. The only reason he's talking about flat earth is to get money off the flat earthers to fund his rockets (and possibly get more media attention). Previous launches were just personal stunts. The behaviour of the "paramedics" (article term, I think they were just hillbilly mates of his) is totally unbelievable. If he really does have a broken back, lifting him out like that was the worst possible thing they could have done. Requires some pretty skilled handling for suspected spinal injuries to avoid doing more damage. That said, pretty awesome dude for actually going ahead with it! As others have said, to get altitude, there's better ways. I think he's just doing it for the stunts. EDIT: PS: the kids "watching" the launch are hilarious, they are just goofing about and not even watching the rocket when it blasts off.
  23. Which has been discussed ad nauseum here and you just won't accept the fact that increasing engineering controls to reduce risk is just not possible everywhere. You have to do a cost/risk analysis - the highest risk areas get fixed, and the lowest-risk areas don't. And I strongly suspect that this particular road section just doesn't factor into the high-risk bracket. It was an accident, and we'll have to wait where the blame will be assigned by the investigators. In the meantime, there -is- an effort to implement an engineering solution which will NOT require fixing millions of miles of roadways, but instead by removing or reducing one of the fallible factors - humans! Which is true. HOWEVER, humans will program the AI as an "expert system", that is, they take the BEST human drivers as input into the system. Once the system becomes an "expert" driver (and the bugs are ironed out and the hardware has sufficient redundancy), it will be BETTER than a human because, unlike a human, it will NEVER get distracted or sleepy or otherwise run under impaired conditions. It can have better sensors, it WILL have much better reaction times, etc etc. Will accidents still happen? Of course - whenever unpredictable behaviour is such that it exceeds the physical capabilities (eg, a human stepping out in front of it where physics dictates that it cannot stop in time). But it SHOULD reduce the number of accidents significantly. The #1 factor in accidents is humans.
  24. Hm. Ultimately in both cases it's just energy. In the case of biology, electromagnetic and chemical, in the case of AI, presumably, just electromagnetic. So I'm not entirely sure about the concept of Mathematics manifesting, or at least, how it would differ from the current biological concepts of a "self". You can ultimately also describe biology in terms of physics and hence Mathematics... Also, Mathematics is just an artificial tool invented by humans to aid in describing the world around us. At best it's an approximation of the real physical world (* assuming we don't live in a simulation); a very good and very useful approximation which allows us to predict as-yet unobserved effects of reality, but ultimately, it's an artificial simplification of what's really going on. I don't follow your question. Yes, in a 20 zone it's safer to jaywalk than on a highway, but you're still dead if you walk out in front of a bus without giving it enough space to stop. Sure; but we already established that accidents will happen. We're human. We make mistakes. Yes I have responsibility as a driver, but I ALSO have responsibility as a pedestrian. Despite which I was talking from a personal perspective - it's my responsibility to avoid putting myself into situations which have a high risk of getting me injured or killed. Of course you're "right" and the "higher class" will lose a court case. Not much help though if you're dead. I meant losing in the sense of losing physically, not legally. It doesn't matter a pair of fetid dingoes kidneys whether you win a court-case, except maybe to the lawyer (your family will also get a payout, but that will never replace losing you).
  25. Which also puts the onus on pedestrians to ensure they do so in a safe manner! It doesn't mean pedestrians can just jump out into the road at a moments notice and expect all traffic to magically stop/avoid them. Whether or not jaywalking is a crime is immaterial; the point is that IF you jaywalk, you do so safely. Heck, even if not jaywalking, I always check to ensure approaching traffic will stop! There's plenty of cars which run red lights or ignore pedestrian crossings. I expect -everyone- (me included) to make mistakes. I ride a motorbike, mostly for pleasure, long distance rides across Europe, but in the last year also for commuting in London. As a motorcyclist I may have a lot of "rights" but I also know that in the event of an accident, I will always lose in a collision with another vehicle. Ditto if I'm a cyclist or a pedestrian. As such, I will waive my "rights" in favour of avoiding such a collision. I don't want to be right and dead (or seriously injured). The more vulnerable you are in a particular situation the more care you have to take. If you don't take care, you will get hurt, sooner or later. So yes, I expect both to make mistakes, but I also expect the more vulnerable party to exercise higher vigilance. Ultimately in this particular instance there was some sort of failure of the automated vehicles sensors / algorithm; it really ought to have detected something on the road ahead and reacted accordingly. Any alert human driver would have. However, given the fact that this technology is still in its infancy and there was a human supervisor, I would place the blame of this particular incident primarily on the shoulders of the human supervisor who was not supervising but playing with her phone, and secondarily on the pedestrian who was crossing illegally without due care. Let's see what the investigation will conclude.
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