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Everything posted by Noobton

  1. about 60 according to my last count, I'm already running most of these already, the only new ones I'll be adding are the near future technologies that have a bunch of new parts, a planets pack that I haven't tried so far and a bunch of visual mods, the goal is to run a medium difficulty system kolonization campaign. And optionally if they are ready:
  2. Yeah, I was just interested to see if anyone had any additional information, particularly this being an amateur event.
  3. sí, creo que como no hay nadie por acá terminamos posteando en el foro principal y se vuelve un círculo vicioso. A veces me dan ganas de postear un log de misiones pero me da mucha pereza jajaja, de pronto con 1.1 me animo.
  4. Am I looking on the wrong sub forum or no one has started the conversation on this impact? http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2016/03/29/jupiter_hit_by_asteroid_or_comet_in_march_2016.html
  5. oops, thanks, I misinterpreted that , I'm making a list of mods that I want to try with 1.1 and just wanted to be sure that at least is not known to break anything
  6. in the initial page of recommended mods I see TAC LS but no USI, is there any reason for this or is just preference?
  7. Bueno, me acabo de ver la primera, está divertido, necesitamos más Kerbal en español, considerando que es Mejicano esperaría que tuvieramos más comunidad hispanoparlante.
  8. I had a send 2 Kerbals to orbit mission, but when I launched my space station the contract got assigned to it and it won't recognize new launches, so is asking me to launch my space station.
  9. I believe MCE is creating this problem with one of the "Early Career Mode Contract Help Get off feet" contracts, but I'm not sure, is there any way to tell what pack the contract belogs to (I went a little crazy with contract packs)?
  10. I have a contract to send 2 kerbals to orbit, but when I launch my space station it got associated to the station and now it wants me to get land it and it won't recognize new vessels, is there any way to reset this association?
  11. No, not tourists just kerbals, this is the contract: and this is the ship that I launched after my space station, but the contract got asociated to the station
  12. I have a contract to launch 2 Kerbals to orbit, but when I launched my space station the contract tied itself to that ship, now it wants me to bring my station back to earth to fulfill the contract and is not recognizing new launches, is there any way to fix this contract?
  13. this might be the solution, I find it extremely useful and ends up in all of my satellites because I was able to get to it early, it includes batteries, and is retractable. Comparing it to the OX-stat, it has 4 times the mass, costs a little bit more than 4 times but it includes the battery and is retractable, so right now is the best choice.
  14. awesome, thanks, I'll take a look
  15. Is there any mod that let me scavenge my old floating satellites and debris for resource? my google-fu has let me down so far
  16. The DERP solar panels feel particularly OP I've been pretty much using them exclusively for my satellites and even my initial station
  17. sometimes I see some maps highlighted on green, or like my station here, on red I haven't been able to find an explanation of the icons, what does this highlights mean? Thanks
  18. since this is not a question anymore, is there any way to move this to technical support? here's a video of the exploding plane if you're still curious boom :(
  19. I can't find any deltaV maps for the new horizons mod (at least I wasn't able to find one with my google-fu), you could get that one, go to town and have fun calculating all the deltaVs, and then share your results
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