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Everything posted by Noobton

  1. oh, ok, is there any way to close it manually, without getting the refunds? If there isn't I don't mind I'll just alt-f12d, I like what you've done with the constructs I'm just trying to get the most out of them
  2. after opening a tracking station, if I reload a save, the tracking station stays open
  3. If I want to add a ground station, do I have to restart KSP after adding it to the configuration file?
  4. My plan of world domination has come to an abrupt end This might not be the best thread to ask this but is there any other mod that adds ground stations that connect with RT?
  5. So tracking stations do not act as remote tech control stations currently?
  6. Sounds awesome, I just begun a new campaign and I'm on;y a few nodes in, how bad is it to upgrade to a new tree?
  7. Hola a todos, voy a intentar llevar una bitacora de mi nueva campaña en 1.1 a la que le he instalado todos los mods que siempre he querido esta es la lista de mods inicial y la ire actualizando si adiciono más mods Los más destacables son Kerbal construction time para tiempos de construcción Engineering Tech Tree y Fog of tech para cambiar el árbol al de ingeniería que es la primer vez que los uso y fog of tech para ocultar nodos que no haya investigado como per 1.0 Estrategia para cambiar las esrategias disponibles USI para soporte vita Remote tech para comunicaciones La meta del programa es colonización a nivel del sistema, pero ya veremos que tan lejos llego. Las reglas iniciales del programa son: Las reglas del programa espacial son: 1. No se realizaran investigaciones en el centro espacial, toda la ciencia que se podía conseguir en el área fue usada para la creación inicial del centro espacial. 2. Todo cuerpo deberá ser explorado por una nave no tripulada antes de enviar Kerbals. Vuelos iniciales: proyecto Verne Primeros cohetes sonda, y encuentro del plan con la realidad. Primera video bitacora Comentarios y sugerencias de qué aspectos puedo mejorar son bienvenidos. Episodio 2 - Tankadere Bono - Cómo crear bases en el remotetech
  8. I missed putting an antenna by mistake and I was able to control my rocket anyway, I'm not sure if is a bug on remote tech or some weird interaction, is the avionics pack supposed to give some kind of control?
  9. I was coming to report something similar, something happened during the simulation and esc stopped working, so I was not able to leave the escene, even after the rocket had crashed, I alt-f4d and reloaded, when I came back there was a rocket on the platform so I just re covered it but I didn't realize that I was still with simulation rules, so no saving loading or anything else, fortunately a quicksave saved my career, but it could have been game breaking.
  10. ooops https://www.dropbox.com/s/obziio7d39xahka/ol_kcterror1.txt?dl=0
  11. it might be a different mod causing the issue, here's the log. Thanks
  12. playing with Kerbal constructs, kerbin side and a bunch of other mods I got a game breaking error when trying to launch from the old kerbin spcacenter launchpad, the message asked me to "attach the log" but I'm not sure what log I should attach.
  13. is there a very small antenna I can use with this? I don't mind if it belongs to a different mod. The initial antenna from remote tech looks huge and makes no sense.
  14. \o/ Awesome, I was working on my own but I'm going to take a look at your template right away, this is the one I made on my own but is pretty much inspired on your designs, thanks
  15. I want to start a new career with the Sagan Space Agency "to explore the shores of the cosmic ocean" and made this sketch but my skills are not that hot, any advice on palette/ changes are appreciated
  16. I tried to this but abandoned it early on, part of the fun these days is to sit on my station and see old engines zip "close" by, how do you manage? in my experience first stages were easy to drop before getting to orbit, but second stages sometimes get in a (ksp) stable orbit.
  17. \o/ welcome and have fun
  18. Is there a tool that gives me the stats of all my installed parts(including modded ones) on a spreadsheet format? a google search gave a few (TAC part lister, KSP part lister) that seem to be abandoned
  19. 1- I reserve the right to declare a contract completed, I won't do a mission twice, even if it means using cmd-f12 2- Every mission should be carried out as cheaply as possibly can 3- No automatic or magic ship destruction, anything that goes up stays up unless it has fuel or any other means to deorbit 4- No Kerbal left behind, a rescue mission will be carried out even if is at a loss for the Space Agency 5- Probes first, biome identification second (Scansat's), before any other exploration of a body, Kerbin is excempt of this rule (I have to start somewhere) 6- No KSC science. 7- When possible, a pilot and engineer must man the flight - I guess this one is rather lose but what I do is no automatic SAS if is a manned flight, and no KER "chip", this creates some trouble sometimes like having to add a hitchhiker can or other crew space for tourists.
  20. Bueno, si nosotros nos paseamos por su foro, ¿por qué ustedes no porel de nosotros? =p
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