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Everything posted by micha

  1. Or, alternatively, have those niche uses ship with a set of ModuleManager scripts and ModuleManager to tweak the parts to legacy values. Very simple and doesn't stop the game from moving forward as a whole. This appears to be appropriate: https://xkcd.com/1172/
  2. And it also seems to be fine with 1.7.0. *pfew* I only just started dusting off the projects for 1.6, and now 1.7 is out only a few weeks later!
  3. In lieu of finding any issues (@Zah and @ssd21345's reports notwithstanding) I've marked Corvus as compatible with 1.6.x and 1.7. Any reproducible issues please do let me know, also, if there needs to be a balance pass over any of the parts (I don't play very much at the moment) please tell me what should be changed and why. Cheers, and fly safe!
  4. Love this! I know this is a question a lot of mod makers dislike, but, any chance of adding to CKAN? And/or (if you're not interested in doing it yourself), any concerns about someone else providing the relevant metadata? Reason: I'd like to make it a dependency for NEOS.
  5. Congrats on the update! Looking forward to trying it out.. and then updating mods lol. I only just got finished for 1.6! At least I'm back in the workflow I guess.. No; or at least, not unless there is some sort of a progression to build it. Ie, needing to complete a mission sequence to do so (land on the Mun, prospect suitable site, and either ferry materials there or perform ISRU before it gets constructed). Makes no sense to have a launch site on other bodies when the early game has you trying to reach orbit first. But it would be pretty neat to be able to build new launch-sites as part of planetary bases.
  6. First of all resource consumption of a function/button that is not used is pretty much nothing. But while it may be a "no brainer" to remove obsolete functionality, to do so takes time and effort, especially if it involves GUI work. And depending on how the feature was coded in in the first place removing it may or may not have unforeseen impacts into other parts of the code base. It's not as simple as taking a hammer and pulling that unused picture hook out of the wall. So considering it sounds like you can't be bothered to learn enough to make the change and create a pull request yourself, your statement did sound a bit like a demand.
  7. "creating a custom activity stream" - This seems to have done the trick, thanks! Missed that bit - I was searching under my profile for some way to customise things.
  8. Hi, Is it possible to filter certain parts of the forum out of the "Activity" list? For example, I have zero interest in the "Forum Games" section and don't want the constant silly number games etc posts from spamming my Activity feed. Is it possible to filter that out? I haven't found a way to do so. Thanks
  9. I only edited the title after the question - I had updated the dev thread but forgot this one.
  10. I finally managed to hook into the Science Experiments Results page. Now I can either disable the "Reset Experiment" button (verified) or try to add a callback hook in. That should resolve a long-standing issue! If anyone is interested, my initial test code is here.
  11. I haven't comprehensively tested but things seem to be working.
  12. @RW-1 and @dbentbroad : works fine for me and I don't use RPM either. Try it in a vanilla version of KSP (no other mods) and if that works, then it might be one of your other mods interfering.
  13. Ah yes, even though the PC effectively was a KIS container, KEES contracts would look specifically for that part and no other KIS containers when returning experiments. I fixed that quite a long time ago now though.
  14. KAS has not been a requirement for a very long time now..
  15. I believe the first version of KEES did not use KIS, hence the custom carrier. These days the KEES PC is just a KIS container, there's no need whatsoever to use it if your Craft has alternative KIS storage (you can even "cheat" and cram the KEES parts under your pilots' seat...) Thanks go to @N3h3mia for creating it; I'm just holding the torch until his return
  16. Ah, apologies, you do turn it off just before/after first contact. Orange circle is your alignment to the target docking port. The orange tick is your rotational alignment to the target docking port. Only useful for pedants who like everything nice and neat; it can be ignored really. Personally I like it at the "north" position. Yellow symbol is your current heading (changes whether you are approaching or departing relative to the target port). Green lines are your "horizontal" lateral velocity relative to the target docking port. They will turn red if you are facing away from the docking port instead of towards it. On final approach. the orange circle and yellow circle should both be bang on the centre crosshair. The green lines should be lined up on the horizontal and vertical axes respectively. If you're still having trouble, how about sharing your save to see if anybody else can see what's wrong? (Assuming it's not too heavily modded..) EDIT: So basically, looking at your video again, you still have a fair bit of lateral motion before you touch the docking port. With a heavy ship that might be too much momentum for the ports to overcome and thus prevent capture.
  17. Along with this - turn off SAS on your final approach (make sure your craft is under control when you do!). SAS will fight against the magnetic coupling of the ports.
  18. :-D It's awesome, but if you want to disable it, either don't play today, set your computer clock to another date, or recompile ModuleManager yourself.. I can't remember whether or not there's a hidden config setting somewhere to disable it.
  19. G'day @nightingale, While testing something for one of my users for NEOS, I noticed that when your Contract Pack is installed, it duplicates contracts when the "Cheat" menu is used to try to clear/regenerate contracts. Not really important for normal gaming but perhaps something to look into when you have some spare (hah!) time.
  20. Thanks for the bug report. I had a quick look and couldn't repro using "Field Research" v1.2.1 on KSP 1.6.1 (using the Cheats menu to keep regenerating contracts) If possible, can you please provide a savegame which has this issue?
  21. Eh, turns out I added support for US2 some time ago; have just submitted an update to NetKAN.
  22. Thanks for the answers @Mecripp and @strudo76, sorry for my slow reply. Yes, the original KEES was written using KAS, a long long time ago. Since then KAS has changed significantly and split into KIS and KAS. @Fergrim These days KEES just relies on KIS, and "the white part" is just a KIS container. You can use any KIS container for KEES these days, even the space under the seats in the capsule! Please read the KIS Manual for details on how to use the current version. An overview of how to use KEES can be found in the in-game KSPedia.
  23. Yeah, this is on my longer-term todo list of things to figure out but to be really useful it would also require more modularity for the equipment. Currently lab equipment is hard-coded into a slot in each lab. But I'd also like to be able to swap out equipment in the future, especially if eventually more equipment becomes available. So noted here: https://github.com/mwerle/OrbitalMaterialScience/issues/36 As for adding new equipment/experiments, I'd love that, but it would need people who can model (I can't) to contribute.
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