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Everything posted by Noobton

  1. Thanks a lot, I've been wondering about this.
  2. Why are the heat shields configured as separators? is there any way to disable the separator functionality? currently I'm moving it to a stage after the chutes have fired but they have caused me some Kerbals in some occasions when I messed up this. Thanks
  3. oh well. F5 F9 is pretty much my best friend these days
  4. The first time I tried to get out and push I didn't realized my Kerbal's jetpack also used fuel, so I pushed until he ran out of juice and had no way to get back in the capsule, I sitll can't do rescue missions so they're still stranded orbiting around Kerbin.
  5. Bueno, los desarrolladores están hablando que la 0.24 está saliendo de la etapa experimental para pasar a QA, o sea que todavía ha de hacer falta un rato, está muy bueno el logo y el título KSP: Primer Contrato. Más información en el enlace de los devs devnotes Esta es la primer vez que me toca un cambio de versión en KSP, pero por mi experiencia en otros juegos probablemente los mods no sirvan por lo que hice una copia de la carpeta para poder ensayar la nueva versión y seguir con mis mods hasta que los actualicen. Saludos.
  6. Hahaha oh well, we'll always have the explosions
  7. Thanks a lot for the answers, TV = Terminal Velocity (saw the Acronym somewhere in the forum) Do you know How much FAR affects these maps? it shouldn't affect the values outside the atmosphere. but to scape the different planets. I get this, but I'd like to have an expected consumption and then work out how efficient was the real maneuver, and part of my enjoyment comes from understanding how did people came up with this figure (yup, I'm a nerd). I'll work with this number meanwhile. I've been working my way slowly down the list on the drawing board so I might still have some answers in there. I've been doing that, but I'd like to be able to check my design and say ok if I add fins to this rocket it will help, not just the try and error approach I've been using ("let's add fins to this thing", "yup that helped", "nope let's see, what happen if I move it up a little bit, what if I use 2 instead of 4?"), it's still fun, I'd just like to understand why it works or doesn't
  8. Hi, I'm just rediscovering the game, I tried the demo a long while ago and didn't fully captured me but the adding of the campaign brought me back and I'm glad it did. I played the vanilla campaign a little bit unlocking 7 tiers of tech, doing a few orbits and a landing on minmus, but really I was just slapping rockets until it gave me enough power to get there and add/remove parts until it worked, it is great fun but now I'm trying to understand what I'm doing. I've read a lot but I still don't think I comprehend fully the mechanics of dV, TV, TWR and other basics; I installed deadly reentry an FAR, and with some modifications I can still do my old slap parts together to do what I want, but I'd like to be able to calculate with precision things like: How much dV do I need to get to a circular 100k orbit, make a transfer to a higher 200k orbit and then come back? What are good Rocket design principles? when should I use tailfins? what considerations should I keep in mind when building my stages (change of CoM with fuel depletion etc)? I've read in some post to keep my CoM away from CoL but others stating the contrary. can anyone recommend any posts/websites/textbooks or videos? thanks for any help to all the forum community.
  9. I'm trying to get a little more precise with my dv budget, currently using engineer to get the delta-v value and I've found a few tables that I've been using, but I want to make some calculations per stage that I can't find anywhere (so far I haven't been able to predict anything, but like I said I've been playing for just a little while and trying to construct rockets as cheap as possible). Thanks
  10. Hi, I'm beginning to try new things, and I wanted to use the Kerbulator in the VAB, is there any way to enable it on that screen? Thanks for the awesome work.
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