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Everything posted by Noobton

  1. I like USI because it forces crew rotations and is not just enough to ship a bunch of probes with resupplies to keep my kerbals happy, also I like the not dying part because it allows for rescue missions.
  2. It feels a little bit like cheating but I think I 'll just keep quicksaving/quickloading, and call it "running the simulation", thanks!
  3. hmmm I thought I had moved farther than that, maybe I just didn't align correctly when coming back.
  4. Sometimes to check delta v on a return vessel I quicksave, undock from the station, check my delta V and then quickload, I have to do the quicksave/quickload because I can't dock back to the same port, how far do I have to move before being able to dock back, or what else can I do to workaround this without quickloading?
  5. when you change the texture (next texture) they usually change the cargo.
  6. Thanks for this tree, looks amazing and I'll be trying it on my next career game :). Looking in the config file it looks like you have the info for the MKS mod, but is not on the list of supported mods, am I reading this incorrectly or did you miss adding it?
  7. The light sliders aren't working on the Karibou crew cab on the prerelease version
  8. mirando de nuevo vi que sí tienes aletas en la parte baja (en la segunda foto), estaban escondidos por las torres, seguiré por acá chismoseando, me gusta ver que ideas me puedo robar de otros kerbonautas
  9. interesantes diseños, ¿no has tenido problemas con los cohetes volteándose? se ve larguísimo. 2 preguntas: ¿qué quieren decir los números de misión? (420-005...426-005 etc) ¿los 75000 de presupuesto son arbitrarios o estás usando alguna fórmula?
  10. Are you checking the atmospheric deltav? there's usually a lot of dv "lost" on the first 20000m that used to mess my calculations
  11. The Kerbol orbit has the aerobraking arrow, how does this work?
  12. I just learned that 3 RCS thrusters is not a good idea even if RCS aids says they are balanced.
  13. The only problem is that the small hardpoint is very deep on the tech tree, on the advanced aerodinamics node.
  14. cómo has creado lo de las orbitas (estacionaria, de trabajo, etcetera)? estan basadas en algo en la vida real?
  15. saludos y bienvenido, estan bonitas las naves, lo estás jugando en Sandbox?
  16. I've been doing this manually and I never saw this mod before, looks promising, thanks
  17. ok, but that's precisely what I'm trying to figure out (Edit:I'm trying to figure out when is the soonest I can drop them) haha, when is too soon? also I'm trying to figure out why, so I can deduce this for other bodies.
  18. this also reminded me, I drop fairings above 40k, should I wait until I'm over 70?
  19. Going by the information on the wiki http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin , Kerbin's atmosphere goes up to 70Km, from my experience, this is what I've learned: Anything under 70K will experience drag and its apoapsis will slowly decay. Between 40Km and 70Km the effects of drag and atmospheric heating are very subtle, when launching once I'm over 40K I go full throttle and not worry too much about my vertical rate of ascend but rather try to start circularizing, when I'm descending I usually don't take much care until I break the 40Km barrier. Between 20Km and 40Km while ascending I try to stay under 900 m/s to avoid seeing "flames" until I reach 40K, I also try to keep my ascending profile over 60 degrees to try and leave this part as soon as possible, on reinsertion this is the most dangerous part, where my capsules can go Kaboom if they flip to the wrong side and overheat. Under 20K the atmosphere seems to be thicker, and I begin to see drag effects around 500 m/s I try to keep my speed under that mark and ascending at around 45/50 degrees maximum, for reinsertion if I reach this part I usually consider them safe unless I have messed up and make the inertion too steep but I usually have the opposite problem and make them too shallow. Question 1. do the visual flames effect indicate that I'm generating too much drag / I'm way over my terminal velocity? Question 2. what is the reason behind these "atmospheric bands"? looking at the atmosphere information I can see that over 40K there's less than 0.01 atm of pressure, but I can't identify anything that makes sense for the second band. Thanks
  20. these 2 links are dead: MyKSPCareer.com - Getting Started Optimal Engine Charts: By Meithan.
  21. There's a free short introduction to rocket history here: https://www.edx.org/course/goddard-apollo-history-rockets-part-1-ieeex-atg1-x-0#! just in case anyone is interested
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